Search results for "balyk"

balykba:lyknfishBalyk çorbasy iň süýji naharlaryň birisi.Fish soup is one of the tastiest foods.duzlanan-guradylan balyksalted and dried fish
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konserwntinned/canned goodsконсервыbalyk konserwasytinned fish
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duzlamakdu:zlamakv1to salthyýary duzlamakto salt cucumberkelem duzlamakto salt cabbageTomus zenanlar gyşa taýynlyk görüp gök-önüm duzlaýarlar.In summer women salt vegetables to prepare for winter.duzlanan-guradylan balyksalted and dried fish2dryderi duzlamakto dry leather bagana duzlamakto dry leatherMal soýlandan soň derini duzlaýarlar.After the animal has been slaughtered the leather is dried.3to hurt, embarrassdil bilen duzlamakto hurt or embarrass someone with your (sharp) tongueÝeňňemiň duzlap aýdan sözleri henizem ýüregimde ok bolup dur.The salty words of my sister-in-law are still a needle to my heart.Sen Jepbary baý duzladyň-ow!You hurt Jepbar so much.
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düşmek2cfdüşünmekv1to come down, to descend, alight, get off, get down fromOl dagdan aşak düşdi.She/he came down the mountain.Awusiýdik çagasy agaçdan aşak düşdi.The baby squirrel ran down the tree.maşyndan düşmekto get out of the caratdan düşmekto dismount, get down from a horseAtçapar atdan düşdi.The jockey dismounted.2to fall, drop, sink, fall downHemme jogapkärçilik biziň üstümize düşdi.All the responsibilities have fallen on us.Klasda hemmeler meniň üstümden düşdi.Everyone in the class has fallen on top of me.Derýanyň suwy düşdi.The river level fell.Duşman ýesir düşdi.The enemy were taken prisoner.3to fall outKäse çelegiň içine düşdi.The cup fell out of the bucket.Öz gazan çukuryňa özüň düşdüň.You fell into the pit which you dug for yourself.Syçan gurulgy duran gapana düşdi.The mouse fell out of the trap.Balyk tora düşdi.Fish fell out of the net.Çaganyň ilkinji dişi düşdi.Children's milk teeth fall out.Nerw keselinden soň saçym düşdi.I lost my hair because of a nervous disease.Garranyňdan soň dişiň düşýär.People's teeth fall out as they get older.4to fall, appearGaraňky düşdi.Darkness fell.Garaňky düşmäkä, öýümize aşaly.Let's get home before dark.Ýere gyraw düşüpdir.The ground was covered with hoarfrost.Täze ýyl baýramçylygyna dükanlara köp täze harytlar düşüpdir.The shop was filled with many new goods in the New Year holiday.5costBu saňa näçä düşdi?How much did you pay for it? Bu maşyn maňa gymmat düşmedi.As far as I'm concerned, this car was not expensive.Seniň okuwyň maňa gymmat düşdi.Your study was too expensive for me.6to give a discount7to understand, getSen meniň aýdýan zatlaryma düşýärmiň?Do you understand what I am saying?8to be of use, to suit, be becomingŞu köýnegiň reňki saňa düşdi.The colour of this dress suits you.9to wind up in, to be in, to turn outKeseki ýerlere düşseň, öz Watanyňy küýseýärsiň.If you wind up in foreign parts, you miss your own home country.10to arrive, comeGyş düşdi.Winter arrived.Tomus düşse çagalara mekdepden jogap berilýär.When summer comes, children are allowed to stay at home.Ýaz düşdi, tebigat oýanyp başlady.Spring came and nature began to wake up.11to fall (in love)12fall, descend, settle (e.g. a glance or a gaze)13fall, get, receiveabraýdan düşmekph. v.1to lose respectAýagyny gyşyk basyp, ters iş edip abraýdan düşdi.He lost respect by doing immoral and perverse things.2to fall from honourOl ýalan gepläp, abraýdan düşdi.He lied and has fallen from his honourable position [in society].aşa düşmekph. over-eat, gorge oneself, eat so much of something that one gets indigestion Sygyrymyz köp iýim iýip aşa düşdi.Our cow got indigestion from eating too much fodder.aýagy düşmekph. get goingTäze alan gelniňiziň aýagy düşsün, rysgal getirsin!Your recently bought bride should get going and find her destiny!The most recent wife/bride to join the family is given lots of advice.aýra düşmekph. be separated, fall away fromMeňli öz ýaryndan aýra düşdi.Mengli was separated from her husband.başy düşmekph. faceBaşyňa nähili kyn gün düşsede şol kynçylyklary ýeňip geçmeli.If you have to face difficult circumstances you have to have victory over them and move on.çöke düşmekph. respectAýal ärine çöke düşmeli we adyna ysnat getirmeli däl.A wife should show respect for her husband and not bring him disgrace.Çöke düşüp bagjygyma daňdym.ele düşmekph. fall into the hands ofKakamyň gazaba münen wagtynda eline düşdüm.I fell into the hands of my father just as he was getting angry.Urşuň birinji gijesinde Brest şäheri duşmanlaň eline düşdi.Brest city fell into enemy's hand on the first night of war.Ogry aňsatlyk bilen ele düşdi.The thief was captured easily.gorka düşmekph. fear, be afraid (of)haldan düşmekph. v.vto become weak, weaken, to loose strengthHassa ýarawsyzlykdan ýaňa indi halys haldan düşdi.The sick person then became weak because of their illness.howsala düşmekph. panic, fret, worry, be anxious/uneasy/worried (about)Öýüň açaryny tapman howsala düşdüm.I was panicking because I couldn't find the house keys.jaýyna düşmekph. v.vto be worth doingMen bu aýdymy jaýyna düşen aýdym hasaplaýaryn.I consider this to be a song worth doing.küýüne düşmekph. think about something, be in thought about an ideaTäze jaý almaň küýüne düşdüm.I am thinking of buying a new flat.ökjesine düşmekph. pursue, chase, go afterTilki towşanyň ökjesine düşüp kowalady.The hunting dog chased the rabbit and drove him away.ruhdan düşmekph. lose heart, become despondentRuhdan düşmän elmydama ruhumyz belentde bolmaly.We should always keep our spirits up and not lose heart.salkyn düşmekph. cool down, become cool/freshGüýzüň gelmegi bilen salkyn düşüp başlady.When autumn came it began to cool down.surata düşmekph. have one's photo takenJoralarym bilen surata düşdük.I had may photo taken with my female friends.tapdan düşmekph. faintüstünden düşmekph. v.1to attack somebodyTertibi ýaramaz bolanlygy sebäpli bar klasdaşlary Şöhradyň üstünden düşdüler.Because of his bad behaviour Shohrat's classmates attacked him.Gijä galyp gelenim üçin joralarym üstümden düşdüler.because I was late, my friends attacked me2to criticiseadamyň tankytlamak iň erbet häsiýetdirto criticise someone is the worst behaviour yşka düşmekph. fall in love (with), to be fond (of)Rahat söýgi yşkyna düşdi.Rahat fell in love.ýada düşmekph. remember, come to mindÝadyma düşdi.I remembered.Kiçijek wagtymdaky goşgy ýadyma düşdi.I brought to mind a poem from my childhood.ýola düşmekph. set out, set offAtlylar ýola düş set off, set out on a journeyTäze başlan işimiz ýola düşdi.Our new task has begun.ýürege düşmekph. v.1to bore2to bother, pesterBir aýdan zadyny köp gaýtalap ýürege düşdi.He bothered me by repeating one word over and over again.
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yslanmaky:slanmakvto go off, to go bad, decompose, rotyslanan etrotted meatBalyk yslanyp başlapdyr.The fish has started to smell.
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çeňňekn1hook, fishing hookçeňňek bilen balyk tutmakto catch fish using a fishing hook2fishing rodçeňňekli ýüpfishing lineçeňňek taşlamakcast the line, put the line out
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ugramakvto leave on a journey, to go, to leaveMen çörek almak üçin çörek dükana ugraýynmy?Shall I go to the bakery shop to buy some bread? Oglanlar balyk tutmak üçin köle tarap ugradylar.The boys went to the lake to fish.Guşga tarap ugraýan otla zordan ýetişdim.I barely caught the train to Gushgy.Men ugraýyn, sagat ikide ýygnagym bar.I have to leave as I have a meeting at two o'clock.Myhmanlar ugramakçy bolsalar, toý serpaýyny beriň.If the guests are leaving, give them some wedding gifts.Mary – Aşgabat aralykda gatnaýan awtobus on minutdan ugraýar.The bus from Mary to Ashgabat leaves in ten minutes.Günörtanky yssa galmankak öýe ugramaly.We need to leave for home before the midday heat.Biz deňze iki hepdelik dynç almak üçin ýene iki günden ugrarys.We are leaving in two days for the sea for two weeks vacation.
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ugrukmakv1to move towards, to move in the direction ofAwçy tokaýa tarap ugrukdy.The hunter moved towards a forest.Maşyn günorta ugrukdy.A car moved south.Balyk gowy tutulmansoň, balykçylar derýanyň başga tarapyna ugrukdylar.As the fishing was unsuccessful, the fishermen moved to the other side of the river.2to improveBirinji synpda okaýan Mekanyň hatlary entegem ugruganok.The first grade student Mekan's handwriting still hasn't improved.Indi elim tikine ugrugansoň, başga gyz-gelinleriň köýneklerinem tikýärin.As my sewing skills have improved I am sewing other girls' dresses as well.Söwdam ugrukmansoň, indi men başga işe başlaýmakçy.As my treaty business did not succeed, I will try another job.Söwdam ugrukmansoň, indi men başga işe başlamakçy.As my treaty business did not succeed, I will try another job.
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balykçyba:lykçynfishermanDynç alyş güni balykçylar çeňňegi bilen derýa balyk tutmaga barýarlar.At the weekend fishermen go to the river with nets to catch fish.
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