Search results for "binang"

nganat (sp. var. ngana-) int. why; interrogative pronoun that asks the reason for something. Kanan Juliey “Nganat edakami hinalaman an binangun?” Julie asked, “Why did you wake us up so early?” Oha bo ya ngannat etaku bayadan? One thing more, why should we pay? Sim: tipe. (sem. domains: - Reason.)

komo adjunct. just because; since; expression of agreement; yes or okay. A: Tipet indat nan he-an ampuyo ya binangngad na? B: Komo anhan ugge nibangngad? A: Why did she give you the skirt and then, insist that it be returned to her? (rhetorical question) B: Yes, it’s true that it shouldn’t have been returned. A: Etaku tibon nan nate te hinag-on. B: Komo ume taku peman. A: Let’s go to see the dead man because he’s our neighbor. B: Yes, let’s definitely go. Komo maid di ammod ku ya eyak iathinan dakayu. Just because I have no parents, you do that to me. Attitudinal. (sem. domains: - Agree with someone.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: como.

halaman 1advpred. to be early in the morning. Humalaman kan umalih bigat. Come early tomorrow. Ohan biggatna ya himmalaman dan nangan. One morning they ate very early. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Time. (sem. domains: - Time of the day.) 2trans. to do something specific early. Halamanom an umali. You come early. Kanan Juliey “Nganat edakami hinalaman an binangun?” Julie asked, “Why did you wake us up so early?” ‑on/‑in‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. der. himmalaman

edakami pers. we, exclusive; the form is a compound of the marker e with the 2nd person plural exclusive personal pronoun, a member of Set 3; the form is preposed before the verb in the clause, encodes the object grammatical relation and is cross-referenced by the affix on the verb.. Kanan Juliey “Nganat edakami hinalaman binangun?” Julie asked “Why did you wake us up so early?” (sem. domains: 9.2.3 - Pronouns.)

dede 1intrans. to level out rice pond with feet; to trample rice pond mud to fill holes or cracks so that water is retained. [This is done when carabao are not available.] Mundede da nadan tatagu. The people are leveling the field with their feet. muN‑/nuN‑. Sim: kiblu, daya. (sem. domains: 6.2.2 - Land preparation.) 2trans. to level the soil in a particular area by trampling with feet. Idedem nan binangbang mu. You level out what you have dug. i‑/iN‑.

binang intrans. to boast loudly, usually done by a drunken person, both talking and singing. Donglon yu din mumbinang an kadangyan kanu. Just listen to that drunken man boasting that he is a wealthy man. muN‑/nuN‑. 1C General class. (sem. domains: - Boast.)

bangun₂ 1intrans. to awaken and get up. Bimmangun kanuh ho- Abe ot to- mangen muntikid an umed Talih hi abung na. Reportedly, Abe awakened/got up and er...went climbing toward Talih to his hut. “Bumangun kayu mon iimbabalek, kanan inada. “Wake up, children,” their mother said. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Class 2E Body/Physiological functions. (sem. domains: 5.7.3 - Wake up.) 2trans. to awaken someone; the affix cross-references the person being awakened. Kanan Juliey “Nganat edakami hinalaman an binangun? Julie asked, “Why did you wake us up so early?” ‑on/‑in‑. bumangun infl. bangunon

talo (sp. var. talotalo) comm. morning star; evening star. Bumangon kah nasapa ta tigom nan talon. Wake up early and see the morning star. Sim: bittuwon; spec: talon binang-alan; spec: talon binakgitan. (sem. domains: - Planet, - Star.) n. ph. talon binang-alan

talon binang-alan (n. ph. of talo, bang-al) comm. a star (planet) seen in the eastern sky before or at sunrise. gen: talo. (sem. domains: - Planet.)