Search results for "gamong"

pinagpagan comm. a blanket for the dead. Sim: gamong.

napinitan comm. a kind of blanket woven for the dead. Sim: gamong.

lumtong comm. a blanket woven for the dead. Sim: gamong. (sem. domains: 7.3.7 - Cover.)

gamong comm. a blanket, hand-woven, used for wrapping the dead; one of three classes of woven blankets. Sim: pinagpagan; Sim: lumtong; Sim: napinitan; Sim: bayyaung. (sem. domains: 5.1.1 - Furniture.)

bayyaung (sp. var. bayyaong) comm. a native woven blanket, black with red and white stripes; rich man’s blanket. [Formerly, only the rich used a bayyaung-blanket; it was used as a carrying-blanket and for special occasions when men wore it thrown over the shoulders with the middle hanging over chests.] Em ihap-e nan bayyaung apum. Go dry the blanket of your grandfather in the sun. Eda gumatang hi bayyaung ta ieda nah nate. They will buy a blanket for the dead. Sim: gamong. (sem. domains: 5.3.4 - Clothes for special occasions.)