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nuN- TACR. 1this prefix encodes past tense and durative time aspect; it cross references the subject and is the default affix for Class 1 verbal roots. <Morphophonology: The velar consonant in coda position assimilates to the point of articulation of the first consonant in the root.> Nip-ot bo te nundogo ot mate. To top it all off, he fell sick and died. Om, te maid di hilhilbi hin ugge ta nun-adal ya maid di ngunu. Yes, because one is as good for nothing without education (lit. have not learned) and without a job. 2past tense, signals a durative aspect activity rather than a punctiliar action when co-occurring with a transitive verbal root, cross references subject. Nuntudokak ke hiya nimpe. 3when the prefix co-occurs with the reduplicant CV(C)-, it encodes past tense, durative-continuative aspect and cross references the subject. 4when this affix co-occurs with Class 6 verb roots, it changes statives to durative processes; it encodes past tense and cross references the subject. 5the prefix derives verbs from nouns; it encodes past tense and cross- references the subject. Man-ut nun-iskul mu ingganah grade four ya abu. He took formal education to grade four only Nun-ampuyo kamin am-in an binabai. All of us women wore the Ifugao skirt. 6the prefix encodes past tense, reflexive and cross references both the subject and object expressed in a single noun phrase. Indani ya naatu da nin nundopap. After a while maybe they were tired of grappling with each other.

mittulu (sp. var. of mittala) 1) comm. teacher, mentor. Mittulu hi amana. His father is a teacher. Kinalin nan mittulun di grade one an ume ka te damana mon munggrade one ka. The grade one teacher said that you can go to school and be in grade one now. Impaha-ad nan mittulu nan ubunan hi papel. The teacher had papers placed on the seats. (sem. domains: 3.6 - Teach.) 2) intrans. to become a teacher. Pinhod nan mummittulu hin maongal. He wants to be a teacher when he grows up.

mabalin (infl. of balin) advpred. predicates the fact that something is possible, can be done, or the willingness to do something. Mabalin an waday utok na te handih wada grade three ya naipromote hi grade four hi kaginnawwan di toon. He probably has a good brain because when he was in grade three, he was promoted to grade four in the middle of the year. Modality. (sem. domains: - Possible.)

liblu comm. 1refers to any printed material: book, magazine, pamphlet. Munbidbid ka hi liblu hin maid at-attom. Read a book if you are not doing anything. (sem. domains: 3.5.7 - Reading and writing.) 2grade level in school. Tuluy liblu di ginibbu na. He finished three grades. (sem. domains: 3.6.2 - School.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: libro.

kaginawwan (der. of gawwa) nom. to be the middle of a time, space or position. Naipromote hi grade four hi kaginawwan di toon. He was promoted to grade four in the middle of the year. (sem. domains: 8.5.5 - Spatial relations.)

inggana conj. 1until, continuance of an action or activity ending with a specified time event or action. Mahuyop ka inggana umaliyak. You sleep until I come. (sem. domains: 8.4.7 - Continue, persevere.) 2until; marks an adverbial time phrase. Ingganad uwani ya nanongnan mumbaki ama takon di nun-iskul handi. Until now, my father continues to be a pagan-priest even though he has gone to school. Man-ut nun-iskul mu ingganah grade four ya abu. He took formal education to grade four only. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano. comp. ta inggana infl. ingga-inggana

humlun (infl. of hulun) trans. to cause something in particular. Mahapul mu ta maid di humlun hi bumabaan di grades mu. You need (to see) that nothing will cause your grades to be lowered. Hay hinumlun ya imbaag nah tulang na. What caused it is that he called his brother names. Sim: gapu te. (sem. domains: - Cause, - Reason.)

gradu (sp. var. of gladu) story; grade.

grade comm. refers to any of the years of school, 1-12. (sem. domains: 3.6.2 - School, 8.1.1 - Number.) Laanguage Of Borrowing: English.

gladu (sp. var. gradu) comm. 1a grade of school. Tuluy gladu nah iskul. He is in grade three. (sem. domains: 3.6.2 - School.) 2a story of a building; floors of a building, refers to the levels of a building. Duwan gladu nan kinapya dan bale. The house they built is two stories. (sem. domains: 6.5.1 - Building.) Lnguage Of Borrowing: Spanish: grado.

gawwa 1comm. middle; center. Nalting nan unga nah gawwan di baybay. The child was drowned in the middle of the sea. Naipromote hi grade four hi kaginawwan di toon. He was promoted to fourth grade in the middle of the year. (sem. domains: 8.5.5 - Spatial relations.) 2intrans. to be between or in the middle. Munggawwa kan mahuyop. Stay in the middle when we sleep. Maphod di migawwan mahuyop. It’s good to sleep in-between. (two people) muN‑/nuN‑, mi‑/ni‑. (sem. domains: - Inside, - Between.) 3trans. to put something in the center or middle; to insert something. Igawwam tun papel nah liblum. Insert (lit. middle it) this paper in your book. i‑/iN‑. 3A Move and position object at site. (sem. domains: 7.5 - Arrange.) der. kaginawwan

damana advpred. refers to what is within the limits of circumstances, ability or power; can; is possible; is allowed. Datuwen bibiyo ya damanan ipkod day tagu. Those bibiyo-spirits can take hold of a person’s life. Kinalin nan mittulun di grade one an ume ka te damana mon munggrade one ka. The grade one teacher said that you can go to school and be in grade one now. Modality. (sem. domains: - Possible.) der. nadama ph. v. damana man nin ph. v. damanat nangamung

baba 1comm. refers to a place of lower elevation. Immeh baba te waday ena tibon. He went down because he went to see someone. Sim: da-ul. (sem. domains: - Move down.) 2intrans. to get down; to go below. Bumaba kah na. Get down from there. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 3proc. the process of something becoming lower, whatever has degrees of elevation or levels. Hay importanten punggastuwam ya nadan liblun mahapul mu ta maid di humlun hi bumabaan di grades mu. What is important is that your spending should be for those books you need so that nothing will cause your grades to be lowered. Bimmaba day magatang. They lowered (the price) of what was being sold. 2G Processes. 4trans. (sec) to lower one’s status. i‑/iN‑.

pitu 1adj. seven. Pitu kamin hintutulang. We are seven brothers and sisters. Pituy toona yaden makangngun-unud ya makabbaddang. He was only seven years old, yet he was obedient and helpful. Number quantifier. 2adj. seventh. Ha-oy di mikapitu. I’m the seventh. mika‑. 3adj. seven times. Naminpitu kan immali. You came seven times. Mamitun pihuy bayad di oha hantudah nungkikbin manuk. Those cooped chickens are worth seven pesos each. maN‑. namin‑. 4adj. seven each. Hinpipituy imbabale mi. We have seven children each. Hinpipituy liblu mi ot ahi kami nuntikod. We each reached seventh grade before we quit. hiN‑ CV‑. 5intrans. to divide into seven parts. Pumpituwom nan tupaya. Divide the papaya into seven pieces. puN‑ ‑on. comp. himpulut pitu der. himpipitu

promote trans. to raise someone in rank or grade.

rangko comm. refers to a person’s standing, position or grade level, e.g. military rank. (sem. domains: 4.5.6 - Status.) Language Of Borrowing: English: rank.

‑um‑ ‑an TACR. 1this circumfix encodes a non-past tense process and cross-references a specific object. Ya hay importanten punggastuwam ya nadan liblum mahapul mu ta maid di humlun hi bumabaan di grades mu. And the most important thing is to spend (your money) on those books you need so that nothing will cause your grades to be lowered. Oha bo ya nakalligat di pumalattugan. Another reason is, their guns were hard to shoot (not automatic). Bumanidbidak hi liblu nah bakasyon. I do nothing but read books during vacation. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.) 2non-past tense, reciprocal action. Pumanuddugan da yaden nahuyop hi inada. They keep running after each other while their mother is asleep.