Search results for "katam"

lukat trans. to open something, e.g. a door or can Lukatam ya- tun panto. Please open this door. Ilukat mu nan panto ta humgop da. Open the door so they will enter. Munlukat kah taldinat ta ihada taku. Open a can of sardines for our viand. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, i‑/iN‑, muN‑/nuN‑. Sim: bughul, bukat. (sem. domains: 7.3.6 - Open.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

katam 1comm. a tool for smoothing wood; a plane. Alam nan katam ke Domingo. Get the plane from Domingo. Sim: tapilya. (sem. domains: 6.7.1 - Cutting tool.) 2trans. to smooth wood with a plane. Katamom nan udyon tabla. Smooth the mahogany board. Kinatam na nan poste. They smoothed the post. Mungkatam dah dulung. They are smoothing floor boards. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

hikat (sp. var. hitak) trans. to insert something underneath another thing; to put something under or between. [The word is usually used in relation to inserting something to raise or make another thing level. ] Ha-adam hi hikat nan dulung. Insert something between the floor boards. Hikatam nan tukud ta tumagtag-e. Insert something under the post to raise it. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 3A Move and position object at site. (sem. domains: - Put in.)

tapilya plane, a tool for smoothing wood. Sim: katam. (sem. domains: 6.7.1 - Cutting tool.)

tayyap (sp. var. tayap) 1intrans. to fly around; to fly away. Ditakun tatagu ya kulugon takun wadaday mundallanan weno muntayyapan an adi matibo. It is a common belief that there are unseen beings who are either walking around or flying in the air. Adi muntayyapan nah mapat-al. It does not fly around during the day. (This refers to an owl.) Nah barracks di maphod an puntayyapan nadah kite. The barracks are a good place to fly kites. Muntayyapan da nadan manuk te timmakut da nah banniya. The chickens are flying about because they are afraid of the forest lizard. muN‑ ‑an/nuN‑ ‑an, puN‑ ‑an. 1B Movement with a directional component. (sem. domains: - Fly.) 2trans. the wind causes something to fly away; to blow away. Intayap di dibdib nan inhap-em. The wind blew away your laundry. Mitayap nadan papel hin bukatam nan tawang. The papers will be blown away if you open the window. i‑/iN‑, mi‑/ni‑.