Search results for "kayat"

lob’a comm. a slope or side surface area of rice paddies. [The terrace side of a ricefield can be high and steep.] Kayatom din loba hin pakakayat ka. Climb that wall-slope if you can. (sem. domains: 6.2.9 - Farmland.)

kayat 1to climb upward. 1.1intrans. to move upward, climbing a stake, tree, or other climbable object. Kimmayat didan u-unga dih mangga. The children climbed the mango tree. Nag-ahak handi kinali adik mo ipidpidwan kumayat. I fell once, that’s why I’ll never climb trees again. Uggek ni-an inilan kumayat handi te ittayak. I didn’t know how to climb trees then because I was small. ‑um‑/‑immi‑. 2A Movement from one place to another. Sim: amit, kallehke. (sem. domains: - Move up.) 1.2intrans. to climb from one upright object to another with durative aspect. Mungkayyatan da. They are climbing from tree to tree. muN‑ ‑an/nuN an . 2to climb something. 2.1trans. to climb a specified upright object; the focus is on the patient-object being climbed. Kayatom nan ba-at ta alam nadan nal-um an bungana. Climb the guava-tree and get the ripe fruit. on/in . 2.2trans. to climb an upright object, carrying something; the focus is the conveyed object being carried. Ikayat mu nan basket ta pangiha-adan yuh polagon yu. Climb up with the basket and load it with the fruits you gather. i/iN .

kallehke sta. to be a climber; refers to someone who loves to climb anything, e.g. trees, building, etc. Nakallehkeh tulang ku. My brother loves to climb anything. na‑. Sim: kayat, amit. (sem. domains: - Enjoy doing something.)

dunghak (sp. var. dunghuk) trans. to stab with a sharp instrument, usually a pole, specifically to obtain fruit from a tree. Dughakom nan tabuyug ta mag-a. Stab at the pomelo so that it will fall. Dinunghak na nan niyug te adi pakakayat. He stabbed at the coconut with a pole because he cannot climb. ‑on/‑in‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 4D Release, remove or detach object. Sim: duladul, hudpak, hukit, hudng’ak. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.)

baya-bat comm. guava fruit; also refers to the tree. Kayatom didan nal-um an bayya-bat ta kapyaok hi gelly. Climb the guave tree and get the ripe ones and I’ll make them into jelly. Adim tagan hi kakan hi bayya-bat te indai ya matubol ka. Do not be eating too many guavas or you might get constipated. Pisidium guajava (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Food from fruit.)

balabal₁ comm. a tree variety with edible fruit. Kayatom nan balabal ta kanon ta. Climb the balabal-tree so we can eat (its fruit). Sim: pal-e. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)

amit intrans. to climb or scale houses, trees, stonewalls; to climb expertly. Nan mun-ammitan di ayagan yun mangala nah littuku. The one who loves to climb is the one you call to gather the rattan fruit. Mun-amitan nan tagu nadah niyug. The man climbs from coconut tree to coconut tree. muN‑ ‑an/nuN‑ ‑an. Sim: kayat, kallehke. (sem. domains: - Move up.)

pun-i- distr. this prefix encodes distributive or directional components and cross-references the direct object, Class 3 verbal root; non-past tense. <The pun- form has the distributive or directional conponents, while the i- cross references the direct object. > Takon di hilot ya pun-ialo da ten nap-uy dayakkot. When the rice is gone, some naughty ones throw dung at each other. Pun-igatang nah mainum ta in-inummon da nah ibbana. He buys drinks for his friends. Pun-ihagmuk nan iniggid mu di binokbok yaden pun-ikiwan di winawwan mu. As you sprinkle the yeast over the rice with your left hand, you keep stirring with your right. Pun-ikayat nah tawang da. He is climbing through their window. Pun-ibtik nay gamgam. He is running away with something valuable. Sim: impuN--, puN- -on. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

sayote (sp. var. sayuti) comm. a vine vegetable with green edible fruit and shoots. Logmon di sayote hi kayat. A sayote-vine climbs on anything. Sechium edule (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.

talukad 1comm. the footholds on trees and mountain slopes. Waday talukad nan niyug kinali nalakan kayaton. The coconut tree has footholds along its trunk that is why it is easy to scale. Sim: palakad. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.) 2trans. to notch a tree trunk or mountainside for footholds. Talukadam nan niyug ta waday aton an mangayat. You notch a foothold on the coconut tree so that it can be climbed. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5B Changing state of site by removal of something. (sem. domains: 7.8.3 - Cut.)