Search results for "lima"

patani comm. lima beans. Kimmayat nan patani nah alad. The lima beans climbed on the fence. Sim: lawiging. (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food, 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.) languageOfBorrowing: Tagalog.

ngadanon (infl. of ngadan) trans. to enumerate or name things. Ngadanon yu nadan boble hitud Ifugao. Enumerate the towns in Ifugao. Ngumadan kah liman makan an pinpinhod mu. Enumerate five kinds of foods that you love. ‑on/‑in‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 4E Perception and Cognition. (sem. domains: 3.5.1 - Say.)

nuN- -on this circumfix encodes the notion that there are plural agent-subjects, each one performing the action expressed in the verb, and it cross-references the object referents; past tense. Danaen liman patul ya nun-aaddumon day tindalu da nah Nundotal an Siddim an nih-up nah Naten Baybay. (Genesis 14:3) Those five kings, they joined together their soldiers at the Siddim Valley which is by the Dead Sea. Sim: muN- -on. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

nalima (der. of lima) adj. fifty; the cardinal number 50. Nalima nan indat nan igattang hi boga. He gave fifty pesos to buy rice. na‑. Number quantifier. Sim: bongle. (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.) der. hinnanalima

mikalima (der. of kalima) sta. fifth in sequential order. Hiyay mikaliman dida. He is the fifth in their family. mi‑. 6D Descriptive. (sem. domains: - Ordinal numbers.)

lugu 1comm. shoots of the squash plant. Ikamom nan lugu nah patani. Mix the squash-shoots with the lima beans. (sem. domains: - Food from vegetables.) 2trans. to gather squash shoots. Munlugu dah ihda taku hi hilong. They are gathering squash-shoots for our viand tonight. An damanan eyak lumugu nah intanom mu? Could I go and gather the squash-shoots of your plant? Linugu da nan intanom Pablo yaden ugge ni-an bimmunga. They gathered the squash-shoots that Pablo planted yet it had not yet borne fruit. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑, ‑on/‑in‑.

linnawa comm. the life principle in man and animals; believed to live on after death; spirit, soul. Nate ot ume nan linnawa nad langit. He died and his spirit went to heaven. Cultural note: The traditional religious system involved a belief that animals had spirits. Animals were sacrificed during a religious ritual, and the spirits of the dead animals would then go to other worlds to provide for the spirits of gods, ancestors or dead relatives. Sim: alimadduwan, espiritu. (sem. domains: 3.1 - Soul, spirit.) id. dumop-ay linnawak

lima quan. five. Waday liman manuk ku. I have five chickens. (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.) comp. duwampulut lima comp. himpulut lima der. hinlilma der. kalima der. nalima

lawiging comm. a bean variety, lima. Munhayumuhum di lawiging The lima beans smell good. Sim: patani. (sem. domains: - Food from vegetables.)

kolehiyo 1comm. college. Liman toonan nun-iskul hi kolehiyo. He studied in college for five years. (sem. domains: 3.6.2 - School.) 2intrans. to attend college. Mungkolehiyo hi toon. He is going to college next year. muN‑/nuN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: colegio.

katlu₂ (der. of tulu) 1sta. the third in a sequence of count objects. Ha-oy di mikatlu ke dakamin liman hintutulang. I am the third of us five brothers. Hantuh mikatlu mipalpud uwani ya umalih tulang ku. On the third day from today, my brother will come. (sem. domains: 8.1.1 - Number.) 2nom. one-third share of a crop. (sem. domains: - Fraction.) 3trans. to divide into three equal parts. (sem. domains: 7.8 - Divide into pieces.) 4comm. third day of the week. [first day is Monday.] Umali kah bale hi katluna. Come to the house on Wednesday. 5quan. refers to the third entity or event in a sequence. Hi katlun di algo nah biggat na, ihudum mo nan bubud ya tono hi buhi. On the third day in the morning, put the fermented rice and the juice into a wine jar. der. ingkatlu

kalimangan comm. frame of house; house skeleton; framework of any building. Binohwat da moy kalimangan di baleda. They have already erected the frame of their house. (sem. domains: 6.5.2 - Parts of a building.)

kalimana (der. of kalima) 1n. fifth day of the week. Handih himbatangan dih kalimana ya immeyak di Manila. Last Friday afternoon I went to Manila. Syn: Biyarnit, biernes. (sem. domains: - Days of the week.) 2nom. the fifth day of an event. Ad uwaniniy kalimana nan nate. Today is the fifth day of the dead. ka‑ + na.

kalima (der. of lima) 1quan. the ordinal number designating the fifth place in an ordered sequence; fifth. (sem. domains: - Ordinal numbers.) 2nom. fifth day; Friday. der. kalimana der. mikalima

kaban₁ 1comm. a measure of rice; a container with 50 kilos of rice. Deket kalyon day ohan kaban an boga on limay pulun kilo kinali hingkaban di upuwon dah ohan bulan. If they say one container of rice is fifty kilos that is why one container is what they consume in one month. (sem. domains: 8.2.8 - Measure, 6.7.7 - Container.) 2trans. refers to a container that has been filled with 50 kilos of rice. Kinaban di gattangonah boga te dakol da. He buys rice by the kavan-container because there are many of them. ‑in‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.

ikan₁ (infl. of kan) trans. to buy snacks. Idat kuh tuwen liman pihut em ikan ta adika maagangan. I’m giving you this five pesos to buy snacks so you won’t get hungry. Makangngan ka tuwali nah bigatna ta adim e ikan am-in nan pihum. You eat well in the morning so that you will not spend all your money on snacks. i‑/iN‑. (sem. domains: - Buy.)

hinnanalima (der. of nalima) comm. a measure referring to fifty each of something. Hinnanalima di nunbotok na. He bundled it at fifty each. hiN‑ CV‑. (sem. domains: 8.1 - Quantity.)

hin-am-a (der. of ama) comm. father and children; refers to a biological father and his children; may also be used to refer to a family. Lima dan hin-am-a. They are five in the family. Sim: pamilya. (sem. domains: - Related by birth.)

himpulut lima (comp. of lima, himpulu) quan. refers to the cardinal number fifteen. (sem. domains: 8.1.1 - Number.)

hihim (sp. var. sisim) comm. metal G.I. sheets used for roofing and walls. Impah-onay liman hihim ot umed Tinoc. He carried five pieces of G.I. sheets and went to Tinoc. (sem. domains: 6.5.3 - Building materials.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano: sisim.

hawwal 1comm. extra part; surplus; over-the-limit; over-the-requirement; may refer to both count and mass things. Kaatnay hawwal na? How much is the extra. Umidat kah hawwal na. Give some extra. Sim: suruk, hubla. (sem. domains: - Many, much, - Extra.) 2trans. to give more than enough; to do more than enough. Hawwalam hi lima. Give five for extra. Ihawwal muy opat. Give four for the extra. Tipe bot hawwalonah na-e. Why should he leave that as extra? Had-om ta waday hawwalok. Wait until I leave something extra. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, i‑/iN‑, ‑on/‑in‑. 3trans. to save or keep what is not needed. Nun-iboten Maria nan hinawwal min pintor. Maria bottled the paint we saved. ‑in‑.

halimukon comm. wild pigeon species, edible. [This specie is similar to the ut-ut-bird; it lives in the forest; it is edible and tastier than other pigeon species.] Mundallanan nan halimakon nah luta. The wild pigeon was walking on the ground. Sim: ut-ut. (sem. domains: - Bird.)

habawil comm. 1a vine that is similar to nettles, stings and reddens the skin when touched. Nidahida nan habawil nah taklena ot magulid. His hands were touched by the habawil-plant and they became full of sores. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.) 2edible thick-skinned lima-bean vine variety.

got’ad (sp. var. gott’ad) 1comm. the climaxing day of the uya-uy marriage feast or prestige feast. [The Gotad day follows the final night holyat of two weeks of nightly dancing. On this day, there is much drinking, dancing and singing of liwliwa-love songs for the whole day.] Kakon-anay gotad ad Baguinge? When is the gotad feast of the wedding in Baguinge? Sim: Ballihung, uya-uy. (sem. domains: - Custom.) 2intrans. Ginumtad dad Bayninan. They performed the gotad feast in Bayninan. ‑um‑/‑inum‑. 3comm. a line of people going to attend a ceremony. [For a procession, gongs are used for the music and the tune of gongs is for a procession or during the bogwa ritual.] Lourdes S. Dulawan: Ifugao Culture and History

gaud 1comm. spade with a long handle; used for soil and fieldwork. Nan gaud di pangaan mun nadah holok. Use the spade in removing the grasses. Doltakom hi gaud nan makakkulhin lamut. Thrust your spade into the hard root. (for the purpose of cutting it) Sim: baung, bangbang, pala, huklay. (sem. domains: 6.2.8 - Agricultural tool.) 2trans. to use long-handled spade to remove something such as stones from a site or to prepare a site for planting; to spade. Gaudom di batu ta iwelem. Spade away the stones and throw them away. Em gaudan di payo taku. Go to spade our field. ‑on/‑in‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 4A Change structure of object. (sem. domains: - Plow a field.) 3intrans. to till the soil in the ricefield by use of the spade; durative activity. Munggaud dad uwani hi payon Pedlo. They are spading the field of Pedro today. Inilam an munggaud hi payo? Do you know how to spade a ricefield? Munggaud day liman linalaki nah payo. Five men are tilling the soil in the ricefield. muN‑/nuN‑. comp. ahigaud
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