Search results for "ma-uwan"

mama-uwan 1intrans. to become aware; to come to one’s senses; to have the right sense. Sim: gibok. (sem. domains: - Realize.) 2trans. to become aware of something in particular. Ek imama-uwan ya nala-u ka mo. When I became aware of it, you had already passed by. i‑/iN‑.

ma-uwan 1trans. to become aware suddenly; to get one’s bearings; realize suddenly. Ek imama-uwan ya deyak nah bilid. All at once I became aware that I was in the mountains. Indani ya ena imama-uwan ya maid mo nadan e nangikuyug ke hiya, an wada nin an alas kuwatro mon diye. Then, at about 4:00 a.m. he suddenly noticed that he was left alone by his abductors. i‑ CV‑. (sem. domains: 3.2.4 - Understand.) 2v. to pay close attention; watch carefully; to be alert. Ma-uwam hin mala-u da nadan tindalu. Pay close attention if the soldiers pass-by. (sem. domains: - Imprison.)

gibok 1comm. perception of sensations related to the physical being, the body; a feeling. Nganney gibok mud uwani? What is your feeling now? Ad-adiy gibok kud uwani. I am not feeling well now. Sim: mama-uwan. (sem. domains: - Notice.) 2trans. to feel a sensation; to be conscious of sensations; to become aware. An igibok muy kotol?/An gibokom di kotol? Do you feel cold? Inggibok mu nan kolyog? Did you feel the earthquake? Indani ya- ek bo igibok ya pindonak nin ot ieyak nah nuntap-on dalan. Later on, when I became aware, maybe he held me then brought me to the upper road. i‑/iN‑. 3sta. to be aware; to sense something. Magibok nan wadan nah pingngit di wa-el mu adina maibaga nu daan hidiy kad-ana te mun-hihhilong ni-an. He could sense that he was by a river but he couldn’t tell exactly where he was as it was still dark. (sem. domains: - Alert.)

alas comm. hour. Indani ya ena imama-uwan ya maid mo nadan e nangikuyug ke hiya, an wada nin an alas kuwatro mon diye. Then, at about 4:00 a.m. he suddenly noticed that he was left alone by his abductors. (sem. domains: 8.4.1 - Period of time.)