Search results for "mun-imbabale"

mun-imbabale (der. of imbabale) intrans. to give birth, human. Mun-imbabale hantuh umalin bulan. She will give birth this coming month. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 2.6.3 - Birth.)

mamayabbayang comm. 1a dream relating to the act of reproduction; a dream of having sexual relations. [This type of dream is considered to be a prediction of conception in the case of newly married couples.] Maphod di in-inopon di mamayabbayang te mun-imbabale ka. It’s good if you dream a romantic dream because you will have children. Sim: in-in’op, ag-agawat. (sem. domains: 5.7.2 - Dream.) 2gods of reproduction. [A ritual sacrifice is given when couples have fertility problems.] Mangnong taku ta iappit takuh mamayabbayang ad Lagud. We’ll offer a sacrifice to the gods of reproduction of the East. Sim: Mamayang. (sem. domains: 4.9.2 - Supernatural being.)