Search results for "nating"

ot ahi conj. connects a sequence of events with the second contingent on the first. Hituwey kinalin Juan ke dida ot ahi da umed Manila. This is what John told them before they went to Manila. Coordinating conjunctions. (sem. domains: 8.4.5 - Relative time.)

ot₁ conj. marks a second event, sequential in time; and then; and so. <This conjunction connects two clauses that are logically sequential in time.> Imme ka ot nganne? You went and then what happened? Indatan dah Pangkah ittay hiyo dotag ot kanana ot di mun-iyan ad Mamangan. They gave Pangka some small er...meat and then told him to spend the night at Mamangan. Coordinating conjunctions. (sem. domains: - After, - And, also.)

o conj. conjoins alternative choices. Mahapul datuwe ten mungkail ka: boga, dayakkot an pummayume, ongngal an banga o palyuk, binokbok ya buhi. These are needed in the making of rice wine: ordinary rice, glutinous rice to be mixed with it, a big pot or vat, native yeast (leaves of the binokbok- plant) and a wine jar. Mahapul an hanan himmagabi ya taganah kolong hi nuwang o babuy ta pihdana nadah deh muyung ya nadan udum an bumadbaddang. The man performing the hagabi-ceremony must go on butchering carabao or pigs to feed the people in the forest and all the others who are helping him. Coordinating conjunctions. Sim: weno. (sem. domains: - Clause conjunctions.)

nu conj. a conjunction that marks a condition; if. Ahika umali nu maid di at-attom. Come after me if you have nothing to do. Etaku ke po umala, nu kaya taku. Let’s also get one if we can afford it. Subordinating conjunctions. Sim: hin, deket, konnat. (sem. domains: - Sentence conjunctions, - Condition.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

ne₁ conj. 1and then; then; expresses a chronological time sequence of events. Painumam nan nuwang ne in-anamut. Let the carabao drink, then bring it home. Coordinating conjunctions. 2and so; expresses a logical result connection to a preceding sentence in context. Ne daan nan kabayu an etaku alan? And so, where is the horse that we came to get? (sem. domains: - Clause conjunctions.)

nating (sp. var. of nateng) comm. vegetables, generic.

nateng (sp. var. nating) comm. vegetables, generic. Nateng di ihdam ta pumhod di bolat mu. Eat vegetables so that your skin will become beautiful. spec: pihing. (sem. domains: - Food from vegetables.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

mu₃ conj. used in a comparison which expresses inequality between the first and second member of the comparison. Hay punnomnom ku ya wada nin an dakdakkol di naat mu, mu hituwe. My thinking was that you would have done much more than this. Andukdukkey buuk ku mu hay buuk mu. My hair is longer than your hair. Subordinating conjunctions. (sem. domains: - Compare.)

ke₁ (deke) conj. 1if; marks a conditional clause, hypothetical or real. Maid ke hi Juan ya uggeyak immali. If Juan had not been around I would not have come here. Athidi bon mundogo ke ya adi pakaihwang hi adol na te maid moy innunan mumbaki. Also, if he gets sick then no one will do the pagan prayer for him. Wada ke ot di pihhu yu ya balalan yu nan payo da. If only you had money then you could take the mortgage of their field. Subordinating conjunctions. (sem. domains: - Condition.) 2follows a predicate and marks a time phrase or clause. <The allomorph y of the linker di is an enclitic.> Wada key dinatngan da, lingngo da ta potnon da. When they find a satisfactory tree, they fell it and remove the parts not needed. Mala-u key duwan hinlingguwan ya damanan hiitom nan baya ta inumon taku! After about two weeks, pour out the wine from the jar and we’ll drink with you. 3when; marks a time clause. Nadikhal ke nan kaiw ya mahapul an ihap-e. When the wood is split, we will have to dry it. Nagibbu ke nan kapkapyan di hagabi, kalyon day algoh pangihakyatan da. When the hagabi-bench is completed, they say the day that it will be brought home. (sem. domains: - Clause conjunctions.)

kay wa-el di ihbu na (id. of ihbu) refers to a large amount of urine being excreted (lit. Your urinating is like a river.)

kalima (der. of lima) 1quan. the ordinal number designating the fifth place in an ordered sequence; fifth. (sem. domains: - Ordinal numbers.) 2nom. fifth day; Friday. der. kalimana der. mikalima

ihbu 1comm. fluid excretion from kidneys; urine. Mun-agub di ihbun di kabayu. The urine of the horse smells bad. 2intrans. to excrete fluid from kidneys; to urinate. Mun-iihbu yaden mundallanan. He is urinating while walking. Umihbu ka mod uwani ta adim ihbuwan nan pantalon mu. Urinate now so that you will not urinate in your pants. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, muN‑/nuN‑. Class 2E Physiological functions. (sem. domains: 2.2.7 - Urinate, urine.) 3trans. to urinate. <The affixes cross-reference an object that is, the urine, or its placement.> Iihbum nah kad-an the nitanom. Urinate where there are plants. Paihbuwom nan golang te pinhod nan umihbu. Let the baby urinate because he wants to urinate. Umihbu ka mod uwani ta adim ihbuwan nan pantalon mu. Urinate now so that you will not urinate in your pants. i‑/iN‑, pa‑ ‑on, i‑ ‑an. id. kay wa-el di ihbu na

die (sp. var. dee) sta. to be urinating frequently. ma‑.

dee (sp. var. of die) sta. to be urinating frequently. Nadee nan golang te intaganah inum hi liting. The child is always urinating because he kept on drinking water. (sem. domains: 2.5 - Healthy.)

Bagabag prop. a town in northern Nueva Viscaya. Ad Bagabag di pakimalketan nadan kompradol hi nating. It is in Bagabag where the vegetable vendors buy and sell. (sem. domains: - Country.)

alutiptip sta. burning sensation when urinating; urge to urinate Aga, aga ta ha-oy ni-an di humgop teden naalutiptippak. Please, let me be the first to use the comfort room for I really need to urinate. ma‑/na‑. 6A Physiological process - State. (sem. domains: 2.2.7 - Urinate, urine.)

ahhud trans. to pound alternately with pestles; to remove the husk from rice. [More than one person is pounding in a mortar] Mun-ahhud dan mumbayun nah page. They are alternating the pounding of rice. Ahhudan da nan bayuwon. They are alternately pounding the rice. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 1A Movement with a manner component. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.)

ta₁ The conjunction links a statement of means with a statement of purpose. conj. 1so that. <Morphophonology: Following words ending in vowels ta can be reduced to a clitic form t attached to the preceding word.> Kah-in di he-ay ume ta he-ay e makihummangan ke hiya. You must go so that you’ll be the one to talk to him. Coordinating conjunctions. (sem. domains: - Purpose.) 2and, with a purpose. Ekat em iabba nan duyat. Go to carry the baby on your back. Manginbubuttik ka aga dih tendaan ta eka gumattang hi suka. Please run to the store to buy vinegar. 3in order to. Immaliyak ta awitok tun golang. I came in order to take this baby. Hay atom ta matikod nan pumbabahhulan yu ya tayanam tun boble. What you need to do in order to stop the bad relationship between you is for you to leave this place. Kah-in di waday himpulun mukkol ta ahi mapnu nan saku. Ten more pieces are needed in order to fill up the sack. comp. deke pe nin ta comp. deket comp. hin anoka ta comp. ta ahi

takon conj. a conjunction of concession; although; even; even when; even if; even though. {The conjunction relates a hypothetical concession with an assertion.} Takon di athidi ya opya ka. Although it’s like that, you keep quiet. Takon di hi Pedro ya nahuyop. Even Peter is asleep. Takon nan udidiyan da ya makitentenda. Even their youngest helps in selling. Takon di bimmungot tak pimmaliyak ke ya paka-ikabing nay tugun ku. Even when he is angry, he still heeds me when I talk to him. Makaphod nan buhim te adi malumman di tamtam di baya takon di mabayag an miha-ad. Your jar is good because the taste of the rice wine does not change even if it stays in it for a long time. Takon di bumoh-ol ka ya alak damdama. Even if you are angry, I’ll get it anyway. Subordinating conjunctions. (sem. domains: - Concession.)

te conj. the logical connection that marks a reason; because. Maka te ume ta. Come because we are leaving. Om, te maid di hilhilbi hin ugge ta nun-adal ya maid di ngunu. Yes, because one is worthless without education and without a job. Bahul nadan nangipunduwana te uggeda ninomnom di aton da. It was the fault of those who were put in-charge because they didn’t think about what they will do. Subordinating conjunctions. (sem. domains: - Cause, - Reason.) comp. tedeya

weno (fr. var. ono; sp. var. wenu) conj. expresses the relation of alternatives; or. Umali ka weno adika? Are you coming or not? Waday liting weno maid? Is there water or none? Nganney pinhod mu, hituwe wenu hidiye? What do you want, this or that? Coordinating conjunctions. Sim: o. (sem. domains: - Or, either.)

ya 1conj. and; a conjoining conjunction that expresses an additive relationship between clauses or constituents of a noun phrase. Imme kami ya maid kayu. We went and you were not there. Maka ya ta baddanganak. Please come and help me. Ambiambilog ya dakkodakkol di tatagu. It is wide and there are plenty of people. Waday kanta, hapit ya tayo an impatibon nadan nalpuh natkonatkon an boble. There were songs, speeches and dances rendered by different groups from different barrios. Mumboga da ya mungkail da. They get rice and they make wine. Coordinating conjunctions. (sem. domains: - And, also.) 2lk. links the constituents of an equational clause. Umboy biggatna ya munlilingot ka. Even in the morning, you perspire. Hay humagabi ya hay kadangyan. Hay ngadan bon nan kay ubunan an eda alan hi muyung ya hagabi damdama. comp. deke ya comp. deya comp. yaden