Search results for "ogon"

ogon 1intrans. to hold back in doubt and hesitation, often because there is an awareness of a distinction in status. Mun-ogon an kumali te indai ya boknon da. She is hesitant to comment for they might resent it. Mun-ogon an e humgop. She is hesitant to enter. muN‑/nuN‑. 1C General class. Sim: halinduwa. (sem. domains: - Attitude.) 2comm. shame due to lack of status, not because of wrong doing or inappropriate behavior. Maid ogon mun e makikan ke dida. You have no shame to go and eat with them. (How dare you go and eat with them!) (sem. domains: - Ashamed.)

ngiyo₁ 1comm. refers to a lung disease such as tuberculosis or asthma; the main meaning component relates to having breathing problems. Wady dogonan ngiyo. She is sick with asthma. Sim: tibi, yaki. (sem. domains: 2.5.1 - Sick, 2.5.2 - Disease.) 2intrans. to have breathing difficulty, such as episodes of asthma. Waday imbabaleyok an mungngiyo. I have a niece who has asthma. muN‑/nuN‑.

mam-a 1sta. to be more so; as a comparative, for something to become more so in degree. Immanamut da kediyen algo ya dakol di istolya da, namam-an Julie. When they went home, they told many stories, especially Julie. Namam-an mahong-o hin udman pay hi gatan di niyug. It is more tasty if coconut milk is used. Mamam-ay dogona te maid kanona. His sickness will become worse because he has had nothing to eat. ma‑/na‑. 6D Descriptives. (sem. domains: - Increase.) 2trans. to increase the degree of a condition or event; to make worse. Adim mam-ahon nan hakit di uluna. Do not worsen his headache. ‑on/‑in‑. Sim: lodlod. (sem. domains: - Become, change state.) 3proc. to become better or worse. Numpulbus ya immam-anay binlana. She used powder and it enhanced her fairness. Mungkamam-a nan dogo na. His ailment is becoming worse. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, mungka‑. infl. namam-a

leprosi 1comm. leprosy. Katatakut nan dogon leprosi. The leprosy disease is scary. Sim: kulit. (sem. domains: 2.5.2 - Disease.) 2intrans. to be sick with leprosy. Wadaday munleprosi ad Pindongan. There are people sick with leprosy in Pindongan. Tinaynana nan inayan na te naleprosi. She left her spouse because he has leprosy. muN‑/nuN‑, ma‑/na‑. (sem. domains: 2.5.1 - Sick.) Language Of Borrowing: English: leprosy.

hintaguwan nom. 1refers to a related group of people; lit. one-group-of-people. Adi ka umogon an bumaddang te bokon kayu hintaguwan. Don’t be selfish in helping because you’re not related. Adi mahapul an eyak tangdanan te konak hintaguwan. I don’t need to be paid because I belong to your group. hiN‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: 4.1 - Relationships.) 2refers to anyone who is not a part of the local group of people. Dakol di hintaguwan an nakiboblen dakamid uwani. There are many foreigners living among us today.

halinduwa intrans. to be unsure about a decision between two things; to be double-minded; to have doubts about someone or something. An waday munhalinduwan ke ha-on? Is there anyone who doubts me? Adika munhalinduwa. Don’t have any doubts. muN‑/nuN‑. Sim: ogon. (sem. domains: - Probably.)

gulun comm. grass; may refer specifically to cogon grass, used for thatch. Unga ke ya mabungot, diket na-ongal ya ma-ule. (gulun) While it is young, it is cruel, when it gets old, it is kind. (grass)(riddle) Nganney atop di bale yu, gulun? What is the roofing of your house, cogon grass? (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.) der. magulun

gong’a trans. to listen attentively; to hear something; to differentiate a certain sound. Igonga-am din kalkalyon da ta ahim idatdatong ke amam. Listen attentively to what they are talking about so that you can report it to your father. Igogonga-an nan mundongol nah pungkalin nan mittulu na. He is listening very well to what his teacher is saying. i‑ ‑an, iN‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: 2.3.2 - Hear.)

dogo 1sickness. 1.1intrans. to be sick; to experience disease or ill health. Mundogo hi inana kinali ugge immali. Her mother is sick that’s why she did not come. Dehtu mo ahan an mundogowak. There, now I am really sick. Athidi bon mundogo ke ya adi pakaihwang hi adol na te maid moy innunan mumbaki. Also, if he gets sick then no one will do the pagan prayer for him. muN‑/nuN‑. Sim: ganna, bon-ag. (sem. domains: 2.5.1 - Sick, 2.5.2 - Disease.) 1.2intrans. to become sick at a point in time. Dumgo ka hin adika mangan. You will get sick if you do not eat. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2to become sick. 2.1trans. the cause of sickness is prominent. Adim taynan ni-an tun golang te idgo na ke ya nganne. Don’t leave the baby that long for he might get sick and what will I do? Inidgona nan ena nundanullukan. He got sick because he went walking in the rain. i‑. 2.2trans. to feel unwell. Waday dogdoghona. He does not feel well. ‑on/‑in‑. 3comm. a condition of poor health. Uggena inilay gapun di dogo. He doesn’t know the reason for illness. Hana ken tagun inipkod di bibiyo ya mundogoh dogon adi maagahan di doktor. And a person whose life is held by a bibiyo gets sick with an illness that cannot be cured by a doctor’s prescription. infl. mundogo

buya₁ 1comm. nest of fowls; bird’s nest. Wada on inakhupak hi buya nah magulun mu maid di itlug. I came across a bird’s nest where there was a lot of cogon grass but it did not have an egg in it. 2intrans. to build a nest. Waday numbuya nah akasya. There is a bird that built its nest in the acacia-tree. muN‑/nuN‑.

bulan₂ month. 1.1comm. month. Kaatnay bulan mu? How many months pregnant are you? Kaatnay bulana? How many months old is he? (sem. domains: 8.4.1 - Period of time.) 1.2nom. monthly; every month. Binulan an bumuddu nan dogona. Every month his sickness reoccurs. ‑in‑. der. binulan der. kabulabulan

bontog trans. to follow one after another in parade-like fashion. Bonbontogon yu nadan lata. Place the cans one after the other in a line. Na keh Sabadu on mabonbontog day umalin munggattang hidih malkadu. During Saturdays, vendors are coming one after another to sell at the market place. ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑ CVC‑. (sem. domains: - Follow.)

binulan (der. of bulan) adv. to do something monthly. Binulan an bumuddu nan dogona. Every month his sickness reoccurs. Time. (sem. domains: 8.4.1 - Period of time.)

bika intrans. to use strength or force. Bumika ka ta itulud ta tun batu. Use some force so we can push this stone. Imbikan di dogona. His sickness became worse (lit. stronger). Mabika hi Gabino. Gabino is strong. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, i‑/iN‑, ma‑. Sim: kilog, kuhog, olot. (sem. domains: 2.4.1 - Strong.)

bat’in comm. kidney. Waday dogon di bati na. His kidney is defective/diseased. (sem. domains: 2.1 - Body.)

bal’a 1comm. breathing organ of humans, fowls and animals; lungs. Waday dogonah balana. He has sickness in his lungs. Nittok kanu tuwalih alte na ya hi bala na. They said that he had been stabbed right in the liver and lungs. (sem. domains: 2.1.8 - Internal organs.) 2sta. indicating that something is in the lungs. Nibala nan dogona. His sickness is in his lungs. mi‑/ni‑.

ambubuli comm. big, black, biting ant; builds nest in cogon grass. [Some believe that the eggs are good for treating colds; also, the eggs may be used as a condiment.] Tumakut nan golang hi ambubuli. The child is afraid of big black ants. (sem. domains: - Insect.)

agahan (infl. of aga) trans. to treat sickness with medicine. Hay agahan di doktor ya hay mundogo, bokon hay maid di dogona. (Luke 5:31) A doctor treats the sick person, not one who has no sickness. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5C Goal-oriented sites. (sem. domains: 2.5.7 - Treat disease.)

hukhuk 1trans. to hide behind someone or something. Tipet ihukhuk mun inam? Why do you hide behind your mother? i‑/iN‑. 3A Move and position object at site. Sim: hukyab, hulbuk. (sem. domains: 7.6 - Hide.) 2pass. to be hidden or sheltered. Binumtik nan manuk ot nihukhuk nah maholok. The chicken ran away and hid itself among the grasses. Eka mihukhuk dih gulun. Go hide yourself in the cogon-grass. mi‑/ni‑.

at’op 1comm. roof; roofing material. Hinnanotak di atop nan balemi. I changed the roof of our house. (sem. domains: 6.5.2 - Parts of a building.) 2trans. to construct a roof; to use as roofing. Iatop yu nan gulun. Roof with the cogon grass/Use cogon grass for the roof. Atopan yu nan baleda ad uwani. You are going to roof their house today. i‑/iN‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 3pass. to be roofed. Naatopan moy baleda. Their house is already roofed/has a roof. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. 4intrans. to make a roof. Mun-atop da nadan mungngunu. The workers are constructing the roof. Umatop kayuh pun-hiduman taku. Make a roof for our shelter. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑.

pokod trans. refers to the hold that spirits may have on a person’s life. Datuwen bibiyo ya damanan ipkod day tagu. Those bibiyo-spirits can take hold of a person’s life. Hana ken tagun inipkod di bibiyo ya mundogoh dogon adi maagahan di doktor. And a person whose life is held by a bibiyo-spirit gets sick with an illness that cannot be cured by a doctor’s prescription. i‑/ini‑. 3I Direct an action toward an object. (sem. domains: 4.9.4 - Miracle, supernatural power.)

poppog 1comm. space or time reaches a specified limit; the end. Hituwey poppog di kubu yu. This is the end of your lot. Ta nangamung hi poppog di yahyak ya adiyak kal-iwan. To my last breath, I will not forget you. Hitu ke ya danum an maid di poppog nay maang-ang. Here, all you see is water without an end. (standing on the shore of the ocean) Hay punnomnom na ya hidiyey poppog di biyag na. What he thinks is that would be the end of his life. Opp: palpu. (sem. domains: - End.) 2trans. to end a condition or action. Napoppog di kinadangyan da handih nateyan amada. Their wealth ended when their father died. Inlappu mih di ot ipoppog mih tu. We started there and ended here. Kon-anay ahi kapoppogan di punliwatan di tagu? When will the sinning of man end? Poppogon takuy nihbutan takun dida. Let’s end our slavery to them. i/iN‑, ‑on/‑in‑, ka‑ ‑an. infl. napoppog

tukkad 1sta. to fall from an upright position; to topple over. Natukkad nan akasya handi pimmuwok. The acacia tree toppled over during the storm. Tumukad hi ongal an kaiw nan puwok an umali. The storm that is coming will topple trees. ma‑/na‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 6C Process or state of inanimate objects. Sim: hakkub, hukwangngi, tu-un, tiga-ung. (sem. domains: - Fall.) 2intrans. to totter as though to fall over. Muntukkadan hin dumallan te waday dogona. He is tottering when he walks because he has an illness. muN‑ ‑an/nuN‑ ‑an. 1A Movement with a manner component. (sem. domains: - Walk with difficulty.)