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pangi- -an₁ top. this circumfix cross-references a topicalized place, instrument or beneficiary semantic roles or modal word or phrase; non-past tense. Deket palhu di pangiha-angam, mahapul an uggan mu ikiwa ta mun-iingngoy lutu na. If a skillet is used, it is necessary to stir the rice from time to time so that it will be cooked evenly. Intibon ama nah pottok nan pumpangituludan dan hiya ya inang-ang na. My father looked in the direction where they were pushing him and he saw it. Nagibbu ke nan kapkapyan di hagabi, kalyon day algoh pangihakyatan da. When the hagabi-bench is completed, they set the day that it will be brought home. Dahdiy pangidatan nah pihu? To whom will the money be given? Sim: nangi- -an.

palyuk comm. a large cooking utensil; a vat. Usaron di palyuk hin dakol di iha-ang. One uses a vat to cook a big amount. Sim: tinapiyan, banga, palhu. (sem. domains: - Cooking utensil.) id. kay palyuk di inga na

palhu comm. a small frying pan with handle; a skillet. Ulaham din palhu ta ipulituk tun dolog. Wash the frying pan so I can fry this fish. Deket palhu di pangiha-angam, mahapul an uggan mu ikiwa ta mun-iingngoy lutu na. If a skillet is used, it is necessary to stir the rice from time to time so that it will be cooked evenly. Sim: tinapiyan, banga, palyuk. (sem. domains: - Cooking utensil.)

muN- TACR. 1this prefix encodes non-past tense, durative time aspect; it cross-references the subject and is the default affix for Class 1 verbal roots. <Morphophonology: The velar consonant in coda position assimilates to the point of articulation of the first consonant in the root.> Mungngahngahak yaden mungkaliyak hi bale mi. I gasped for breath and yet I shouted at our house. Itikod mun muntugal an ap-apuk. Stop gambling, grandson. An mun-in-inop ka? Inid-onah nunhina-ob an pukol ku. “Are you dreaming?” She held me by my shoulders. 2non-past tense, signals a durative aspect activity rather than a punctiliar action when co-occuring with a transitive verbal root, cross-references subject. Dakol kami an naamung nah plaza an munhood kamih lugan. Many of us gathered at the plaza to wait for a ride. Ta mundadaan dah ibaddang dan hiya. So that they will prepare whatever they will give to help. Katatakut pay an e bumah-el te dakol di talak an muntutun-ud. It is even dangerous to cross the street since there are many buses lined up one after the other. 3when the prefix co-occurs with the reduplicant CV(C)-, it encodes non-past tense, durative-continuative aspect and cross-references the subject. Deket palhu di pangiha-angam, mahapul an uggan mu ikiwa ta mun-iingngoy lutu na. If a skillet is used, it is necessary to stir the rice from time to time so that it will be cooked evenly. Mumpaypaytuk ya mungkuli. She was jumping up and down and screaming. 4when this affix co-occurs with Class 6 verb roots, it changes statives to durative processes; it encodes non-past tense and cross-references the subject. Mihmihdi nah munhihilong ya nah kakaiw an dakol di hapang nan mahdol di tubuna. It stays in dark places (becoming dark) or in trees with thick, leafy branches. Deket dakol di binokbok na ya mapul-ukan an mumpait. When too much binokbok-yeast is used, the wine will become bitter. 5the prefix derives verbs from nouns; it encodes non-past tense and cross-references the subject. Ya pinhod ot Mayor ya dakol day binabain mun-ampuyo. What the Mayor wanted was that many women would wear the Ifugao skirt. Mumboga da ya mungkail da. They prepare rice and make wine. Adina itikod an mumbaki te wadanwaday takut na an kumpulmin tiempu ya mate. He does not stop doing the rituals because his fear is that he might die at anytime. 6the prefix encodes non-past tense, reflexive and cross-references both the subject and object expressed in a single noun phrase. Mahapul an mamitlu kan mun-amo ohan algo. You have to take a bath three times a day (bathe yourself). Imme dah hilong ot muntalu da nah e-elena. They went while it was dark and hid themselves outside of the camp.

ingngo 1intrans. to be similar; to be alike; to resemble; to be equal. Nun-ingngo di bulwati da. They have the same clothes. Adinadaman eka miingngon nah apum. You cannot be equal to your boss. muN‑, mi‑. Sim: obot, umat, paddung. (sem. domains: - Same.) 2trans. to imitate; to follow or copy what someone does. Ining-ingo nay pungkalkalin inana. She imitated the way her mother talks. Ing-ingo nay pumbulwatin tulang na. She imitates the way her sister dresses. Iingngo yu nah kinapya dan ubunan. Imitate (make one the same) the chair that they made. i‑/iN‑. 3I Direct an action toward an object. (sem. domains: - Meet a standard.) 3sta. to be identical. Naka-ingngoy angada te dappilda. Their faces are identical because they are twins. naka‑. 4proc. to become the same. Deket palhu di pangiha-angam, mahapul an uggan mu ikiwa ta mun-iingngoy lutu na. If a skillet is used, it is necessary to stir the rice from time to time so that it will be cooked evenly. muN‑ i‑. der. kaingngo der. kiingngohan

hop’od 1comm. padding; pot holder. Kinapya nah hopod nan nabik-in bulwati. She made the torn shirt into a potholder. (sem. domains: 6.7.6 - Holding tool.) 2trans. to use something to absorb liquid or heat. Hopdam nan palhu ta adi ka maatungan. Use a pad on the handle of the frying pan so that you will not get burned. Ihpod mu nan papel ta adim odnan nan gali-ing. Use the paper as a pad so that you won’t hold the chicken dung. ‑an/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑.

ha-ang (sp. var. haang) 1to cook. 1.1trans. to cook food. Nganney inha-ang mu? What did you cook? Na-ala ot ikamom nan asukar nah arina ot ihaang mu You just mix the sugar with the flour and then you cook it. i‑/iN‑. Class 3D Move object with resulting change of state. Sim: bang-ot, apin. (sem. domains: - Cooking methods.) 1.2intrans. the activity of cooking is in view, rather than the specific thing being cooked. Munha-ang kah ihda. You cook viand. 1.3trans. to cook in a particular utensil. Deket palhu di pangiha-angam, mahapul an uggan mu ikiwa ta mun-iingngoy lutu na. If a skillet is used to cook, it is necessary to stir the rice from time to time so that it will be cooked evenly. pangi‑ ‑an . 2nom. cooking. <The circumfix puN- -an derives a nominalized form.> Hay bangan nakai-ustuy hukap nay maphod an punha-angan hi pihing. A well-covered pot is best for cooking gabi. puN‑ ‑an. der. hina-ang infl. mana-ang

banga comm. a pot for cooking. Ad-adam nan banga te nakau-uling. You scrub the pot because it is full of soot. Iapin muh ongngal an banga o palyuk ta danumam ya imbang-ot mu. Next, put the rice into a big pot or vat, put water into it and then, put the pot on the fire. Sim: tinapiyan, palhu, palyuk. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) id. nitag-ey banga da

tinapiyan comm. the largest cooking pot; a vat. Tinapiyan nan palhu da. Their cooking pot is of the largest class. Sim: banga, palhu, palyuk. (sem. domains: - Cooking utensil.)

uling 1comm. the residue of wood reduced to carbon by imperfect combustion. Amungom nan uling nah pun-apuyan ta ihongbam tun dotag. Gather the charcoal in the hearth so you will roast this meat. (sem. domains: - Plant product, 5.5.5 - What fires produce.) 2trans. to collect charcoal when wood is burned. Manguling ka indani ten nagibbu kan manah-ang. You collect the charcoal after cooking. maN‑/naN‑. 3trans. to burn wood into charcoal. Ulingom nan itungu ta waday pumpalenhak. Make the firewood into charcoal so that I will have something for ironing. ‑on/‑in‑. 4sta. to be blackened by soot. Nauuling di taklem. Your hand has soot on it. Naulingan di bangayu. Your pot is blackened by soot. Umuling nan banga te ugge naad-adan. The pot blackens anything that touches it because it has not been scraped. Maulingan ka hin umbun ka nah paldang nan palhu. You will be blackened with charcoal if you sit beside the frying pan. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 6C Process or state of inanimate objects.