Search results for "unud"

pangi-e (der. of e) nom. refers to the way of doing things; customs; culture. Hay ke pangi-en di ammod ya bakiyan day mumpundogo. The custom of our ancestors was to perform rituals for the sick. Mahapul an iunud takuh pangi-en Apu Dios. We must follow the ways of God. pangi‑. Sim: e-e, pangat. (sem. domains: - Custom.)

palat di oban (comp. of oban) comm. a pregnancy ritual performed to prevent abortion or miscarriage; literally means the handle of the baby-carrying-blanket. [This is done for the first child; the father’s kin give the oban 'baby-carrying-blanket' that they themselves have made, if possible.] Pun-ingunuday palat di oban te nuntungo moh Talakka. They are performing the ritual for pregnanacy because Talakka already gave birth. (sem. domains: - Religious ceremony.)

pa- -on (‑on) caus. this circumfix encodes non-past and a causative concept; it cross-references the patient-object relation rather than the causative agent. Hanadan tatagun maka-am-amlong ya paamlongon day ibba da ya paphodon nan maphod an kalyon day gibok nan mangngol. (Proverbs 15:30) The people who are very happy cause their companions to be happy and by the good things they say, they cause those who hear to feel good. Inun-unud day kalina ot pab-unon da nadan tatagu. (Luke 9:15) They followed what he said and had the people sit down. Sim: pa-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

padi 1comm. usually refers to Catholic priests, but some speakers have extended its meaning to clergy of any denomination; in the Old Testament of the Bible, it refers to members of the Aaronic priesthood. (sem. domains: 4.9.7 - Religious organization, - Religious person.) 2intrans. to enter the priesthood. Mumpadi nan imbabalena hin maongal te miunuunud hi padi. His child will enter the priesthood when he grows up because he tags along with the priest. muN‑/nuN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: padre.

olden 1comm. rule; command; law. Mipangat an unudon takuy olden di boble. We must obey the laws of the country. (sem. domains: 4.7.1 - Laws.) 2trans. to order someone to do something; to make into a rule or ordinance; to delegate responsibility to someone. Inolden dan maid di mangiweleh lugit hitu. They ordered that no one will throw his dirt here. Oldenam nan kamanelo ta gaatan da nan dalan. Order the road maintenance men to cut the grass along the road. i‑/iN‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 3I Direct action toward object. (sem. domains: - Command.) Language Of Borrowing: English: order.

nitaguwan pass. 1lifestyle; way of life. An pinhod muh naen nitaguwam? Do you like your lifestyle? ni‑ ‑an. Sim: biyag. (sem. domains: - Nature, character.) 2refers to a person’s life. Tibon yu ta makangngun-unud kayun Apu Dios ta maphod di nitaguwan yu. Be careful to fully follow God so that your life will be good. (sem. domains: 2.6 - Life.) id. bumudduy nitaguwan id. pa-iyon di nitaguwan say. Intaklayan di nitaguwan.

maunud (infl. of unud) pass. something or someone to be followed. ma‑/na‑.

matalak (infl. of talak) pass. to be lost. Unudon yu nan gulding ta adi matalak. Follow the goat so that it will not be lost. ma‑/na‑.

mangipaanhan (der. of anhan) trans. to make something very important or valuable; the form of the verb cross-references whoever does this. Hanadan mangipaanhan hi planu na ya mangun-unud ke tuguna. Those who highly value his plan will continuously follow his advice. mangipa‑/nangipa‑. (sem. domains: - Important, - Value.)

manung (sp. var. manong) 1comm. older brother. Wadah manung hi bale. My older brother is at home. (sem. domains: - Brother, sister.) 2trans. to have an older brother. Manungon Juan hi Pedro mu adina un-unudon. Pedro is the older brother of Juan but Juan doesn’t obey him. ‑on. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

lulok 1sta. to be deaf; refers to the inability to hear. Nalulok hi apu. My grandmother is deaf. Deke bo udot ya kahinlullokon da ot inila takun adida unudon intugun taku. If they keep pretending to be deaf, then, we know that they will not follow what we advised. ma‑/na‑, kahin‑ ‑on. 6A Physiological Process - State. Sim: pukit. (sem. domains: - Deaf.) 2proc. refers to the process of becoming deaf. Mungkalulok te naam-ama. He is becoming deaf because he is getting old. mungka‑. 3caus. the affix gives prominence to the cause of becoming deaf. Lumulok nan buduk di palattug. The burst of guns causes deafness. ‑um‑/‑imm‑.

lugal 1comm. space, e.g. room to stand or sit in. Maid di lugal mu te napnu. You have no space because it is full. (sem. domains: - Space, room.) 2trans. to make a space for placing something or someone, generally done by moving something that is occupying the space needed. Lugalan yu nan ka-hogop na ta waday ubunana. Make space for the one who just entered so that he can sit down. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5A Changing state of a site by removal of something. (sem. domains: 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.) 3comm. generally refers to having time to do something. Maid di lugal kun makingunud bale yu. I have no time to join in working at your house. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: lugar.

libli 1comm. free of charge; no charge. Libli nan inalam an kindi. The candy you got is free. (sem. domains: - Pay.) 2trans. to cause something to be free of charge. Ilibli daka hi pasahem. I will pay for your fare. Libliyon da nan dotag. They will get the meat for free. Malibli ka hin miunud kan hiya. You will be free of charge if you go with him. Hi Tayyaban di mangiliblin ditaku. It will be Tayyaban who will pay for our bills. i‑/iN‑, ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑/na‑, mangi‑/nangi‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: libre.

kunud trans. the opposite of an expectation occurs; unfulfilled expectation. E ot umudan mu kinunud na. It was about to rain but it did not proceed (instead the sun shone). ‑on/‑in‑. 4E Perception and Cognition. (sem. domains: 3.2.7 - Expect.)

kongkong trans. to hit on the head with an instrument that is round, flat, or square. Kongkongon daka hin adika mangun-unud. I will hit you on the head if you do not obey. Ikongkong ku tun batu. I will use this stone to hit you on the head. Kinongkong na nan puha te inibtik nay ihdana. He hit the cat on the head because it ran away with his viand. ‑on/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. Sim: kut-’ong. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.)

komyunis comm. communist. Adi ke iun-unud ke dida ya kanan day komyunis di tagu If we do not follow them, they say that we are communists. (sem. domains: - Politics.) Language Of Borrowing: English.

ke dida (n. ph. of dida) pers. them; third person, plural pronoun; member of Set 4 direct or indirect object pronouns. <The determiner ke or its allomorph n that attaches to a preceding word that ends in a vowel must co-occur.> Himmawwang nadan tatagun e manggop ke dida ot pumpate da dida. The raiding people came out and started to attack them to kill them. Kinalinan diday aton da ot un-unudon da. He told them what to do and they followed it. (sem. domains: - Demonstrative pronouns.)

kali 1comm. language. 1.1comm. human speech: may refer to any unit of utterance such as a word or sentence; may refer to a particular language or dialect. Hinnatkon di kali dah bale da. They speak a different language in their house. Am-in di kalin amam ya un-unudom. Obey all the words of your father. Binalonay nay kalim te inlot mu yaden dakol day tatagu. He didn’t like the way you told him because you said it loudly and there were many people. Uggek bo udot inila nan kali da. I didn’t even know their language. (sem. domains: - Word.) 1.2comm. (fig) refers to the vocal mechanism and the sounds produced; voice. Mababol di kali na. His voice is bassy. (sem. domains: - Types of sounds.) 2speak. 2.1to speak; to say. Sim: hapit. 2.1.1trans. to say something with a focus on what is said. Handih 25th di Aplil kinalin Mayor an umali kanu da Apu Paredes ke Apu Datumanong hitu ad Ifugao. On the 25th of April, the Mayor said, it is reported, that Sir Paredes and Sir Datumanong will come here to Ifugao. Hay pinhod kun kalyon ya piliyom di maphod an barkadom. What I want to say is that you should choose good friends. ‑on/‑in‑. Speech verbs. (sem. domains: 3.5.1 - Say.) 2.1.2intrans. to talk; to utter words; to communicate ideas and thoughts. An kimmali ka? Did you talk? Ugge mi dingngol di nangikalim hi kalida. We did not hear how you talked in their language. Tinuttuduwak an kumali kali da. They taught me how to speak their language. Nih-up da kanu nadan no- mungkalkali ot itikod na. According to him, those who were talking came near him and he stopped. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 3.5.1 - Say.) 2.1.3nom. A nominalization that focuses on the manner of speaking. Hay pungkalim an pabinnugtak. Your manner of speaking is abrupt and angry. puN‑. 2.1.4trans. to scold or warn. Kinalyana nadan imbabalena ta adida mangun-unud ke hiya. He warned his children so that they will not follow him. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: - Warn.) 2.2trans. to say something by calling to someone. Kaliyam aga din mangen unga. Do call back the boy who is going. Hituwen makalin hagabi di katbalan di tagu peman. This so-called prestige feast hagabi entitles a man to due respect by his co-villagers. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: 3.5.1 - Say.) 3think. 3.1trans. to use the mind to process or consider information or data; to think. Handi pinghanan umeyak hidi ya kalyok on matalakak. When I went there for the first time, I thought I would get lost. Pangalik pe on attiken tagu mu handi immomwa ya atag-e. I thought he was a short man but when he straightened up he was tall. ‑on/‑in‑. (sem. domains: 3.2 - Think.) der. makali id. kay kidul di kalim id. malumii di kali na id. nidallom an kali infl. pangali

kahiN- -on mod. this modal circumfix adds the concept of pretense to a verb. Kahinhuyhuyopona pangalinat ha-oy di manaang. He pretended to be sleeping, hoping that I’ll be the one to cook. Deke bo udot ya kahinlullokon da ot inila takun adida unudon intugun taku. If they keep pretending to be deaf, then, we know that they will not follow what we advised. Kahindongdongollona hi kinalik. He pretends to be hearing what I said. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

iN- TACR. 1this prefix encodes past tense, a punctiliar time aspect and cross-references the direct object with the conveyed semantic role; it is a member of the default affix set for Class 3 verbal roots. Inha-ad da nan basket hi bale. They placed the basket in our house. Sim: i-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.) 2this prefix encodes past tense and punctiliar aspect; it derives a transitive verb when it co-occurs with Class 1A intransitive movement verbal roots and cross-references an object that moves with the agent, e.g. to bring something or to take something. In-alik nan liblum. I brought your book. 3this prefix encodes past tense, punctiliar aspect, and cross-references an instrument object with Class 4 verbal roots. Indikhal na nan matadom an wahe. He used the sharp ax to split wood. 4this prefix encodes past tense, punctiliar aspect and expresses a manner component related to the phrase or clause in the direct object NP position of the main clause. Initpol nay takut nan kananah nomnom nay kapyana nin. He endured/controlled his fear and thought maybe that’s just its nature. Indalan da Bugan nah papayo. Bugan and her mother walked through the ricefields. 5this prefix encodes past tense; co-occurs with a time aspect adverbial predicate and cross-references the clause embedded in the object NP position of the main clause. Intuluy nan mangan inggana nabhug. He continued to eat until he was satisfied. Intikod nan muntugal te binungotan ama na. He stopped gambling because his father scolded him. 6this prefix encodes non-past tense, derives a verb from a noun, and the object is usually incorporated though a specific object may be explicit and cross-referenced. In-akbut na nan bulwati na. He backpacked his clothes. 7this prefix encodes past tense and punctiliar aspect; it co-occurs with speech verbs and cross references the object that refers to what is said. “Mapopotangan ka ya abuh di,” inhumang amana. You will just be standing in the sun,” answered his father. Inun-unud day imbagan Pablo ot ahi pumhod nan unga. They did what Pablo told them and the child got well.

impakaiC1- this affix combination is an intensifying modal; when affixed to Class 3 transitive verbs, it intensifies the action encoded in the root; past tense. <The C1 geminate is not always pronounced or written.> Hanan tagun mangngol hi kalik ya un-unudona ya miingngo nah nanomnoman an tagun nangapyah balenan impakaihammad nay tukud na. (Mateo 7:24) The person who hears what I say and follows it can be compared to the intelligent person who has built his house and strongly stabilized its posts. Sim: pakaiC1-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

hunud trans. to place firewood so that it will be directly under a pot with something being cooked. Ihunud mu nan itungu ta malutu nan ihda. Fix the firewood so that the viand will be cooked. i‑/iN‑. 3A Move and position object. (sem. domains: 7.5.9 - Put.)

hona 1intrans. to be capricious; often refers to the actions of a child who has been overindulged. Namahig di honan nan imbabalek. My child is capricious. Munhona te balen da apuna. He is capricious because it is his grandfather's house. muN‑/nuN‑. 1C General class. Sim: lagda. (sem. domains: - Immature in behavior.) 2sta. to be dependent on; too attached; overly dependent on someone. Makahonna nan ibam, ibaganan am-in di pinhod na takon di inilanan nakangngina. Your sister is too dependent on you, she asks for anything even if she knows it is expensive. Makahonna tudan u-unga ke amada te idat na ya un-unudonan am-in di ibagada. These children are spoiled/dependent on their father because he gives and he follows all that they ask for. maka‑. (sem. domains: 9.6.2 - Dependency relations.)

hobang comm. the trail of a wild animal. Inunud nay hobang di babuy ya dimmatong nah habal. He followed the pig’s trail and soon reached the sweet potato plantation. (sem. domains: - Road.)

hin conj. if; marks a dependent conditional clause. <When this conjunction, hin, is compounded with interrogative pronouns, it indicates that the question is indirect.> Hin ume ka, alam tun tudok ku. If you go, get my letter. Hin athinay kanam, umunud kami. If that is what you say, we’ll go along with it. Hin babai di imbabalem ingadanam hi Bugan. If your child is a girl, name her Bugan. Ahim ipainila hin umali ka. Let us know if you will come. Sim: deket, konnat, nu. (sem. domains: - Condition.) comp. hin anoka ta comp. hin bokon comp. hin kananat
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