Search results for "‑inum‑"

opa₂ 1trans. to land or alight some place; usually referring to a bird alighting somewhere; may also be used of a plane landing. Daanay opaan nan gawwang? Where will the crow alight? ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5A Changing state of site by adding something. 2intrans. to alight or land on something. Inumpa nan hamuti nah hapang. The bird alighted on the branch. ‑um‑/‑inum‑. (sem. domains: - Move down.)

lummu intrans. refers to the cause or reason for events or emotions. Hiyay lummu hi nun-awwitan da. He is the cause of their fights. Hay linummu ya hay ugge da nangidatan hi pinhod na. The cause was that they did not give what he wanted. ‑um‑/‑inum‑. Sim: gap’u, hulun. (sem. domains: - Cause, - Reason.)

lob’ag proc. to swell up; for flesh to bulge due to bites or wounds. Lumbag di kalaton di gayyaman. Centipede bites swell up. An linumbag nan tinapay? Did the bread-dough rise (lit. swell)? Nungkaladladan di aadol na ya linumbag di huhuki na. He had bruises all over his body and his feet were swollen. ‑um‑/‑inum‑. 6A Physiological Process - State. (sem. domains: - Swell.) infl. lumbag infl. malbag

koga 1to cry. 1.1intrans. to make a vocal sound while shedding tears due to emotional feelings of sorrow or pain. Adika kumga te matlingak. Don’t cry because it will be irritating to my ears. Immabilod di matana te kinumga. Her eyes became swollen and red because she cried. ‑um‑/‑inum‑. Class 2D, Vocal sounds expressing feeling. (sem. domains: - Cry, tear.) 1.2intrans. to be crying, durative aspect. Tipet mungkoga ka? Why are you crying? muN‑/nuN‑. 2to cry. 2.1trans. to cry about something; the affix cross-references the idea that crying is the manner of handling a disappointment or problem. Ikga na hin maapput. She will cry if defeated. i‑/iN‑. 2.2trans. to cry about something; the affix cross-references the reason for the crying. Kog-ana nan naten ahu na. She is crying about her dead dog. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an.

‑inum‑ TACR. this infix is an allomorph of the past tense infix -imm-. It is used when there is a loss of the vowel ‘u’ in the first syllable of a root. Binumtik kanu te tumattakut. He ran away because he is afraid. Deke bot immatung, immeyak inumbun tat immatung, immat-atung ta, hay bo odog di indangdang. When it became hot again, I went and sat so that I became very warm again; I would turn so that I can feel the heat on my back. This infix is an allomorph of the past tense infix imm. It is used when there is a loss of the vowel ‘u’ in the first syllable of a root. ‑inum‑. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

got’ad (sp. var. gott’ad) 1comm. the climaxing day of the uya-uy marriage feast or prestige feast. [The Gotad day follows the final night holyat of two weeks of nightly dancing. On this day, there is much drinking, dancing and singing of liwliwa-love songs for the whole day.] Kakon-anay gotad ad Baguinge? When is the gotad feast of the wedding in Baguinge? Sim: Ballihung, uya-uy. (sem. domains: - Custom.) 2intrans. Ginumtad dad Bayninan. They performed the gotad feast in Bayninan. ‑um‑/‑inum‑. 3comm. a line of people going to attend a ceremony. [For a procession, gongs are used for the music and the tune of gongs is for a procession or during the bogwa ritual.] Lourdes S. Dulawan: Ifugao Culture and History

gonot (dial. var. donot) intrans. for something to be ignited because it is flammable. Ginumnot mo nan kapo. The cotton already caught fire. Adi gumnot tun itungu. This firewood doesn’t burn/ is not flammable. ‑um‑/‑inum‑. 2G Processes. (sem. domains: 5.5 - Fire.)

bumtik (butik) 1intrans. to run away. Binumtik kanuh inam. According to reports, your mother ran away. Tipet bumanuttikan ka? Why are you always running? ‑um‑/‑inum‑. (sem. domains: - Run.) 2trans. to run away to a particular place or to run away with something; the affix will cross-reference an object. Daanay bintikam? Where did you run to? Ibtik mu nan bulwati na. Run away with his shirt. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, i‑/iN‑.

buduk 1intrans. to explode or detonate a gun or small bomb; the sound component is prominent. Binumduk nan palattug ya niptok nan papan nah batu. The gun exploded and the bullet hit the rock. Mumbubuduk di bomba nah muyung. The bombs are exploding in the forest. Mabduk nan labintador an ginatang na. The firecracker he bought makes a loud explosion. ‑um‑/‑inum‑, muN‑/nuN‑, ma‑. 2trans. to shoot at someone or something. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. budukan

bon’al trans. to throw something, usually stones, with the intention of hitting someone or something. Numbonal ku hanadan gulding an nangan hi page. I threw (stones) at the goats that ate the palay. Ugge mi inilay binumnal ke he-a te dingkug mi nan panto. We do not know who threw (stones) at you because our backs were against the door. Ibnal mu nan od-odnam. Throw the thing which you are holding. Inibnal na nan pakko. He threw the spoon at someone. Bonalom nan manuk ta adi na kanon nan page. Throw something at the chicken so it will not eat the palay. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑inum‑, i‑/ini‑. 3B Move and release object. Sim: wele, boka, tongba, gayang, balnu, alo, top-’al, wengngak; Sim: tongba, gayang, baladung, balnu, boka, alo, balabal. (sem. domains: - Throw.)

bola₂ 1proc. to become faded or whitish. Inad-adak nan duyu ya binumla. I scrubbed the plate and it became white. Bumla ka hin adika mimiptang. You will became fair if you do not spend time in the sun. Binumla nan balbalana te in-upol na. The clothes she washed became white because she soaked them. ‑um‑/‑inum‑. 2G Processes. Sim: bayak. (sem. domains: - Color.) 2intrans. refers to something that is white or has become white. Mumbobola nan imbulwati na. She wore a white dress. Mumbobola nan imbalbal na. That which she laundered is whitish. muN‑ CV‑. der. mabla

bod’ang sta. 1to become reddish or yellowish as of vegetables and fruit in ripening. Mabdang nan kamatis. The tomatoes are red. ma‑, ‑um‑/‑inum‑. 6C Process or state of inanimate objects. Sim: ingit; Sim: lod’ang, ingit. (sem. domains: 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.) 2to blush. Binummdang hi Anna dih kanak di inalana nan libbutan ku. Anna blushed when I said that she took my betelnut chewing bag. ‑um‑/‑inum‑.

pumhod (infl. of pohod) intrans. to become better, i.e. to recover from sickness; to get well. Kanom am-in tun agat kal-ina ot ya pumhod ka. Take all this medicine so that you can get well. ‑um‑/‑inum‑. 2E Body/Physiological Functions. (sem. domains: 2.5 - Healthy, 2.5.1 - Sick.)