Browse Vernacular - English



lihha 1comm. designs done on woven materials by counting the threads. Banniya nan lihhan nan inabol na. The design on the cloth she wove is a forest lizard. Sim: batok. (sem. domains: - Pattern, model.) 2trans. to place designs in woven things. Lihhaam hi bale nan ablom. Place a design of a house in th cloth you will weave. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. Sim: binnulangon.
lihing 1comm. a large fly; the kind that are the first to arrive when there is something rotten like meat or fish. Abulom nadan lihing. Drive away those big flies. Sim: lalog, tipop. (sem. domains: - Insect.) 2sta. to have large flies on something. Nalihingan nan dotag. Large flies have landed on the pork. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an.
lihit trans. for lightning to strike something, usually producing fire and burning. Linhitan di kil-at nan akasya. Lightning burned the acacia tree. ‑on/‑in‑. 4A Change the structure of an object. (sem. domains: - Lightning, thunder.)
lii trans. to look at something out of the corner of the eye; to glance sidewards at someone or something. Li-li-iyona nan mangako. He looked at the thief out of the corner of his eye. Ilillii na nadah mala-u. He was looking askance at the ones passing by. ‑on/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑. (sem. domains: - Look.)
lik’on 1comm. padding for head in order to carry a heavy load, made from leaves or cloth. Ihaad mu nan likon ku te madam-ot tun gampan agtuwok. Put the pad on my head because the basket I’ll carry is heavy. (sem. domains: 6.7.3 - Carrying tool.) 2trans. to wear or use a pad on the head or shoulder for carrying something heavy. Likonam nan pah-onom an kaiw ta adi humakit nan pukol mu. Use a carrying-pad with the wood you are going to carry so that your shoulder will not be sore. Munlikon ka te mahakit nan gampa an iagtu. Use a carrying-pad because the bottom of the basket you will carry is painful. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, muN‑/nuN‑. 5A Changing state of site by adding something.
likbut to cover something. 1.1trans. to cover someone with a blanket. Ilikbut mu nan ulo. Use the blanket in covering. Likbutam nan golang te deyan makaddibdib. Cover the baby well because it is very windy. i‑/iN‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: 7.3.7 - Cover.) 1.2ref. to cover oneself with a blanket. Munlikbut kat lumingot ka. Cover yourself well with a blanket so that you will perspire. muN‑/nuN‑.
likilik comm. small pieces of meat sent to the in-laws of a family to inform them of a death. (sem. domains: 3.5.6 - Sign, symbol.)
likkod trans. to go around something; to circle around. Illikod mu nah payo ta ahika dumatong hi baleda. Go around the field then you will arrive at their house. Lanikkodon nan eroplanu nan bilid. The airplane kept circling the mountain. i‑/iN‑, ‑an‑ ‑on. (sem. domains: - Move in a circle.) infl. likkodon infl. nunlinikkod
likkodon (infl. of likkod) intrans. to surround something. Likkodon yu nan balen di babuy. Surround the pigpen. (sem. domains: - Move in a circle.)
likku 1trans. to coil something; bend something to form a curve. Nalikku nan ulog. The snake was coiled. Likkuwon nan gulipu. Bend the pipe. ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑/na‑. 4A Change the structure of an object. Sim: buhibu. (sem. domains: 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.) 2sta. to be curled up in bed. ma‑. id. malikku
likkub trans. to surround; to enclose on all sides. Likkubon yu nan balen di balud. Surround the house of the prisoner. Linikkub da nan balen di mangako. They surrounded the house of the thief. ‑on/‑in‑. 4F Adjacency/Adjoining actions. Sim: aldong. (sem. domains: - Move in a circle.)
likkulik intrans. for something to be coiled. Patayonah diyen munlikkulik ulog. He will kill this coiled snake. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: - Roll up.)
lili 1comm. a complaint to an authority about someone or something; a complaint made when one is in opposition to another or when something is unsatisfactory. Maid di lili na. He has no complaints. (sem. domains: - Complain.) 2to complain. 2.1intrans. to express discontent with someone or something; to complain. Adika munlili hin maaput ka. Do not complain if you lose. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: - Complain.) 2.2trans. to complain about something with the focus on the thing being complained about. Liliyon daka te kinaanam tun binoklak. I am complaining against you because you made deductions from my wages. ‑on/‑in‑. Speech verbs - purpose is to evoke a response. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.
lilin comm. beeswax; one of the uses is to wax the parts of the loom. (sem. domains: 6.7 - Tool.)
liliw (sp. var. of liwliw) comm. tree variety. Dakol di liliw ad Patukan There are many liliw-trees in Patukan. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)
lima quan. five. Waday liman manuk ku. I have five chickens. (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.) comp. duwampulut lima comp. himpulut lima der. hinlilma der. kalima der. nalima
limmamut hidi an boble (id. of lam’ut) to have lived in that place for quite a while already (lit. grew roots in that place) (sem. domains: 5.9 - Live, stay.)
limmu comm. 1acquired wealth; any goods that are possessed; wealth; possessions. (sem. domains: 6.8.1 - Have wealth.) 2the payment for service or goods delivered. Alam nan limmum ta em iggattang hi aga. Get your salary and go to buy medicines. (sem. domains: - Pay.)
limpiyu adj. to be just, righteous, fair-minded. Limpiyu di pangat na. His ways are just. Qualifier. Sim: linteg, andong. (sem. domains: 4.3.1 - Good, moral, - Impartial.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: limpiar.
limpo comm. rice, fermented but not yet in wine jar. Ihaad mu nan limpo nah buhi. Place the fermented rice in the jar. (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food.)
limu 1go down. 1.1sta. to be submerged; to have sunk below the surface; to vanish out of sight from a horizontal plane. Nalimu nah adalom. He was submerged in the deep spot. ma‑/na‑. (sem. domains: - Move down.) 1.2nom. refers to the sunset. Dakol di tatagun umed Manila Bay ten himbatangan te da tibon nan kalimuhan nan algo. Many people go to Manila Bay in the afternoon because they go to see the setting of the sun. Imme da nah nalimuhan di algo. They went after the sun had set. ka‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: - Time of the day.) 2proc. disappearing from view. Mungkalimuy bulan ot ahi kami umanamut. The moon was already disappearing when we went home. Mungkalimuy algo. The sun is disappearing. mungka‑. (sem. domains: 2.3.1 - See.) n. ph. kalimuwan di algo ph. v. nalimuwan di algo
linalaki (infl. of lalaki) comm. the plural form of male. Nagibbu keh tuwe ya ahida naamung nadan linalaki iiban nan humagabi After this, the male relatives of those performing the Hagabi gather together Nakabbayuy numbayun nadan linalaki. Those boys pounded (rice) very well. ‑in‑. (sem. domains: 2 - Person.)
linas 1comm. string used as a guide; carpenter’s string, soaked in ink to line wood. Iupol mu nan linas hi tinta. Soak the carpenter's string in ink. (sem. domains: 6.7 - Tool, - Rope, string.) 2trans. to mark wood, making a line using an inked carpenter’s string. Linasam nan tabla ne ahim golgolon. Mark the board with a carpenter’s string before sawing. Munlinas dah talutu. They are lining the logs (by using the carpenter’s string). ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, muN‑/nuN‑. 5A Changing state of site by adding something. (sem. domains: 6.6.3 - Working with wood.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.
lin-ob intrans. refers to the time of the setting of the sun or moon. (sem. domains: - Time of the day.) n. ph. kalin-oban di algo
lin-ong sta. to be clear, refers to a liquid. Malin-ong nan danum nah wangwang. The river water is clear. Lumin-ong nan liting hin adi umudan. The water will become clear if it does not rain. ma‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 6C Process or state of inanimate objects. Sim: hayawhaw, hawhaw. (sem. domains: 1.3.6 - Water quality, - Transparent.)