Browse Vernacular - English



nangabak (infl. of abak) trans. refers to the one who wins in gambling or card games.
nangadi sta. to be sterile, of animals. Nangadi nan babuy mi. Our pig is sterile. (sem. domains: 2.6.3 - Birth.)
nangadol (der. of adol) to have a muscular body. Nangadol nan imbabalena. His son has a muscular body. (sem. domains: 2.4.1 - Strong.)
nangamung₁ adjunct. 1uncertain; come-what-may attitude about what is unknown or undecided. Nangamung hin matuluy. We’ll see if it will push through. Nangamung hi bigat We’ll see what will happen tomorrow. Attitudinal. 2may also be used as a polite way to refuse an invitation or proposal for an action or activity. comp. ta nangamung
nangamung₂ 1advpred. to be responsible for something. Adi kayu madanagan, ha-oy di nangamung. Don’t worry, I’m the one responsible. Kalyom ke hiyan nangamung ak an mumbayad ya ipainilana ke ha-on. Tell him that I will pay it back (be responsible) and he should let me know. Manner. Sim: uk’od. 2trans. to be responsible for accomplishing something, even if it requires taking a risk. Inangamungan day nitaguwan da takon naligatan da. They are responsible for their own lives, even if they are hardshipped. i‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: 9.5 - Case.)
nangamung hi Gallman pred. a phrase that referred to the American military governor, Jefferson D. Gallman (1905-1911), indicating his responsibility for judgment and decisions on disputes. {hist} Lourdes S. Dulawn: Ifugao Culture and History
nangappit (appit) v. a grammaticalized verb used to mark the direction of a place; in the direction of. Immeh Jonah e-elen di bobleh nangappit hi timilan algo ot e um-umbun hidi. (Jonah 4:5a) Jonah went outside the village in the direction of the sunrise (east) and went to sit there. (sem. domains: 7.2.2 - Move in a direction.)
nangapput (infl. of apput) trans. identifies the winner in gambling, a debate or a game. Dahdiy nangapput? Who won? maN‑/naN‑.
nangatang (infl. of gatang) trans. buyer, the one who has bought something. Hiyay nangattang nah lutan Bugan. He is the one who bought Bugan’s ricefield. Kaatnay nangatang mun nah payo? How much did you pay for the field? maN‑/naN‑.
Nangga Ido prop. a class of gods that are considered to be very evil by the Ifugao. Syn: Nabugbugan di Ido. (sem. domains: 4.9.2 - Supernatural being.) Loudes S. Dulawan: Ifugao Baki (Rituals for Man and Rice Culture)
nangi- top. this prefix encodes and cross-references a topicalized agent-subject; co-occurs with Class 3 verb roots; past tense. Nagibbuy programa ot waday nangitkuk hi daanay epangenan di tatagu. After the program, someone shouted out the places where the different groups will take their lunch. Abunay hukik an nangipakkid nah adol di kaiw, mu ongnga-ongngal ot muntattayunak nah hapang. It was only my legs that held on around the trunk of the tree; but it was big so I had to hang from a branch. Sim: mangi-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)
nangi- -an TACR. this circumfix topicalizes and cross-references a time or place; co-occurs with Class 3 verbal roots; past tense. Tibom di nangiha-adan na nah basket. Find where she placed the basket. Hay nangidongolana ya hi nangappit nah payoh kawad-an di ob-ob. What he heard was in the direction of the ricefield near the spring. Sim: pangi- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)
nanginay imi na. (id. of ngina) she seldom smiles (lit. her smile is expensive).
nangipa- top. this prefix encodes a topicalized causative agent; the causative agent is cross-referenced; past tense. Hanan taguy nangipadikhal. That man is the one who had the wood split. Hi Mariay nangipaen hiyah iskul. It is Maria who sent him to school. Sim: mangipa-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)
nangipa- -an₁ caus. this circumfix encodes a causative, topicalizes and cross-references a place; past tense. Daanay nangipaayan da hanadah dakol an tagu? Where did they send all those people? Sim: pangipa- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)
nangipa- -an₂ top. this circumfix encodes past tense and cross-references the topicalized agent-subject in a causative topicalization construction. <The agent doing the work is highlighted by syntactic fronting, i.e. placed in the pre-verb position and is cross-referenced by the circumfix.> Dahdiy nangipadngolana? Whom did he let hear it? Hi inay nangipatanomanah bulhe. My mother was the one that he had plant beans. Hi Pedroy nangipagaudana. Pedro was the one that he had spade. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)
nangipaN- trans. this prefix cross-references a topicalized agent and encodes a distributive action on multiple objects; past tense. Kon bokon ha-oy di nangipanaptok handidah aammod yu nah adi maboblayan an makamagga? (Hosea 13:5) Was it not I who cared for your ancestors in the wilderness (lit. the very dry place of no villages)? Ot bokon mo he-a an tagun iEgypt a nangipanguluh tindalun umeh opat di libun an nakigubat gubilnumi... (Acts 21:38) Are you not the Egyptian who led nearly 4,000 soldiers to war against our government... Sim: mangipaN-.
nangol comm. a flowering plant with a berry-like sour fruit with succulent edible stem; cultivated and wild. [The stems are crushed and rubbed on sores.] Indahidan Matima nan nangol nah makmak ya gagalan napoy-an. Matima rubbed the crushed stem of the nangol-plant on the sore and it healed faster. (sem. domains: 1.5 - Plant.)
nangpa sta. to be naive, innocent, guileless; a state compared to the trustful characteristic of a child.
naohha (der. of oha) sta. to be the only one; alone; solitary. Umi-ingle yak an umatak nah naohhan buding hi atop. I am lonely like a bird alone on a roof. na‑. (sem. domains: - Separate, scatter.)
napai di utok (id. of utok) to be crazy (lit. the brain is destroyed).
napat-alan di nomom (id. of nomnom) to understand something (lit. the mind is lighted).
nap-at quan. refers to the cardinal number forty. <Morphophonology: When the prefix na- is attached to the root opat, the vowel o is deleted, and there is metathesis of the initial glottal stop consonant, that is not symbolized in the root form, and the second consonant.> Nap-at an botok di naani. Forty bundles were harvested.
nap-ong di buuk kuh utang (id. of buuk) I have too many debts. I have too many debts (lit. debt is distributed throughout my hair).
napinitan comm. a kind of blanket woven for the dead. Sim: gamong.