Tuwali Ifugao - English



at do. 1.1trans. to do something; refers to an action. Adim aton hina. Do not do that. Atonah tuwet adi mundagan e bumudduy di ena kinan. It does this so that what it eats will not come out at once. ‑on/‑in‑. (sem. domains: 9.1.2 - Do.) 1.2pass. was done/will be done; happened/will happen. Abuna tuy dingngol ku mipanggep kediyen naat. That is all I have heard about that case (lit. what was done). Tinibon nan ohan nadah mungngunu ya inila na moy naat. One of the workers immediately knew what went wrong (lit. what was done). ma‑/na‑. umat der. kaatan der. pangat infl. aton infl. maat infl. mangat infl. pa-at
at’op 1comm. roof; roofing material. Hinnanotak di atop nan balemi. I changed the roof of our house. (sem. domains: 6.5.2 - Parts of a building.) 2trans. to construct a roof; to use as roofing. Iatop yu nan gulun. Roof with the cogon grass/Use cogon grass for the roof. Atopan yu nan baleda ad uwani. You are going to roof their house today. i‑/iN‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 3pass. to be roofed. Naatopan moy baleda. Their house is already roofed/has a roof. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. 4intrans. to make a roof. Mun-atop da nadan mungngunu. The workers are constructing the roof. Umatop kayuh pun-hiduman taku. Make a roof for our shelter. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑.
ata sta. 1to be unripe, immature fruit; unripe, green fruit. Maata nan balat, ugge nal-um. The banana is still immature, not ripe. ma‑. (sem. domains: 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.) 2to be raw, describes something that can be eaten without cooking. ma‑. der. maata infl. mama-ata
Atade prop. name of a mountain in the area. Naakhop an bilid di Atade. Atade is a low mountain. Nagdey Atade handih nalauy duwampuluy toon. There was a landslide in Atade twenty years ago. (sem. domains: - Mountain.)
atag 1comm. a mat for putting the harvested rice under the granary; made from cane. Bitbitom nan atag ta pangiha-adan hi makan. Spread the mat so that we will place the food on it. 2trans. to spread a mat. Iatag mu ta ubunan taku. Spread the mat so that we can sit on it. i‑/iN‑.
atag-e (infl. of tag-e) adj. to have a height that is greater than the standard. Pangalik pe on attiken tagu mu handi immomwa ya atag-e. I thought that he was a short man, but when he straightened up, he was tall. a‑/aN‑. Dimension quantifier.
atal 1comm. a share of meat usually cooked during a feast. Iyalim di atal ku. Give me my share. Sim: ahap. 2trans. to divide into shares; distribute meat. Iatalan yu nadan u-unga. Distribute some of the meat to the children. Deket imbango on painnatal day ihda. With the Ifugao engagement feast, the viand, particularly the meat, is distributed individually. i‑ ‑an/iN‑ ‑an, pa‑ ‑inn‑. (sem. domains: 7.8 - Divide into pieces.)
atangwe comm. a mortar for pounding rice with two places to pound. Sim: kalloong.
atap sta. to be wild; untamed. Naatap nan poltan mu. Your rooster is wild. Umatap nan manuk hin pudupudugon yu. The chicken will become wild if you keep on running after it. na‑, ‑um‑. 6D Descriptives. Sim: ilom. (sem. domains: 1.6.4 - Animal actions.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.
atappo (infl. of tappo) adj. shallow depth. Atappoy wa-el hin inugawan. Rivers are shallow during the dry season. Nakaittapo. It is very shallow. a‑/aN‑. Dimension quantifier. (sem. domains: - Deep, shallow.)
atbohdi (fr. var. athidi bo) (comp. of umat, bo, hidi) advpred. likewise; compared to that, this event or situation is also compared to another person’s situation or event. [The adverb, bo ‘also’ gives an additive meaning.] Atbohdi an maid ke ha-oy. Likewise I have nothing. Comparative. (sem. domains: - Compare.)
athidi (comp. of umat, hidi) advpred. to compare an event or action; like that; likewise Athidi di inat nan ha-oy. He did like that to me. Athidi an uggeyak damdama nangan. Likewise, I did not also eat. Comparative. (sem. domains: - Compare.) comp. athidi bo der. miathidi der. niat-athiddi
athidi bo (fr. var. of atbohdi) advpred. likewise, to compare an event or situation to that of another person’s situation or event. Athidi bo an ugge immali hi inana. Likewise her mother did not come either. (sem. domains: - Compare.)
athidiy (comp. of umat, hidi) advpred. it is like that; a comparative adverbial predicate that asserts an event, activity or action can be compared to something that has been stated previously in the context. Man-uket athidiy punnomnom na ya handih kaunga ya maid di tinibo operations. The reason his thinking is like that is when he was a child. he did not see operations. (This is from a text explaining why a man continues with the traditional practice of divination and sacrifices for treating sickness.) (sem. domains: - Compare.)
athina (umat, hina) advpred. to compare an event; like that. athinay
athinay (hina, athina) adjectival predicate. it is like that; a comparative adverbial predicate that compares an event or action; like that. Athina di aton dan mangaan. That is the way they remove it. Man tuwali ot maid di bain mu kinali athinay at-attom. The truth is that you have no shame that is why you are doing like that. (sem. domains: - Compare.)
athitu (umat, hitu) advpred. like this; to compare an event or action. Anakkayang! Maid ek tiniboh athitu hi kadakol di tagu. My! Never have I seen such (lit. like this) a crowd of people. (sem. domains: - Compare.) der. miathitu
athituy (comp. of hitu, umat) advpred. it is like this, a comparative adverbial predicate used to tell someone how to do something or to make a comparison of actions or events. Tipet athituy inat mun ha-on? Why have you done like this to me. Mahapul an athituy aton yu nadah ibbam. It is necessary that you do like this to your companions. Athitu di pinhod na. She wants something like this. (sem. domains: - Compare.)
at-aton (infl. of aton) trans. to continually do something to a specific object or objects. Makainnila nadan maphod an at-aton da. The good things that they are doing are very well known. (sem. domains: 9.1.2 - Do.)
atibungalon (sp. var. at-atibungalon) comm. the reflection of the sun’s rays on raindrops resulting in an arc of colors; rainbow. Adi umudan te deyay atibungalon. It will not rain because there’s a rainbow. Munhamyok ya mun-algo kinali waday atibungalon. It’s drizzling and the sun is shining that is why there is a rainbow. (sem. domains: - Cloud.)
atigagayo intrans. to be restless in thinking; uneasy thoughts; thinking about something. Mun-atigagayoy adol Bugan hi punnomnom nah dolada ad Gonhadan Bugan was restless thinking of her village of Gonhadan. {literary} muN‑. Sim: atigag-a.
atigag-a restless. 1.1intrans. to be restless; uneasy thoughts resulting in restlessness. Mun-atigag-an pinhod nan abun ume. He was restless, that’s why he wanted so much to leave. muN‑/nuN‑. 2C Emotion and sensation. Sim: atigagayo. (sem. domains: 3.2 - Think.) 1.2adv. abrupt action due to restlessness. Atigag-an ume ot adina donglon nan kinalik. He left so hurriedly, he did not hear what I said.
atikke (fr. var. of antikke)
atipungayawon comm. tiny black ant that stings. (sem. domains: - Insect.)