Tuwali Ifugao - English



matibo (infl. of tibo) trans. something can be seen. Matibon mundogo. It could be seen that she was sick. Kon matiboy bibiyo? Can a fairy be seen? ma‑.
matmat intrans. to recognize. An adiyak imatmatan ke he-a? Don’t you recognize me? Mummatmatmat nah dola handi mala-uwak. He was sitting in the yard trying to recognize people when I passed by. i‑‑an/iN‑ ‑an, muN‑/nuN‑. Sim: bigbig, immatun. (sem. domains: - Recognize.)
matmog (id. of tomog) an idiom that means one can drink a lot without getting drunk (lit. is absorbent). Matmog. He doesn’t get drunk easily.
matoan (infl. of toan) sta. desolate; refers to land that has been abandoned; may also describe the state of any village, city or country that has been abandoned by people. Hidiyen boble ya munnanong an matoan ya maid moy mawannat hidi. (Isaiah 34:10b) As for that country, it will be abandoned forever and no one will make even a brief appearance there. ma‑. 6C Process or state of inanimate objects. (sem. domains: 6.2.9 - Farmland.)
matok comm. a blood sucking worm which lives in trees, grasses and damp places; a land leech. Dakol di matok nah dalan an ume ad Tinok. There are a lot of leeches on the trail to Tinok. Sabun di pangaan hi matok. Soap is used to remove leeches. Sim: bilabil. (sem. domains: - Reptile.)
matsora comm. a sterile animal; an animal that can’t bear young. (sem. domains: 1.6.1 - Types of animals.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.
Matungulan prop. this name refers to a class of Bagol gods that require offerings to pay them so that they will not bring evil or sickness; gods to be appeased. (sem. domains: 4.9.2 - Supernatural being.) Lourdes S. Dulawan: Ifugao Baki (Rituals for Man and Rice Culture)
matupu di hubil (id. of hubil) an idiom that means one is not talkative, very quiet (lit. dull lips) Matupu di hubil na. She is not talkative.
matupu di tipam (id. of tupu) an idiom meaning a person is lazy, implies that the seat is flat from sitting (lit. blunt/dull buttocks). Matupu di tipam. You are lazy.
maugo (infl. of ugo) comm. dry season; summer months. Maugo ke ya ittay di makan. During the summer months, food is scarce. ma‑. Sim: dopal, tialgo, ugo. (sem. domains: 8.4.1 - Period of time.)
maule (infl. of ule) sta. to be kind. Maphod te nan bumdang ya maule. It was good because that bumdang-spirit was kind. Inila yun maule kamin dakayu umat hi ulen di ina hi imbabalena...(1Tesalonika 2:7b) You know that we were kind to you like the kindness with which a mother treats her child... ma‑.
maunud (infl. of unud) pass. something or someone to be followed. ma‑/na‑.
mawada (der. of wada) exispred. 1to be with someone. [This form is used frequently in the Tuwali Ifugao Bible to mean that God or Jesus Christ is with a person as a continuing companion.] Ya hi Ama ya pohdona hiya ya mawada kamin duwa ke hiya. (Juan 14:23-24) As for Father, he will love him and we two will be with him. ma‑. 2something will exist in the future. Patmolonay intanom ta mawaday buwa dan mitanom ya mawaday makan. (Isaiah 55:10b) It will cause the plants to sprout so that there will be seeds to be planted and there will be food.
maya 1intrans. to be in heat; characteristic of a female animal in heat. Mummaya nan babuy da. Their pig is in heat. muN‑. 2trans. to copulate, of animals. Em banhon nan laki da ta mayaona tun babuy taku. Go and borrow their boar so that it will mate with our sow. ‑on/‑in‑. 4F Adjacency/Adjoining actions. (sem. domains: 1.6.4 - Animal actions.)
mayad 1comm. a woman’s belt, hand-woven with decorative pompoms; worn with a woven skirt. [This belt is sometimes used as a loin cloth for young boys.] In-wanon nan unga nan mayad inana. The boy used the woven belt of his mother for his loin cloth. Gen: balko. (sem. domains: 5.3 - Clothing.) 2trans. to wear a woven belt. Mummayad ka hin manayo kayuh iskul. Wear a woven belt if you dance in school. muN‑/nuN‑.
mayor (sp. var. of meyor) comm. an elected official of a town or city to serve as the chief executive or manager. Ya pinhod ot Mayor an umali dakol day binabain mun-ampuyo What the Mayor wanted was that women dressed in the Ifugao skirt would come. (sem. domains: 4.6.4 - Rule.)
mayume trans. to mix regular rice with glutinous rice. Mayumayan yu nan boga hi dayakkot te makulhi. Mix some glutinous rice with the regular rice because it is hard to chew. Imayume yu nan dayakkot nah ikail. Mix the glutinous rice with the rice to be fermented. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, i‑/iN‑.
mekaniko 1comm. machine repairman; mechanic. Mekaniko nan inayana. Her husband is a mechanic. (sem. domains: 6.6.8 - Working with machines.) 2trans. to repair a machine. Mekanikowom nan tolak dan napai. Repair their vehicle which is destroyed. ‑on/‑in‑. 3intrans. to work as a mechanic. Mummekanikoh tulang nad Lagawe. His brother works as a mechanic in Lagawe. muN‑/nuN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: mecanico.
mekmek trans. to compress something; to mash or squash. Mekmekom nan gattuk. Mash the sweet potato. Namekmek tun balat. This banana is squashed. ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑/na‑. 4A Change the structure of object. (sem. domains: 7.7.4 - Press.)
Melkules (sp. var. Miyerkulis) prop. a day of the week; Wednesday. (sem. domains: 8.4.1 - Period of time.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: miercoles.
melon comm. cantaloupe; watermelon. Waday intanom na hi melon. He planted some canteloupe. (sem. domains: - Food from fruit.)
membro comm. one individual belonging to a group.
memory comm. refers to the part of the brain that stores facts, names, events, etc, and allows for recall of those things. Mabalin bon kalyok an maphod di memory na te adi mabalin an mumbakiy ohan tagu hin adi maphod di memory na. He probably has a good memory too because a person cannot do the rituals if he does not have a good memory. (sem. domains: 3.2.1 - Mind.) Language of Borrowing: English.
met adjunct. emphasizes the truth or certainty of a statement; really; certainly. Maid met di tagu di. There really is no person there. Bokon taku met kadangyan ya maid maid di tawidon yu. We really are not rich and you have nothing to inherit. Attitudinal. (sem. domains: - Certainly, definitely.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.
metlaing adjunct. modifies a statement by indicating it is the same situation or fact when compared to another.. Maid metlaing di aton takun ume. Just the same we have no way of leaving. Attitudinal. Sim: damdama. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.