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mang-uhan intrans. to fall short of expectations, e.g. to be less than the expected amount. Mang-uhan nan abuy an ginatang yun dida. The pig you bought from them is smaller than for the amount paid.

manggop (infl. of hogop) trans. to attack an army or a village or city in an attempt to occupy it. Ya himmawwang nadan tatagun e manggop ke dida ot pumpate da dida. And the raiding people came out and started to attack them to kill them. maN‑. (sem. domains: 4.8.3 - War.)

mange (infl. of e) intrans. going, moving at the present point in time. Da Juan ke Maria din mange. Juan and Maria are the ones going. Ya handih mange da ya nakaan hidiyen dogoda. (Luke 17:14b) And when they were going, their sickness was removed. Mun-iya-iyag dan mangmangnge an ito-ol day “He, he, he.” As they go along, the men keep cheering lustily, “He, he, he.” maN‑. (sem. domains: 7.2 - Move.)

mangayyuding comm. black crow; eats corn by breaking off an ear and flying away with it; emits a wak-wak-wak sound. Kinan di mangayyuding nan inhabal kun gahhilang. The crows ate the corn I planted in the swidden-plot. Sim: ban’ug, halagma, butbut, gawwang; gen: gawwang. (sem. domains: - Bird.)

mangay-ayyam (der. of ayyam) nom. refers to either party in an engagement relationship; fiancé or fiancée.

mangabal (der. of maabal) trans. to gather beetles generally with the purpose of using them for food. Ekayu mangabal hi hilong ta ihda takuh bigat. Go and get beetles tonight for tommorow’s viand. maN‑/naN‑. (sem. domains: 7.5.1 - Gather.)

mantilyu 1comm. a solid metal head on a handle used in driving nails; a hammer. Alam nan mantilyu ta kaanom din patak. Get the hammer and remove that nail. (sem. domains: 6.7.2 - Pounding tool.) 2trans. to use a hammer on something; to nail something. Mantilyuwom nan patak ta mihamad nan kaiw. Use the hammer on the nail so that the wood will stay in place. ‑on/‑in‑ ‑an. 3intrans. to use a hammer. Mummantilyu da nadan u-unga ad dola. The children are using the hammer in the yard. muN‑/nuN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: martillar.

manomnom (infl. of nomnom) intrans. to bring something to mind; to be reminded of something; remember. Manomnom kun handi keh kau-unga mi ya wadaday nihag-on kediyen ob-ob hi o-ongal an batu. I remember that when we were children, there were big rocks by that spring. An manomnom mu din golang dih immali kan e nangidung-on dakami? Do you remember the baby when you came to visit us? ma‑. (sem. domains: 3.2.6 - Remember.)

manno adjunct. expression of necessity; you’d better do it; must; have to; said as a threat or warning. Manno op-opya ka te uggem inila di maat. You’d better keep quiet because you do not know what happened! Attitudinal.

mann’u 1intrans. to equalize two things; to be just in equalizing; to be fair. Mummanno kayu mo nah hummangan yu. Be fair in your agreemnet. Nummannu da mo. There, their winnings are equal now (in gambling). muN‑/nuN‑. 2trans. to equalize a particular thing. Imannu da nan bultung. They have equalized their wrestling ability. i‑.

Manila prop. name of the largest city in the Philippines. Pinhod mun inilaon di Manila. Do you want to know about Manila? Em hanhanan ten kakon-anay pangayan da ad Manila. Go ask him when they will go to Manila.

man-u 1adjunct. to be fortunate; for something to be good for someone. Man-un ditaku te mangan takuh mumpitlu hin-algo yaden dakol day agun maid kanon da. Good for us because we can eat three times a day when there are many who have no food at all. Kanak hi nomnom kuy “Makamman-un dida te kay nakalakka. I said to myself, “It’s really good for them because it seems easy.” Evaluative. (sem. domains: 4.4.1 - Prosperity.) 2advpred. something is possible, but is not certain; modifies the main clause; implies that it would be a good thing. Man-u te deket nangabak di tagu nah tugal ya mun-an-anla. It might be that when one wins in gambling he is happy. Modality. (sem. domains: - Possible.) comp. man-uke comp. man-upo

maN- -an v. this circumfix topicalizes and cross-references a time, place or affected object; non-past tense. Ya ahi miweley adol mut mamaptangan nah mapat-al ya matuntuningan nah hilong. (Jeremiah 36:30b) And your body will be thrown away so that it will be exposed to the heat of sunshine and the cold of the night. Sim: naN- -an.

mandal 1intrans. to have control of and give orders; to command. Hiyay mummandal nadah mungngunu te kapatas. He will be the one to command the workers because he is a foreman. muN‑/nuN‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. (sem. domains: - Command.) 2trans. to give orders to a particular person. Mandalom ta galgal-ana. Command him to hurry. ‑on/‑in‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: mandar.

maneho₁ 1intrans. to steer a vehicle; to drive. Nalaing an mummaneho. He is a good driver. muN‑/nuN‑. 1B Movement with a directional component. (sem. domains: - Drive along.) 2trans. to drive a particular vehicle. Imanehom nan tolak. Drive the truck. i‑/iN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: manejo.

manang 1comm. older sister. Maid hi manang hi bale. My older sister is not at home. Sim: iba, ag’i, tulang, kamang. (sem. domains: - Brother, sister.) 2comm. may be used as a polite address to a female who is older than the speaker. {hon} 3trans. to have an older sister. Manangok hi Marne. Marne is my older sister. ‑on. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.

manada trans. to copulate, animals or poultry; to mate with. Manadaon nan poltan nan uppa. The rooster will mate with the hen. Minanadan nan laki nan laban ahu. The male dog mated with the female dog. Nan babuy an mangitit di nummanada nah babuy ku. It was the black pig that mated with my sow. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 4F Adjacency/Adjoining actions. Sim: puli; Syn: polot. (sem. domains: 6.3 - Animal husbandry, 1.6.4 - Animal actions.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: manada. der. manador

maN- 1TACR. the prefix encodes a non-past tense and cross-references a topicalized subject-agent; it co-occurs with Classes 4 and 5 verbal roots. <Morphophonology: The N in the form symbolizes a nasal that assimilates to the point of articulation of the first consonant of the root, and then, reduces the consonant. If the first consonant of the root is followed by the ‘o’ vowel, the vowel will also be reduced.> Eda manibo nadan nangipaptok ketuweh udum an makan mu maid. Those in charge tried to look for more food but nothing was left. Himmawwang nadan tatagun e manggop ke dida ot pumpate da dida. The raiding people came out and started to attack them to kill them. Da Juan ke Maira din mange. It’s Juan and Maria who are passing by. Sim: naN-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.) 2asp. the prefix encodes a present continuative aspect; it co-occurs with roots that have an innate punctiliar aspect. Manatong kami nah ohan bale ya namodwongak an nanibo nah ohan lalaki. As we were arriving near one of the houses, I was surprised to see a man. Hay kalyona ya, kediyen hilong an manganamut, an gawan mon di hilong... He explained to us that the night before while he was on his way home at about midnight... (sem. domains: 8.4.5 - Relative time.)

man adjunct. expresses strong feeling about the truth or necessity; definitely; certainly. <Emphasizes the certainty of an action or event.> Adiyak man umali. I will definitely not come. Attitudinal. (sem. domains: 9.4.6 - Yes.) comp. deman comp. mampe comp. man ahan comp. peman ph. v. damana man nin

mamitlu (der. of tulu) advpred. to do something three times. Mahapul an mamitlu kan mun-amo ohan algo. You have to take a bath three times a day. mami‑. Mathematical. (sem. domains: - Number of times.)

mamangulu (der. of ulu) advpred. refers to an event or action that will be first in a sequence. Ta hay mamangulun umalih nomnom na ya nunna-ud an mate. So the first thing that comes to his mind is he is sure to die. Mamangulun ipulitu ta deket nage-geengngan hi ittay ne inid-um di amput ya danggu. First, fry until it is a little brown and then add garlic and onions. mamaN‑. Mathematical. (sem. domains: - Order, sequence.)

mamaddang (infl. of baddang) trans. this form cross-references the agent-subject, i.e. the person who will help. Hiyay mamaddang ke ha-on nah tiempon punligatak. He will be the one to help me at the time I have hardship. Te hi Apu Dios an makaiddat ya mun-am-amlong an mamaddang ke ditaku. (James 1:5b) Because as for God who is generous, he is happy to help us.

malyo sta. to be withered; liquid evaporates and causes withering of produce. Malyo nadan danggu hin adim ihidum. The spring onions will wither if you do not place them in the shade. Sim: kuleng. (sem. domains: 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.) id. malmalyoy inga nah punnomnom na

malting (infl. of liting) sta. to drown. Malting ka hin ume ka nah adalom te uggem inilan mungkeke. You will drown if you go to the deep spot because you do not know how to swim. ma‑/na‑. (sem. domains: 2.6.6 - Die.)

maltinit comm. a bird species; medium size, black with white on crown and tip of wings; whistles and can be taught how to talk by trimming the tongue; always go in pairs, male and female. [This bird is similar to the martin bird but different in size.] Damanan matuttudwan di maltinit an kumali. The maltinit-bird can be taught how to talk. (sem. domains: - Bird.)