Search results for "gala"

makadinnol (infl. of dinol) sta. to be intensely trusting; carefree. Kanan day dakol di mangalana mu makadinnolak pe te maid di buhul ku. They say there are many prowlers but I am carefree because I have no enemies. maka‑ ‑inn‑.

makaC1- mod. 1this prefix encodes an intensifying modal of a state. <The first consonant of the root is geminated.> Makangnganta din unga. That child loves to sing. Maka-aliy kogak. I was just at the point of crying. (lit. really coming my crying) Hituwen amayyu ya makahammuy This animal is very odorous. Maka-atung ad Manila. It is very hot in Manila. 2this prefix intensifies the state of the subject referent; co-occurs with stative verbs. Makayyam-oy tinapay ni kinapya na. The bread that she makes is very soft. Sim: nakaC1-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.) 3this prefix intensifies the passive state of Class 4 verbal roots; non-past tense. Maphod di makaddikhal nan itungu te gagala ya mahap-ayan It is good if the firewood is well-split because it will dry quickly.

maid 1negative predicate. 1.1negpred. a negative predication; the negative opposite of the existential predicate. Maid di inat kuh gaga-iho. I did not do anything bad. Adi mabalin an eta mabiyag hin maid di ustuh ngunuh pangal-an hi pumbiyagan. It isn’t possible to live if we don’t have adequate work to provide our livelihood. (sem. domains: - No, not.) 1.2negpred. negative predication expressing the non-existence of an agent. Maid di mun-ay-ayyam hi banting. Nobody will play with matches. Ek ang-angon, munhidhid-ipak te nahilong ya- maid hi Lammooy I went to see, I was straining my eyes because it was dark, Lammooy was not around. 1.3negpred. negative predication expressing the non-existence of a thing or possession. Maid di pihuk. I have no money. Mungngunu kayu te maid di poppog di tiempo. Work, because time is without end. Maid moy ena igattang. He had nothing more to sell. Maid, tumakut kamin e mangala mu maka-i-imin nangidat ot alan mi mo. “Nothing. We were afraid to take the candy but she was smiling as she gave it so we took it.” 2sta. to become non-existent; mama-id, the reduplication expresses the process of disappearance, i.e. becoming non-existent. Athidi bon gulatnat mama-id am-in di mumbaki ta hiya ya abuy matdaan. Like that also, if there are no longer pagan priests except for him. (sem. domains: - Exist.) der. ma-idon der. ma-ma-idan der. mama-id id. Ma-ma-idan di nitaguwak. ph. v. maid di poppog na

ma-₁ sta. this prefix encodes the state or property of a referent. Matukatukal ka an e makitugaltugal te mapat-al ya hilong di puntutugalan yu. You do not sleep at night because your gambling goes on night and day. Madam-ot di hagabin (name), hahaggiyon! “The hagabi-bench of (name of owner is inserted) is heavy, hahaggiyon.” (This is chanted as a cheer at the hagabi ceremony.) Nan matadom an wahey maphod hi pundikhal. The sharp ax is the good one for aplitting wood. Sim: na-; Sim: na-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

luw’ag intrans. to emit bubbles; boiling water. Munluluwag nan in-init mun liting. The water you heated is bubbling. Gagalan lumuwag nan liting hin ongngalom nan apuy na. The water will boil faster if you add more fire. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 1B Movement with a directional component. Sim: bayakbak. (sem. domains: 1.3 - Water.)

lumii sta. to be sweet, the taste of food. Malumii nan manggan kinan taku. The mango we ate is sweet. Makalummii tun kampem. Your coffee is very sweet. ma‑, maka‑. 6D Descriptives. Sim: ngalat, pait, hangliw. (sem. domains: 2.3.3 - Taste.)

lugal 1comm. space, e.g. room to stand or sit in. Maid di lugal mu te napnu. You have no space because it is full. (sem. domains: - Space, room.) 2trans. to make a space for placing something or someone, generally done by moving something that is occupying the space needed. Lugalan yu nan ka-hogop na ta waday ubunana. Make space for the one who just entered so that he can sit down. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5A Changing state of a site by removal of something. (sem. domains: 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.) 3comm. generally refers to having time to do something. Maid di lugal kun makingunud bale yu. I have no time to join in working at your house. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: lugar.

liglig detour. 1.1intrans. to take an alternate path for the purpose of a shortcut or in order to avoid being seen. Munliglig kayu nah muyung ta gagala kayun dumatong. Take a detour through the forest so that you will arrive earlier. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: - Walk, - Way, route.) 1.2trans. focus is on the alternate path, rather than the action. Wada key pangayak on iliglig ku te tibonak ke nadah imbabalek on nakilaliw da. Whenever I go somewhere I have to pass the other way so that my children will not see me, otherwise they will insist that they will go with me. Munnomnom an iliglig na. He decided to take an alternate path i‑/iN‑.

lati 1comm. metal oxidation, rust. Ad-adam nan latin nan palanggana ta adi namam-an lumati. Scrub the rust of the basin so that the rust will not become worse. Sim: balango. (sem. domains: - Metal.) 2sta. to be rusty; to become rusty. Nalatiyan nan gumok. The iron is rusty. Gagalan lumati nan gulipu te ingka-ut da. The pipe will become rusty faster because they buried it. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

lamaw trans. to scald an animal by pouring or soaking in hot water to remove hair or feathers. Lamawon yu nan babuy te adida munhida hi nilagim. You remove the pigs hair by pouring hot water on it because they do not eat singed animals. Ilamaw mu nan manuk ta gagalan makaan di dutdut na. You soak the chicken in hot water to make it easier for the feathers to be removed. Malamaw di takem hin mih-up ka nah maatung an danum. Your hand will be scalded if you get it too close to the water. ‑on/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑, ma‑/na‑. 4A Change the structure of an object. Sim: dulhukan. (sem. domains: - Steps in food preparation.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

kuwenta 1trans. to calculate or compute the number or amount of something. Deket gagalan madatngan hidiyen toon, mahapul an kuwentaon dat hanan lebbeng nan pamangngad nay bayadana, ta kay natangdanan hi katootoon. (Libiticus 25:52-53a) If that year will arrive soon, they must calculate the right amount of his payment of return so that it is like (he receives) his wages for every year. ‑on/‑in‑. (sem. domains: 8.1.1 - Number.) 2comm. the calculated number or amount of something. Hi Jehoiakim an patul di Judah ya binuwisana nadan tatagu, mipuun hi kuwentan di limmu dat wada pamayad nah buwis an ibagan nan patul di Egypt. (2 Patul 23:35) As for Jehoiakim who was king of Judah, he taxed the people based on the calculated amount of their wealth so that there would be payment for the taxes that the king of Egypt asked.

kona₁ trans. to trap or ensnare an animal or bird. Waday kinna min uldunne. We ensnared a wild rooster. Maid di kon-on taku hin nangala kayu. We will not trap anything if you are noisy. Nakna nan hamuti nah lingon. The bird got caught in the bird-trap. Kediye ya pitu ya abuy kinnanan littalit. There, seven was the total of the bats he had trapped. ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑/na‑. 4C Convey/bring objects toward agent. (sem. domains: 6.4.2 - Trap.)

kiyung trans. to frown. Adim kikiyungon te gagala kan main-ina. Don’t keep frowning because you’ll get old fast. Kiniyung na, kinali inilak an adina pinhod nan kinalim. He frowned and that is why I know that he does not like what you said. ‑on/‑in‑. 4E Perception and Cognition. (sem. domains: - Gesture.)

kiwa (sp. var. kiwal) trans. to stir; to mix things together by stirring. Ikiwam nan kapem. Stir your coffee. An nikiwa tun kapek? Is my coffee stirred? Uggan mu kiwalon nan niha-ang ta adi mageeng. Often stir the thing being cooked so that it will not be charred. Mungkiwa dah semento. They are mixing concrete. Nadandani on ingkiwam ta gagalan mabao. Now and then, stir the rice so that it will cool off quickly! i‑/iN‑, mi‑/ni‑, ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 3E Move and object directionally. (sem. domains: 7.5.3 - Mix.) der. pungkiwa

karburu 1comm. calcium carbide; used for ripening bananas and other fruits. [A commercial chemical used to pour on water to stun the fish, also used as fuel to burn in special lamps.] Hina-adanah karburu nan inpal-um nan balat. He placed calcium carbide on the bananas he was ripening. (sem. domains: - Mineral.) 2trans. to place calcium carbide into or on something. Karburuwan yu nadan balat ta gagalan mal-um. Place calcium carbide on the bananas so that they will ripen faster. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5A Changing state of site by adding something. Language Of Borrowing: Tagalog.

kapuy 1proc. to become weak; diminish in strength; for something to lessen. Kimmapuy nan nuwang an mun-aladu. The carabao has become slower in plowing. Kimmapuy di pangana. His appetite has lessened. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2G Processes. (sem. domains: 2.4.2 - Weak.) 2sta. to be weakened in strength. Nakapuy di dibdib. The wind is weak. Ya adi mungngalat hin adi nakapuy di apuy an punha-angan. And it is cooked well in strong fire (lit. not weak fire) so it doesn’t become pungent and itch. ma‑/na‑. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

kaongngalan (infl. of ongngal) nom. a comparative measure of the size of something; largest. Nalgom di pinhod mun gatangon mipalpun nah kaitayan ingganah nah kaongngalan ya wadanwada. Anything that you want to buy from the smallest item to the largest is available. ka‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: 8.2 - Big.)

kallakal 1comm. mole cricket; edible, burrows in the earth. Tumakutak hi kallakal. I am afraid of crickets. Waday mihdan kallakal. There is an edible cricket. (sem. domains: - Insect.) 2trans. to gather edible crickets. Mangalakal da nadan u-unga handi munggaud nadan ammod da. The children were gathering crickets when their parents were spading the fields. maN‑/naN‑.

ka- -an₂ mod. this circumfix derives a superative adjective; greatest degree of modification. Hiyay nangalah kadukkayan an kawayan. He is the one who got the longest bamboo. (sem. domains: - To a larger degree.)

kadukkayan (infl. of dukke) adj. describes the longest thing in a comparison of length. Hiyay nangalah kadukkayan an kawayan. He is the one who got the longest bamboo. ka‑ ‑an. Dimension quantifier. (sem. domains: 8.2.2 - Long.)

kadaidai adjectival predicate. something has been done or has happened frequently or repeatedly. Gulat nat athidi ya kadaidai mo on nunligat hi Jesus. (Galatians 9:26) If it had been like that, then Jesus would already have suffered repeatedly. (sem. domains: - Often.)

isplikar 1intrans. to explain something. Mun-isplikar nan mittulu yaden mungngala ka. The teacher is explaining something yet you are very noisy. muN‑/nuN‑, puN‑ i‑. (sem. domains: 3.5.8 - Interpreting messages.) 2nom. explanation. Donglom nan pun-iisplikar na. Listen to his explanation. puN-. 3intrans. to explain something in particular. Iisplikar na hin nganney aton nah ngunu. He is explaining how to do the work. i‑/iN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: explicar.

ingal 1comm. shouting noise. Donglom di ingal din u-unga. Listen to the shouts of the children. Sim: tukuk. (sem. domains: 3.5.1 - Say.) 2trans. to express excitement by cheering in competitive play or exhibition. Nganney ingaingalan di tatagu di hilong? What were the people cheering about last night? CVCV ‑an. 3intrans. to make a shouting noise. Tipet ekayu umingal? Why do you make noise? ‑um‑/‑imm‑.

inila 1trans. to know; to perceive, understand or recognize the properties or characteristics of entities and abstract facts. An inilam di ngadana? Do you know his name? Inilaom di humang kuh bigat. You will know my answer tomorrow. Pinhod mun inilaon di Manila. Do you want to know about Manila? Takombo ot inilam met nadan maphod an authors. Anyway, I know that you know good authors. ‑on/‑in‑. 4E Perception and Cognition. Opp: dunu; Sim: amta. (sem. domains: 3.2.3 - Know.) 2pass. something is known. Nainilan hiyay nangala. It has been known that he was the one who got it. Nakanginnila ka. You are very knowledgeable. (sem. domains: - Intelligent.) infl. mangipainila infl. nakanginnila ph. v. makainnila mo ahan say. Hay kaphod ya mainnilah pangi-e.

i-₁ TACR. 1this prefix encodes non-past tense, a punctiliar time aspect and cross-references the direct object with the conveyed semantic role. It is a member of the default affix set for Class 3 verbal roots. Iha-ad muh nae hitu. Place that one here. Iha-ad da nan basket hi bale. They will put the basket in our house. Kay anhan ya idatong dah boble ta inay-un dah dolan di himmagabi. Sooner or later, the hagabi-bench will arrive in the village brought by the men and to the yard of the man performing the ceremony. Em iwaklin nan buhi. Put the wine jar in a safe place. Sim: iN-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.) 2the prefix encodes non-past tense and punctiliar aspect; it derives a transitive verb when it co-occurs with Class 1A intransitive movement verbal roots and cross-references an object that moves with the agent, e.g. to bring something or to take something. I-alik nan liblum. I will bring your book. (I will come bringing your book.) 3the prefix encodes non-past tense, punctiliar aspect, and cross references an instrument object with Class 4 verbal roots. Idikhal na nan matadom an wahe. He will use the sharp ax to split wood. Nganney ipalang mu? What will you use to cut with? Inggatang nay payo da ya odon da ta hay ahan itugal na. He sold their ricefields and heirlooms just to have money with which to gamble. 4the prefix encodes non-past tense, punctiliar aspect and expresses a manner component related to the phrase or clause in the direct object NP position of the main clause. Ipdug nay gunggung na. He chases with barking. Adim iploy pangalam hi pencil na. Don’t get his pencil by grabbing. I-ang-ang kuh manayo. I’ll look at the dancers. Kalubam hi daun ya ihamad mu ta maid hunggop hi dibdib. Cover the jar tightly with banana leaves so that no air enters. Namahig di hona da ta ihalhalla day dalan, ihinghingngi day dalan, namam-a ten waday iiban nadan himmagabi nah dalnon da. They go the wrong way, they go out of the way, especially if they know of a relative of the one performing the hagabi-ceremony who lives along the way. 5the prefix encodes non-past tense; co-occurs with a time aspect adverbial predicate and cross-references the clause embedded in the object NP position of the main clause. Ituluy mun mangan inggana mabhug ka. You continue eating until you are satisfied. Itikod mun muntugal an ap-apuk. Stop gambling, grandson. 6the prefix encodes non-past tense, derives a verb from a noun, and the object is usually incorporated though a specific object may be explicit and cross-referenced. Deke bo ta makudang di binokbok na ya madang-o nan hinamal o maid di idanum na. When the binokbok-yeast is insufficient, the rice will either be spoiled (it will not ferment) or it will produce no wine/liquid. Nganney iduyum? What have you placed on your plate (lit. plated)? 7the prefix encodes non-past tense and punctiliar aspect; it co-occurs with speech verbs and cross-references the object that refers to what is said. Mun-ap-apo wak kanu ya- uggek inila nan ia-apok. Aga mot nan bumdang di ia-apok. According to them, I’ll tell a story; oh, I don’t know what to relate. Okay, I’ll tell a story about roaming spirits.