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mumbullubullug (infl. of bullug) multiple pairs of male and female animals walking in a line. Tibom ta umipaghop kah himpipitun numbullubullug nadah aggayam an napilin miappit ke ha-on ya ohan numbullug ya abu nadah adi miappit. (Genesis 7:2) See to it that you cause to enter seven each of male and female pairs of animals chosen to be sacrificed to me and one male and female pair that will not be sacrifriced.

mumbinnoltan (infl. of mumboltan) intrans. take turns in using something or to pass something to the next generation. Mumbinnoltan da nah otak an munggabut. They take turns in using the machete in cutting grass. muN‑ ‑inn‑/nuN‑ ‑inn‑.

mom-on₁ comm. the engagement feast; the boy’s clan sends a pig to the girl’s clan. In-e da di babuy ad Ambabag te mom-on da Pedro. They brought pigs to Ambabag because it’s the engagement feast of Pedro. Sim: tubi. (sem. domains: - Ceremony.)

molta 1comm. fine; penalty. Duwan babuy di molta na. His fine is two pigs. 2intrans. to produce a fine; to be penalized. Mummolta kah duwan babuy. You are to produce two pigs for your fine. Mamolta ka hi tulun babuy. You will be fined three pigs. muN‑/maN‑, ma‑. (sem. domains: - Fine.) 3trans. to fine or penalize someone. Moltaon daka nadah ammod na hin adim ituluy. Her parents will fine you if you do not push through with your plans. ‑on/‑in‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. (sem. domains: 4.7.7 - Punish.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: multa. der. moltaon infl. mamolta

modmod trans. to press down on someone or something; to hold down, generally done to restrain. Imodmod mu nan babuy ta gakdan da. Hold down the pig so they can tie it. Tipe ta pun-imodmodak? Why are you holding me down? i‑/iN‑, puN‑ i‑. 3E Move an object directionally. (sem. domains: 7.7.4 - Press.)

mi pers. 1we exclusive; first person, plural, exclusive; member of Set 1 non-cross-referenced subject. Tinibo mi an hay nidadaan ya abu ya duwan palangganan hinamal. We saw that what was prepared for us was two basins of rice. Imbaga min Mr. Hohulin di “An nganney usal diye? We asked Mr. Hohulin “What is the use of that?” (sem. domains: 9.2.3 - Pronouns.) 2our, exclusive; first person, plural exclusive, possessive. Mamtik ot mihupdugak an hinunggop hi bale mi. I ran, and then I stumbled as I entered our house. Umala kamih kanon mi mo. We got our food then.

maya 1intrans. to be in heat; characteristic of a female animal in heat. Mummaya nan babuy da. Their pig is in heat. muN‑. 2trans. to copulate, of animals. Em banhon nan laki da ta mayaona tun babuy taku. Go and borrow their boar so that it will mate with our sow. ‑on/‑in‑. 4F Adjacency/Adjoining actions. (sem. domains: 1.6.4 - Animal actions.)

matok comm. a blood sucking worm which lives in trees, grasses and damp places; a land leech. Dakol di matok nah dalan an ume ad Tinok. There are a lot of leeches on the trail to Tinok. Sabun di pangaan hi matok. Soap is used to remove leeches. Sim: bilabil. (sem. domains: - Reptile.)

matagu (der. of tagu) sta. to be living; alive. Naligat di matagu te munligat ta. It’s hard to be alive because we experience hardship. Ya hay mamangulun maat ya mamahuwan nadan nungkakaten mangulug ke Kristo, ta ditaku ken matagu kediyen tiempo ya maki-e takun dida e manamu ke Apu taku nah kulabut ta makiha-ad takut nangamung ke hiya. (1 Tesalonika 4:16b-17) The first thing to happen is the resurrection of the believers in Christ who have died so that we who are alive at that time will join them to go to meet our Lord in the clouds so that we all will stay forever with him. ma‑. (sem. domains: 2.6 - Life.)

mangihwang (infl. of ihwang) trans. refers to the one who saves. Hiya ya abuy mangihwang ke ditaku. (Acts 4:12b) He is the only one who saves us. Mu hi Apu Dios an mangihwang ke ditakun mangulug ya impatibo nay ulena ya pamhod nan ditaku ot ihwang ditaku, mu bokon gapuh nangatan takuh maphod, mu gapuh homok na. (Titus 3:4) But God who saves us believers, he shows his kindness and his love for us and so he saves us, but not because of the good we have done, but because of his mercy. mangi‑. (sem. domains: 4.9.3 - Theology.)

mangibaliw (infl. of baliw) trans. to save; savior, the one who saves is cross-referenced; refers to spiritual salvation. Hi Apu Dios ya abuy mangibaliw ke ditakuh liwat taku. Only God can save us from our sins. mangi‑/nangi‑. Sim: hiwang, salbal.

mang-uhan intrans. to fall short of expectations, e.g. to be less than the expected amount. Mang-uhan nan abuy an ginatang yun dida. The pig you bought from them is smaller than for the amount paid.

man-uke (comp. of man-u, ke) adjunct. the reason being; the reason for. Man-uke kanak hidi ya adalon dan mumbaki nah eda pundongdongollan ya abu. The reason I say that is that they learn to recite the rituals and prayers by listening only. Man-uke ya maid di ammod da kinali umat hina da. The reason that they behave in that manner is because they do not have parents. Man-uke ya maddikit ya man-uke ya natalam. It’s partly that she’s good-looking and partly that she’s clever. Attitudinal. (sem. domains: - Cause, - Reason.)

manador (der. of manada) comm. a male animal raised primarily for breeding purposes. Ongal nan manador dan babuy. Their pig for breeding (boar) is big.

manada trans. to copulate, animals or poultry; to mate with. Manadaon nan poltan nan uppa. The rooster will mate with the hen. Minanadan nan laki nan laban ahu. The male dog mated with the female dog. Nan babuy an mangitit di nummanada nah babuy ku. It was the black pig that mated with my sow. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 4F Adjacency/Adjoining actions. Sim: puli; Syn: polot. (sem. domains: 6.3 - Animal husbandry, 1.6.4 - Animal actions.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: manada. der. manador

mampe (comp. of man, pe) adjunct. indicates certainty about what is being said in contradiction to another’s assertion or action; really. Maid mampe di inat nan dakayu. He really did not do anything to you. Tipe mampet eyu linigud nan tabuyug da Amboy. Why did you really steal the pomelo of Amboy? Attitudinal. (sem. domains: - Certainly, definitely.)

mamolta (infl. of molta) pass. to be penalized by fining. Mamolta ka hi tulun babuy. You will be fined three pigs. maN‑/naN‑.

mamintal sta. refers to a clear sky at night with many stars. Mamintal di kabunyan ad uwani. The sky is clear tonight.

Maknongan₁ (der. of konong) comm. the most supreme of the Ifugao gods. [In the traditional religion, the name means ‘one to whom sacrifice is due’.] Oha ya abuy Maknongan nadan mangulug ke Jesus. There is only one God for those who believe in Jesus. Syn: Apu Dios. (sem. domains: 4.9.2 - Supernatural being.)

maki-e (infl. of e) trans. to go with someone; to accompany someone. Maki-e ka manong mu. You will go with your brother. In-abulut da ot maki-eh Butale. They agreed that Butale could go with them. maki‑. (sem. domains: 7.2.5 - Accompany.)

makibale (der. of bale) sta. to live with people who own a house. Makible dan dakayu te naghob nan abung da. They will live with you in your house because their house burned down. maki‑.

maid 1negative predicate. 1.1negpred. a negative predication; the negative opposite of the existential predicate. Maid di inat kuh gaga-iho. I did not do anything bad. Adi mabalin an eta mabiyag hin maid di ustuh ngunuh pangal-an hi pumbiyagan. It isn’t possible to live if we don’t have adequate work to provide our livelihood. (sem. domains: - No, not.) 1.2negpred. negative predication expressing the non-existence of an agent. Maid di mun-ay-ayyam hi banting. Nobody will play with matches. Ek ang-angon, munhidhid-ipak te nahilong ya- maid hi Lammooy I went to see, I was straining my eyes because it was dark, Lammooy was not around. 1.3negpred. negative predication expressing the non-existence of a thing or possession. Maid di pihuk. I have no money. Mungngunu kayu te maid di poppog di tiempo. Work, because time is without end. Maid moy ena igattang. He had nothing more to sell. Maid, tumakut kamin e mangala mu maka-i-imin nangidat ot alan mi mo. “Nothing. We were afraid to take the candy but she was smiling as she gave it so we took it.” 2sta. to become non-existent; mama-id, the reduplication expresses the process of disappearance, i.e. becoming non-existent. Athidi bon gulatnat mama-id am-in di mumbaki ta hiya ya abuy matdaan. Like that also, if there are no longer pagan priests except for him. (sem. domains: - Exist.) der. ma-idon der. ma-ma-idan der. mama-id id. Ma-ma-idan di nitaguwak. ph. v. maid di poppog na

ma- -an 1sta. non-past stative circumfix form. An adika maagangan? Don’t you ever feel hungry? Mapopotangan ka ya abuh di, inhumang amana. You will just be standing in the sun.” answered his father. Maanlaanak an mundawdaw-en nah bungana on kinkinnan ku. I enjoyed picking and eating the fruit. Sim: na- -an. 2pass. non-past passive form; focuses the site with Class 3 verb roots. Maha-adan nan basket hi makan. The basket will have some food placed in it. Mabalbalan di ha-ikan. The doormat can be washed.

mahapul it is necessary. 1.1pred. having a need for something. Mahapul kuy ulo. I need a blanket. Nganney mahapul? What is needed? (sem. domains: - Need.) 1.2sta. to be necessary; predicates necessity; it must be; it is needed. Mahapul an mamitlu kan mun-amo ohan algo. You have to take a bath three times a day. Mahapul an hanan himmagabi ya taganah kolong hi nuwang o babuy ta pihdana nadah deh muyung ya nadan udum an bumadbaddang. The man performing the Hagabi-ceremony must go on butchering carabao and pigs to feed the people in the forest and all the others who are helping him. Mahapul an ume ka. You must go. Sim: kinwani, importante. (sem. domains: - Necessary.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano: masapul.

mahang-anon advpred. to control; to be moderate in what one does. Mahang-anom di naihon kalikalim. Control your bad talk. Mahang-anom di inum ta adika mabutong. Drink moderately so that you will not get drunk. Manner. Sim: konoknong, kolokla.