Search results for "ingngo"

bolwa 1comm. a relatives’ share of the meat sacrificed during a ritual. [The share is proportionate to the proximity of kinship relations with the feast celebrant.] Sim: appit. (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food, - Part.) 2trans. to share the meat sacrificed during a ritual. Bolwaon dah bigbigat nan nate. They will butcher animals to be shared by the relatives tomorrow. Hituwen dotag di binolwan amam. This meat is your father’s share. Bolwaon yu nan dotag ta mun-iingngo nah iibam. Share the meat so that your relatives will have equal shares. Nakibolwa te iibana dida. He got a share of meat because they are his kinsmen. ‑on/‑in‑, naki‑.

bango₂ comm. 1bride price; the animals for engagement are a required number of pigs, usually three. i‑/iN‑. Sim: hingngot, Tokop di mom-on. (sem. domains: 2.6.1 - Marriage.) 2a betrothal ritual feast for contracting a future marriage. der. ibangawan der. mumbango infl. imbango

balatung comm. mung bean, two varieties, one is green and one is black. Mun-ingngoy idat nan dotag ya balatung hi adol. Mung beans and meat give almost the same nutrients to the body. (sem. domains: - Food from vegetables.) der. mabalatung

apulidu 1comm. surname; family name; last name. Nun-ingngo di apulidu da mu bokon da hintulang. They have the same family name but they are not related. (sem. domains: - Family names.) 2trans. to use a particular name as a family name. Inapulidu nay ngadan amana. He used his father’s first name as his family name. Cultural note: To use a father’s first name as a surname is a common practice in the culture. i‑/iN‑. Sim: ngadan. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.

alimit comm. a small variety of tree, grows on uncultivated land; fruit is eaten by birds and squirrels. Lingngo da nan alimit. They cut down the alimit-tree. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)

adi mumbayag (ph. v. of bayag) v. by negating the verb meaning ‘long time’, the concept of short time is expressed. Hay ittolyah dingngol ku handi ya handi dandani mitungo nan tulang ku ya kumananta nan kilkilang nah nih-up hi balemi ot adi mumbayag ya nakatte nan tulang kun golang. The story I heard before is that when it was nearly time for my brother to be born, there was this night bird that always sang near our house, and so the baby died in a short time. (sem. domains: 8.4.3 - Indefinite time.)

abuna (comp. of abu) advpred. 1it was only; there was only Abunay babuy ya manuk an mundallan. It was only the animals walking about (that she had to play with). Limiting or minimalizing. (sem. domains: - Unique.) 2 it is only; the predicate modifies and constrains what is asserted. Abuna tuy dingngol ku mipanggep kediyen naat. This is only what I have heard about that case. Kanak pe on no abunay apuy ya kanan gayam ot takon hidiyen lata ya mun-anidu ta. I thought that it is only a fire (that we can acquire heat) and yet even as for that metal (thing), we can warm ourselves. Abunay hukik an nangipakkid nah adol di kaiw, mu ongnga-ongngal ot muntattayunak nah hapang. It was only my legs that held on around the trunk of the tree; but it was very big so I had to hang from a branch. comp. abunadi

abkiya 1sta. a group of people, birds or animals scatter in different directions usually as a result of fear. Dingngol da nan tinumkuk ot maabkiya da. They heard a shout and so they scattered in all directions. ma‑. (sem. domains: - Separate, scatter.) 2proc. (fig) each family member chooses to go their own way, resulting in no family unity. Immabkiyay pamilyan Maria te mun-aawit da. Maria’s family have each gone their own way because they are always quarreling. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2A Movment from one place to another. (sem. domains: 4.1.6 - Disunity.)

at do. 1.1trans. to do something; refers to an action. Adim aton hina. Do not do that. Atonah tuwet adi mundagan e bumudduy di ena kinan. It does this so that what it eats will not come out at once. ‑on/‑in‑. (sem. domains: 9.1.2 - Do.) 1.2pass. was done/will be done; happened/will happen. Abuna tuy dingngol ku mipanggep kediyen naat. That is all I have heard about that case (lit. what was done). Tinibon nan ohan nadah mungngunu ya inila na moy naat. One of the workers immediately knew what went wrong (lit. what was done). ma‑/na‑. umat der. kaatan der. pangat infl. aton infl. maat infl. mangat infl. pa-at

pohod 1to be valued as good. 1.1sta. to have the property of being good; to meet a standard of something to be desired or something that is favorable for someone; good, beautiful, nice. Maphod tun bulwatin indat da. This dress that they gave you is beautiful. He-ay kapkaphodan hi bale nah tud Kiangan. You have the nicest house in Kiangan. Maphod te immaliy dakol hi lugan ot ume kami. It was good because there were many rides so that we could go. Mabalin bon kalyok an maphod di memory na. I think he probably has a good memory too. ma‑, ka‑ CVC ‑an. 6D Descriptives. (sem. domains: 8.3.7 - Good.) 1.2advpred. to meet an accepted standard of appropriate or good behavior. Mumpohod kayun umbun. You sit properly. muN‑/nuN‑. Evaluative. 2to repair, fix or improve. 2.1trans. to cause something to become good, implies that something is in disrepair or less than good. <Morphology: paka-ip-iphod, superlative, to fix perfectly.> Adim piphod ke ha-oy te uggek inila. Don’t let me fix it (lit. make good) because I don’t know how. Iphod mu nan apuy ta adi gumanab. Fix the fire so that it won’t burn its surroundings. pi‑/impi‑, i‑/iN‑. 2.2caus. to improve the life or welfare of someone. Ipaphod Apu Dios di nitaguwan taku hin mundinol takun hiya. God will make our lives good if we trust in him. ipa‑/impa‑. (sem. domains: - Bless.) 2.3trans. to show benevolence. Iphodam hi tulang mu takon di iboboh-ol daka. Show benevolence/favor to your brother even if he is always angry with you. i‑ ‑an/ iN‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: 8.3.7 - Good.) 2.4intrans. to become better, i.e. to recover from sickness; get well. Kanom am-in tun agat kal-ina ot ya pumhod ka. Take all this medicine so that you can get well. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. (sem. domains: 2.5 - Healthy, 2.5.1 - Sick.) 3to love. 3.1trans. to love. Pohdom di ibbam an tagu umat hi naminhod muh adol mu. Love your fellow man as you love yourself. Impakappinhod daka. I love you very much (supremely). Pakappinhod ku mu bumainak an mangalkalin hiya. I love her very much but am ashamed to tell her. Adik pinhod an ihday amunin. I do not like to eat wildcat meat. ‑on/‑in‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. 3.2nom. the nominalized form is equivalent to the English noun ‘love’. Hay paminhod di immanhan an intanuttudun Jesus hanadah tatagu. Love is what Jesus emphasized in his teaching of people./Love is the focal point of Jesus’ teaching of people. Hay naminhod kun he-a ya maid di kiingngohana. My love for you is beyond comparison. paN‑/naN‑. 4trans. to love each other. Mumpohhodan da kinali nun-ine da. They love each other that is why they got married. muN‑ ‑an. 5advpred. try one’s best. Ip-iphod nat tobotbalon da. He is trying his best for their approval. i‑ CVC‑. (sem. domains: - Try, attempt, 8.3.7 - Good.) 6trans. to want or desire something; to like something. Pinhod kun mimih-ad kah library nah bakansen oras mu. I want you to spend most of your time in the library during your vacation. Imi-ingleyak an pinhod kun umanamut mo indani bo kaya ya uminghaak. I felt so lonely that I wanted to return home, but after a while I became adjusted. Adik pinhod an ihday amunin. I don’t like wildcat meat. ‑in‑. der. kiphodan der. maphod der. pamhod id. iphodan hi kali infl. iphod infl. kapkaphodan infl. pinhod infl. pumhod n. ph. pohod hi kali

pongol 1comm. a handful. Idattanak hi himpongol an moma. Give me a handful of betelnut. hiN‑. Sim: poka, gam’al, dokop. (sem. domains: 8.2.8 - Measure.) 2trans. to hold in hand; to grip long, thin objects, e.g. stalks or handles. Ponglom nan bulhet adi mag-a. Hold the beans with your hands so that they will not be dropped. Pingngol nay dagami. He gripped some rice stalks. Poponglonay buuk tulang na. He is grasping the hair of his sister. ‑on/‑in‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. (sem. domains: - Hold.)

porma comm. to shape something; to form or mold. Nun-ingngoy da lukud ya nun-ingngoy da porma. They made the measurement the same and they made the form the same. (sem. domains: - Make.) Language Of Borrowing: English: form.

poton trans. to remove parts of a whole. Wada key dinatngan da, lingngo da ta potnon da. When they find a satisfactory tree, they fell it and remove parts of it. ‑on/‑in‑. 4D Release, remove or detach object. (sem. domains: - Remove, take apart.)

tabla₂ intrans. to tie in score in a game competition; to be even or equal in number or time. Tabla ta ot peman te nun-ingngoy puntos ta. We are tied because we have the same number of points. Muntabla kayu te nundihhan kayun dimmatong. You are tied because you have arrived at the same time. Iphod mu ta tumabla ni-mo. Do it well so that at least you will be even. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. (sem. domains: - Equivalence.) Language Of Borrowing: Tagalog.

tagu₁ 1comm. man; human; person. Hay punnomnom hanadan tatagu handih done ya nadan tatagud uwani ya ongal di ugge da nun-ingngohan. The way people long ago thought does not compare at all with the way people of today do. Ambiambilog ya dakkodakkol di tatagu. It is wide and there are plenty of people. Deket kanan nan tagu di humagabi, ipainila na ni-an hi iibana When a man decides to perform the hagabi-ritual, he must first inform all his relatives (sem. domains: 2 - Person.) 2comm. young adult; teenager. <Morphology: kat-agu> (sem. domains: - Youth.) 3sta. to be alive; to revive. Nganney hangliw di nitaguwan hin mihahhaad kah nunhituwam an adika bumudal an makidammuh tatagu? What’s the joy of living if you stay in your house all the time and never go out to meet people? Inilak ot adiyak e mitmittagun munligligat te waday homok di namyun ha-oy. I know that I will not be living in hardship because the one who created me is merciful. Hay kanan di doctor ya aga kanuy nanagun he-a. According to the doctor, medicine will revive you. ni‑ ‑an, miC‑ CVC, naN‑. 4comm. physical stature. <Inflected form: katagu> (sem. domains: 2.1 - Body.) 5comm. to survive, to revive. <Inflected form: tumagu> 6comm. a carved wooden statue of a person used in the traditional religion. <Inflected form: tinattaggu> (sem. domains: - Idol.) der. katagu der. katagutagu der. kat-agu der. makitaguttagu infl. tatagu say. Hay tagu umat hi bulan, naongal on naittay.

tayag sta. to be a tall person. Natayag tun golang an nun-ingngo dan amana. This child is tall like his father. Tumayag pay tun imbabalem te unga pay. Your child will still grow taller because he is still young. ma‑/na‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 6A Physiological Process - State. Opp: pokok; Sim: banawe, tag-e. (sem. domains: - Tall.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

tiyad intrans. 1to tiptoe, the manner of walking or standing is prominent. Itiyad nan dumallan te nahbit. He walks on tiptoe because a thorn is stuck in his foot. Itiyad mu ke ya mun-ingngo kayuh kinatag-e. If you stand on tiptoe you will be of the same height. i‑/iN‑. (sem. domains: - Walk.) 2to walk on tiptoe. Muntiyattiyad an dumallan ta adi migibok an wada. He is tiptoeing so that no one will be aware of him. muN‑ CVCV‑. 1A Movement with a manner component.

Tokop di mom-on (n. ph. of Tokop, mom-on) prop. a ritual performed for an engagement to marry. Sim: bango, hingngot. (sem. domains: 4.9.5 - Practice religion.)

tulu 1adj. the cardinal number three. Tulu di inayana. He has three wives. Hay kadinawwinah nah ob-ob ad Patukan ya umeh tuluy kilometro. The distance from the spring in Patukan was about three kilometers Number quantifier. (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.) 2intrans. third cock’s crow; three times. Inggibok ku dih pimmitlu. I woke up when the cock crowed three times. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 3adj. three each. Hintutlu kayun umbun. You sit by threes. hiN‑. 4trans. to divide into three. Puntuluwom an piangon nan tupaya te tulu kami. Cut the papaya in thirds because there are three of us. puN‑ ‑on. 5sta. to be worth three pesos. Matulun pihu tun ohan tupaya. This papaya is worth three pesos. ma‑. 6trans. to do something three times. Mamitluwak an uminum hi danum hi hin-algo. I drink water three times a day. Ganain di ipitluk an kumali on ahim dingngol. I have to say something three times before you listen. mami‑, ipi‑. 7adj. thirty. Tulumpuluy toon ku yaden maid pay di inayak. I am thirty years old and still single. 8quan. few. Dimmatong dah maal-algo ot ipayu dan e mampap mu tultulluy dimpap da. They arrived at noon and went directly to the river, but they only caught a few. comp. himpulut tulu comp. tulumpulu der. hintutlu der. katlu der. katlu der. mamitlu der. pitlu der. pungkatluwon

tuwiw comm. a bird specie. [This bird can be heard early in the morning saying tuwiiiiw.] Dingngol ku nan tuwiw di bigatna. I heard the tuwiw-bird this morning. (sem. domains: - Bird.)

udyo comm. mahogany tree or wood. Lingngo da nan udyoh muyung mi. They felled the mahogany tree in our forest. Swietenia Sim: narra. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)

umat (at) 1adv. to compare; to do something like another; to do something in the same way. Munsala kan umat nah punsalan di aktor. You dance like actors dance. Atok ke diday umat hi impangat dan ha-on. I’ll do to them like what they did to me. Comparative. Sim: obot, paddung, ingngo. (sem. domains: - Imitate.) 2advpred. to assert a likeness, using the form as a predicate. Umat ke ha-on hi Maria an nawotwot. Maria is just like me, poor. 3trans. to compare with something, the object is cross-referenced. Adim iummat ke ha-oy nan adol mu te nakawwotwotak. Don’t compare yourself to me because I am very poor. i‑/iN‑. 4pred. it is like something; a comparison. <Used to predicate a comparison> Umat hi adol taku an oha, mu dakol di partena. (I Cor. 12:12) It is like our bodies are one but have many parts. (sem. domains: - Compare.) athina athitu comp. atbohdi comp. athidiy comp. athituy

wigiwig 1trans. to shake head back and forth, sideways, with negative meaning. Adim iwigiwig te teyan maphod tun pungkalik. Don’t shake your head because all that I am telling you is good. i‑/iN. 3G Move body or body parts directionally. Sim: yang-od. (sem. domains: - Gesture.) 2intrans. to shake head back and forth. Munwigwigiwig handi dingngol na nan inat mu. He was shaking his head when he heard what you did. muN‑/nuN‑.