Search results for "eka"

appaku 1comm. fern variety; young shoots are edible, they grow in uncultivated land, especially damp areas. Munhida takuh appaku. We will have appaku-ferns for viand. Sim: ap-apat, paggalat. (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food, 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.) 2trans. to gather fern shoots. Eka mangappaku ta ihda taku. Go gather fern shoots for our viand. maN‑/naN‑.

appad 1comm. trap for birds and small animals on the ground. Ihaad mu nan appad nah dolya. Place the bird trap on the untilled part of the ricefield. Sim: hulu, lingon, bawol, balai. (sem. domains: 6.4.2 - Trap.) 2trans. to trap birds Eka mangappad ta hanake ot ya waday makna. Go make a trap, by chance you might trap a bird or two. Appadon yu nan manuk. Trap the chicken. Anupon weno appadon dat ahi da alan. They hunt or trap the animal to catch it. maN‑/naN‑, ‑on/‑in‑.

ap-ap 1comm. a cover for a bed or table; e.g. mat, blanket. Eka umalah ap-ap ta iap-ap ta tuh kama. Go and get some sheets so that we can spread them on the bed. (sem. domains: 5.1 - Household equipment.) 2trans. to spread a covering over a surface, such as a bed or table. Ap-apam hi ulo nan abok. Spread a blanket over the mat. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5A Changing state of site by adding something. (sem. domains: 7.3.7 - Cover.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

anidu intrans. to warm oneself near the fire. Eka mun-anidu nah kad-an nan dalikan. Warm yourself by the hearth. Kanak pe on no abunay apuy ya kanan gayam ot takon hidiyen lata ya mun-anidu. I thought that only a fire (can warm us) and yet even that can can warm us. La-uwanay lulug ya deyan umanidu hin tininggadan da. Its height comes to your knee and yet, it gives heat when they light it. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 1B Movment with a directional component. Sim: dangdang. der. pun-aniduwan

anawa 1trans. to console; to pacify; to keep someone from crying; to interpose, mediate, reconcile, or settle. Ekat em anawaon didan mundinnuntuk. Go and reconcile those who are fighting with each other. ‑on/‑in‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. Sim: al-aluk, alubyag. (sem. domains: - Help.) 2intrans. someone who pacifies or reconciles others. Maid di mun-anawa. There was no one to pacify. muN‑/nuN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

‑an₁ dervN. this suffix derives a noun from a transitive verb. Ekami makidamun datuwe ad Lagawe te hidiy naduttuk hi datongan da. We will go and meet them in Lagawe because their arrival place is definitely there. Pun-ihap-en Maria nan ulo na ya nabhat nan hablayan. Maria was putting her blanket on the clothes line (lit. hanging-place) when it was severed. Nagibbu ke, ikuyag mu tun nabinokbokan hi lopohhan ya ihukbung mu. After this, pour the rice into the fermentation container (lit. place of fermentation) and cover. Hay ngadan bon nan kay ubunan an eda alan hi muyung ya hagabi damdama. The bench-like figure that they go to get from the forest (during the feast) is also called hagabi. Mumpaha-ad kah basket nah ubunan. Have the basket placed on the seat.

amping (sp. var. app’ing) trans. 1to slap the face. Iamping ku tun taklek. I’ll use my hand in slapping. Eka piamping. You are letting yourself be slapped. i‑/iN‑, pi‑. Sim: apap. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.) 2to slap; the person slapping is highlighted rather the one being slapped. Mamolta day umamping hi tagu. Those who slap people will be fined. ‑um‑/‑imm‑.

aluwog (sp. var. alwog) comm. a bamboo container for carrying water; the nodes have been pierced; usually. about six feet in length. Alam nan aluwog ta eka humagob nah ob-ob. You get the bamboo water container and go to fetch water from the spring. (sem. domains: 1.3 - Water, 6.7.7 - Container.)

aluk 1trans. to speak comfort; to console. Mahakit di nomnom na te nateh inana; eka ta em al-alukon. She is sad because her mother died; go to console her. Al-alukom nan golang te mungkokkogga. You comfort the child because he is crying. ‑on/‑in‑. Speech Verbs - Purpose is to evoke a response. (sem. domains: 4.4.4 - Respond to someone in trouble.) 2trans. to coax; to persuade by presenting nice agruements. Ena al-alukon hi amana ta mungkodo boh pihhu. He’s going to persuade his father and then he’ll ask him for money. ‑on/‑in‑. (sem. domains: 4.8.4 - Peace, - Persuade.) 3intrans. to do something to please someone. Nganne atom an mun-al-aluk ke hiya. What will you do to please her? muN‑/nuN‑. infl. al-aluk

alina 1comm. flour. Eka gumattang hi alina ta mangapya tah tinapay. You go to buy flour and we will make bread. (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food.) 2trans. to place flour on something. Alinaam nan ihaang mun ihda. Place flour on the food you are going to cook. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5A Changing state of site by adding something. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: arina.

alimahma intrans. to glean; gather last produce after main harvesting. Eka mun-alimahmah ugge dah mangga. Go to gather what they have left of the mangoes. muN‑/nuN‑. 1C General class. (sem. domains: 6.2 - Agriculture.)

algo₂ 1comm. sun. Hinaniyan nan kulabut nan algo. The cloud hid the sun. Sim: big’at, pat-al, dilag, potang. (sem. domains: 1.1.1 - Sun.) 2intrans. shining of the sun. Umalgo ke ya eka mumbalbal. If the sun shines, go and wash clothes. Mun-algo kat adi ka maktol. Stay under the sun so you will not will cold. muN‑/nuN‑. 3trans. to put something in the sun in order to dry or warm it. Ek ialgoy buuk ku ta mamag-anan. I’ll go to dry my hair under the sun. i‑/iN‑. der. ma-al-algo der. umalgo ph. v. nalimuy algo

akaw adjunct. expression of dismay or disappointment; good grief; oh no. Eka ke ibagan Sakai hin mabalin an makilugan takuh kotsa da. Akaw, adiyak te bumainak. Would you go and ask Sakai if we can ride with him in his car? Oh no, I will not because I would be embarassed. Interjection. (sem. domains: 9.2.7 - Interjections.)

agyaman sta. to be thankful. Agyaman ka te uggeka nate. Be thankful because you did not die. Sim: salamat. (sem. domains: - Thank.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

agihit comm. a bean variety. Eka umalah agihit hi garden. Go and get agihit-beans in the garden. (sem. domains: - Food from vegetables.)

abulut accept. Sim: tobal. 1.1trans. (prim) to agree to accept a proposal or a statement. Abulutom an hiyay mangiahawan hiya? Do you accept that he will be the one to marry her? Inabulut nan nan kinali da. He accepted what they said. Kon adi ka mo umabulut? Aren’t you accepting anything/anyone anymore. ‑on/‑in‑. 4E Perception and Cognition. (sem. domains: - Approve of something, - Agree with someone.) 1.2trans. to consent to something, permit, allow. In-abulut nan ume da. He permitted them to go. Dahdiy nangiabulut? Who consented to it? Uggek in-abulut an ekayu ume. I did not agree that you will go. i‑/iN‑. (sem. domains: - Agree with someone.)

layut₁ 1comm. rags; ragged clothing. Umidat ta keh bulwati nadah nawotwot ya bokon kay layut di idat. If you give clothes to the poor, don’t give rags. (sem. domains: 5.3 - Clothing.) 2intrans. to wear ragged clothes. Tipet eka munlaylayut? Why do you wear rags? muN‑/nuN‑. 3intrans. discarded ragged clothes. Idat mu nan nunlayutam. Give me your ragged clothes. (the ones you have already discarded.) nuN‑ ‑an.

lamu trans. to put oil or grease on something. Neyan ilamulamum di taban di babuy. There, you are oily with pork fat. Milamulamu nan manteka nah hubil na. His mouth is oily from shortening. i‑/iN‑, mi‑. 3A Move and position object. (sem. domains: 7.5.9 - Put.)

hukhuk 1trans. to hide behind someone or something. Tipet ihukhuk mun inam? Why do you hide behind your mother? i‑/iN‑. 3A Move and position object at site. Sim: hukyab, hulbuk. (sem. domains: 7.6 - Hide.) 2pass. to be hidden or sheltered. Binumtik nan manuk ot nihukhuk nah maholok. The chicken ran away and hid itself among the grasses. Eka mihukhuk dih gulun. Go hide yourself in the cogon-grass. mi‑/ni‑.

hiklop sta. twilight time; evening darkness; dusk. Eka ot te mungkahiklop. You better go because it’s getting dark. Nahiklop mo. Evening darkness has set in. ma‑/na‑, mungka‑. 6C Process or state of inanimate objects. (sem. domains: - Time of the day.)

ha-ob 1comm. the side of someone or something. Eka dih ha-ob na. Go beside him. (sem. domains: - Beside.) 2comm. opposite or other side of something. Eka umbun hi ha-ob na. Go sit opposite him. Dahdi din taguh ha-ob mayor? Who is that person seated opposite the mayor? Sim: bah-el. 3intrans. refers to both sides of someone or something. An mun-in-inop ka? Inid-onah nunhina-ob an pukol ku. “Are you dreaming?” She held me by both of my shoulders. infl. hinna-ob

bitu 1comm. a pit trap; a pit. Nangapya dah bitu nah habal. They made a pit-trap in the swiden farm. (sem. domains: 6.4.2 - Trap.) 2trans. to trap animals using a hole in the ground. Wada key bituwon yu ya idatan dakami. If you trap anything give us some. Ekayu mamitu Go and make a pit-trap. Nabitu nan mangakon dih hilong nah bitun kinapya mi. Last night the robber fell into the trap which we had made. ‑on/‑in‑, maN‑/naN‑, ma‑/na‑.

allawin 1comm. a container for snail collecting (a bamboo tube or a dried gourd, attached to the hips of the person gathering snails.). Napnu mo tun allawin kuh battikul. This container is already full of snails. Sim: bayongyong. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) 2intrans. to use the snail container. Mun-allawin kat eka mangdut. Use the container and go and gather snails. muN‑/nuN‑. 3trans. to use a particular snail container. Iallawin mu nan allawin inam. Use the snail-container of your mother. i‑/iN‑. 3A Move object and position at site.

kame trans. to crush cooked food into small pieces by squeezing with hand; to feel or grope for something with hand, e.g. in washing of rice, looking for shellfish in paddy. Kinamekame na nan kanon di babuy. He crushed the food of the pig with his hands. ‑on/‑in‑. 4A Change the structure of object. Syn: kamli. (sem. domains: 7.7.4 - Press, - Actions of the hand.)

hongba trans. 1to broil over live coals or hot ashes; roast meat; also root vegetables and corn. Ihongbam nan gattuk. Broil the sweet potato. Eka munhongbah aba. Go, broil some tubers. i‑/iN‑. 3D Move object with resulting change of state. Sim: pul’uk, dangpa, halab. (sem. domains: - Cooking methods.) 2(fig) to get involved in an argument or contention; get into trouble; to get embroiled. He-a pe inhongbam di adol mu. You are the one who got yourself into trouble. (sem. domains: 4.4.2 - Trouble.) id. ena ihongbay adol na