Search results for "ubu"

ubun 1to sit. 1.1intrans. to sit down. Umbun ka ni-an ta ek ayagan hi ama. Sit down while I go and call for father. Inumbun da nah luhung ot mummoma da. They sat down on the mortar and chewed betelnut ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2B Movement, change of position. Sim: halupinnak. (sem. domains: 7.1.2 - Sit.) 1.2intrans. to continue sitting. Aga, mangmangbun kayu pet umeyak. Come on, you all keep sitting while I go. maN‑ CV(C). 2to sit. 2.1trans. the place for sitting is cross-referenced by the affix. Tibom ta adim ubunan nan puha. Be careful not to sit on the cat. ‑an/‑in‑‑an. 2.2advpred. to sit as a manner of doing something else. <Morphophonology: The first vowel is lost, and the initial glottal stop and the second consonant metathesize.> Inib-un dan mungkanta. They sat as they sang. i/iN. 3intrans. to be idle; to sit around constantly, doing nothing. Umubuubun kah kabigabigat. You are idle everyday. ‑um‑ CV(C)CV. (sem. domains: - Lazy.) 4a seat. 4.1nom. a thing to sit on; seat, bench, chair. Mumpaha-ad kah basket nah ubunan. Have the basket placed on the seat. Hay ngadan bon nan kay ubunan an eda alan hi muyung ya hagabi damdama. The name of that thing like a bench which they get from the forest is also hagabi. ‑an. (sem. domains: 5.1.1 - Furniture.) 4.2sta. for seats to be occupied. Nab-unan am-in di ubunan kinali tumataddog kami. All the seats are taken, that is why we are standing. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. der. ubunan id. umubuubun

ubunan (der. of ubun) comm. a place to sit; a bench, a chair. Adika umbun nah ubunak. Don’t sit on my seat. Adiyu iwahit nadan papel nah ubunan. Don’t scatter the papers on the chair. spec: tilya. (sem. domains: 5.1.1 - Furniture.)

ubut trans. to prick a pus-filled or water-filled swelling; to lance in order to drain it, such as a blister, boil or abscess. Ubutom tun nanon-an hi hukik. Lance the infected area of my leg. ‑on/‑in‑. 4A Change the structure of an object. Sim: tupig, tuwik. (sem. domains: 7.8.5 - Make hole, opening.)

ubuub trans. to smoke out bees from their hive. Ubuubam nan putyukan ta alam nan bale da. Smoke out the bees so you can get their hive. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5B Changing state of site by removal of something. (sem. domains: - Take something out of something.)

ubuwan (sp. var. ubbuwan) comm. a young hen. Umala kah ubbuwan ta pun-ibban tun poltan. Get a young hen so that this rooster will have company. (sem. domains: - Bird.) Language of Borrowing: Central Ifugao.

ukmun 1intrans. to swallow. Mahakit di bagan ku hin umukmunak. My throat is painful when I swallow. Deket e mangan, umukmun ni-an hi mahampot an tubun di holok. Before it eats, it first swallows coarse grass. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2E Body and physiological functions. 2trans. to swallow something in particular. Pakaggalgalom on ahim inukmun. Chew it very well before you swallow it. i‑/iN‑. (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat.) 3intrans. to continuously swallow because one is salivating. Mun-uk-ukmun handi tinibonan mangad kamih ugge nal-um an mangga. She was salivating (lit. swallowing) when she saw us eating unripe mangoes. muN‑ CVC‑. id. pakiukmun di dilak

ullin trans. to push to roll down. Ullinon yu nan batu te madam-ot. Roll the stone because it’s heavy. Maullin ka hn hinay ubunam. You will roll down if you sit down there. ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑/na‑. 4D Release, remove or detach object. (sem. domains: 7.2.2 - Move in a direction.)

‑um‑ 1TACR. this infix is a default affix for Class 2 verbal roots; non-past tense, punctiliar aspect; cross references the subject. Umali nah langtay ya inang-ang nah Lammooy an dimpanay takle nat iadi nanno umeh Pangka. He came to the bridge and he saw Lammooy who extended his arm preventing Pangka to pass. Sim: ‑imm‑. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.) 2TACR. when affixed to transitive verbs, this infix encodes non-past and punctiliar aspect; it cross-references subject and expresses partitive quantification of the undergoer object. Umidat ka nah kankannom an tinapay. Give me some of the food you are eating. Kumaan ka nah dotag ta ihaang mu. Slice some of that meat and cook it. Sim: umi-. 3proc. when affixed to Class 6 verbs, this infix encodes a process incompletive aspect and cross-references the subject. Inun-unud day imbagan Pablo ot ahi pumhod nan unga. They did and the child got well. Wumotwot di tugal. Gambling makes a person become poor. 4TACR. this infix derives an intransitive process verb from a noun or adjective; it encodes incompletive aspect and cross-references the subject. Hay humagabi ya hay kadangyan. The man who performs the hagabi-ceremony must be rich. Deket maid di dayakkot ya adi dumanum nan ikail. If there is no glutinous rice to mix in, the preparation will not produce any juice at all. 5TACR. this infix encodes non-past tense and punctiliar or inceptive aspect and cross-references subject. Tinuttuduwak an kumali kali da. They taught me how to speak their language. Matibon mundogo, ot ibagana nadah aammod nan umayag dah mamakko. She was not evidently in good health so he advised the parents to call for a mamakko-shaman. Deket e mangan, umukmun ni-an hi mahampot an tubun di holok. Before it eats, it first swallows coarse grass.

umubuubun (id. of ubun) an idiom meaning to be idle (lit. always sitting). (sem. domains: - Saying, proverb.)

wahit trans. 1to scatter or spread something deliberately. Adiyu iwahit nadan papel nah ubunan. Do not scatter the papers on the chair. Mun-wahit da bo nadan imbabalem nah dola. Your children are scattering things in the yard again. Miwahit nadan papel hin dumibdib. The papers will be strewn if the wind blows. i‑/iN‑, muN‑/nuN‑, mi‑/ni‑. 3B Move and release object. Sim: wakilat. (sem. domains: - Separate, scatter.) 2to scatter something with the site prominent and cross-referenced by the affix. Wahitam nan dayakkot hi asukal. Spread sugar on the glutinous-rice. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an.

wa-el comm. a small body of running water; a brook; a stream; a creek. Adika ume nah wa-el. Don’t go to the brook. Ume bo kanu nah tap-on di wa-el nah alak ya wadaday ngubungubun mangabat da. He went to the place above the creek in the irrigation ditch and there were mumbling voices. Sim: baybay, wangwang, lob’ong. (sem. domains: 1.3.1 - Bodies of water.)

ya 1conj. and; a conjoining conjunction that expresses an additive relationship between clauses or constituents of a noun phrase. Imme kami ya maid kayu. We went and you were not there. Maka ya ta baddanganak. Please come and help me. Ambiambilog ya dakkodakkol di tatagu. It is wide and there are plenty of people. Waday kanta, hapit ya tayo an impatibon nadan nalpuh natkonatkon an boble. There were songs, speeches and dances rendered by different groups from different barrios. Mumboga da ya mungkail da. They get rice and they make wine. Coordinating conjunctions. (sem. domains: - And, also.) 2lk. links the constituents of an equational clause. Umboy biggatna ya munlilingot ka. Even in the morning, you perspire. Hay humagabi ya hay kadangyan. Hay ngadan bon nan kay ubunan an eda alan hi muyung ya hagabi damdama. comp. deke ya comp. deya comp. yaden

yaden (den) (comp. of ya, den) conj. 1connects a clause with information that expresses contraexpectation and is antithetical to that encoded in the preceding clause; and yet. Maid inat kun hiya yaden dumuntuk. I did nothing to him and yet he wants to box me. Pituy toona yaden makangngun-unud ya makabbaddang. He was only seven years old, and yet he was obedient and helpful. Wada da nan munhona ta kanan di bumaddang da yaden mungkulkullawing da ot ya aabu ta mid-um di dam-ot da. There are those naughty ones who say they will help carry the load, and yet instead they hold on to the pole and swing from one side to the other, thereby adding to the load. Ugge nabubungan yaden ahi udan mo. It’s not roofed, and yet it’s almost rainy season. Ammunay katem yaden mabungot ka. You are about to die, and yet you are angry. Compounding conjunctions and adjuncts. (sem. domains: - Concession.) 2connects a clause encoding an event that takes place at the same time as the one in the preceding clause; frequently, there is also a contraexpectation concept expressed in the context of the conjunction use; while. Munha-ang yaden mangan. He is cooking while eating. Man-un dakami te nakangngan kami yaden toattoan da peman di udum. Good for us because we ate while the others did not. Mungngahngahak yaden mungkaliyak hi bale mi. I gasped for breath while I was shouting at our house. (sem. domains: - At the same time.)