kapart irrwill/would (he/they) 3sm/3pbaiJisas ŋanange ŋaiye ka ember Yohe Yirise ka ot.Jesus said that he will send the Holy Spirit to come.Jisas i tok olsem em bai salim Holi Spirit long kam.
kah mwimwainsago leaves (new) split for decorationnupela saksak ol brukim long bilasTinge ilyeh ilyeh yenge kah mwimwai sai syep tinge.They each held new split sago leaves in their hands.Ol wanwan i holim lip bilong nupela saksak ol i bin brukim long han bilong ol.cf.kakah mwimwaisago palm leaves split to threads for decoration
kaiqwmarking a questiona ; oYa menge ŋim poi mongomb lenge le'e, kai na pakai?Do we take swords to hit these here, or don't we?Bai mipela holim bainat bilong kilim ol, o nogat?cf.lakaimarking a questionAt the end of sentence.
kakahnsago paste ; bread ; flourflaua ; saksak ; bretTukwini poi mamba'e kakah mal yukoh windau.Today we went to the store to get flour.Nau mipela i go long stua bilong kisim flaua.
kakah blaunpsago ballssaksak bolTuweinge hoi ka hindi yerŋe kakah blau yurp.Two women sit and prepare sago balls.Tupela meri i redim saksak.cf.blauballs
kakah mwimwainpsago palm leaves split to threads for decorationkatim kuru bilong saksak na brukim lip bilong bilasim plesTinge ilyeh ilyeh yenge kakah mwimwai sai syep tinge.They each held split sago palm leaves in their hands.Ol wanwan i holim lip bilong saksak olsem bilas long han bilong ol.cf.kah mwimwaisago leaves (new) split for decoration
kakarauadjhard root cropsGone hard/sour while growing, because harvest was delayed too long.kaikai i kamap strong tumas insait, bikos ol i no kamautim long graun ; kaikai i stingHau ŋaiye tinge yono pe, pupwa kakarau.The yams which they ate were sour.Mami ol i kaikai i gat sting wara insait.cf.barmbarhard root cropstimbilhard root crops
kapenihngreenskumuTinge yenge kapenih wula yat moi windau.They carried lots of greens to the market.Ol i karim planti kumu i go long maket.
karkapngreens, wildsmall thin leaves, small white flowerswel kumu
kasarvlight a camp fire using firewoodlaitim paia wantaim paiawudKin kasar nih.He lit a fire.Em i laitim paia.
kahwukennsago without thorns ; taro - wildsaksak i no gat nil ; wel taroTinge gine kahwuken ŋende.They cut down the sago tree.Ol i katim saksak.
ka'ngrandmothertumbuna mamaKa' ŋam somohon wule.My grandmother died a long time ago.Tumbuna mama bilong mi i dai longpela taim bipo.cf.mwan ka' 1grandparents
kekepnground ; soil ; earth ; property (land)graunGot kin ŋende kekep topo'e ŋai'e ŋai'e lalme.God made the earth and everything else.God i wokim graun na olgeta narapela samting.Kekep ŋaiye erngenem topoꞌe ŋeser.Ground with gravel and stones.Graun i gat garanas na ston.
kerkerkirkirnsqueaking or munching sound which sago grub makesnois ol binatang i mekim long taim ol i kaikai saksakWi' kakah tinge kerkerkirkir ya yoto kakah mele'e.The sago grubs were munching on the inside of the sago.Ol binatan bilong saksak i mekim nois long taim ol i kaikai saksak.
keserevshoot with bow and arrowsutim wantaim supsupMoi kesere sen ŋonombe ŋinjet.Moi shot an arrow and killed a bird.Moi sutim supsup na kilim pisin.Same prefixes as g-verbs.
ketevdrag ; pullpulimKete bepmohro guh.Pull face down to show you are not happy.Pulim pes soim yu i no amamas.Kin kete mwah wunje' ŋaiye ka bwinde bwande hepei.He pulled a cane rope to tie bamboo poles.Em i pulim rop long pasim mambu long haus.Ki kete kekep nase ŋeheh ŋanah.He pulled the ground up from the hole (using something to put in on).Em i pulim graun i kamap long hul.cf.chitetrickgetedrag/pullFollows g-verb pattern.kiteirr.pull
kete ŋoih ŋana hervpsighpulim win strongKin kete ŋoih ŋana her.He sighed.Em i pulim win strong.Same prefixes as g-verbs.
ketemevbreathe in ; suck ; wait forwet ; pulim long mausKin keteme yohe bongol pe, ki nule ko.He breathed in strong and died.Em i pulim win strong, na em i dai.Talah Jesi keteme bripmwa' ŋono'e.Jesi's child is sucking breast milk.Pikinini bilong Jesi i dringim susu.Ŋupe ŋaiye ŋisih nate gah kekep pe, kekep uku keteme pinip.When rain comes to ground, this grounds sucks water.Long taim ren i pundaun long graun, dispela graun i pulim dispela wara i go insait.Got si ŋende mi'mi' me luh moi ende ŋaiye tikin yepelmbe seketeh sai keteme tinge.God has prepared a very dark place which waits for them.God i redim wanpela ples i tudak nogut tru wetim ol.cf.gan ketemewatchSame prefixes as g-verbs.
ketetevpull out ; stretchpulimKetete syep nin el tus.Stretch your arm out.Pulim han bilong yu i kam.Same prefixes as g-verbs.
kiproitemAlso short form of kin used before a verb starting with n/ŋ.
ki kete gah yelvpalmost darkklostu tudakKi kete gah yel ŋaiye nala ŋup.It was/is almost dark.Klostu tudak.