mapart irrI will ; I shallmi bai1sMa mini yip ŋai tihei kin.I will tell you reason for it.Mi bai tokim yupela as bilong en.
mah bilmbilncorpsebodi i dai pinisŊoihme ŋaiye lenge jetalah kin se ka yute yul yamba'e mahbilmbil kin yenge yil!Watch out his disciples will come get his body and remove it!Lukaut long ol disaipel bilong em bai kam na kisim bodi bilong em i go!
mahamunnrhinoceros beetlebinatang bilong kaikai diwaibikpela, i gat longpela nusMahamun ŋono ŋem ŋoih.A rhinoceros beetle eats the sprouts on a coconut.Binatan i kaikaim kru bilong kokonas.
maheconjand alsona tuTinge yiche ŋai'e ŋai'e wah sye' tikin loumbil pinip ta'e sel, mwah, mahe ŋai'e ŋai'e sye' ya jah ŋoloh pinip.They threw out all kinds of parts of the ship like canvas, rope, and also some other things to the sea.Ol i tromoi planti ol kain kain samting bilong sip olsem sel, rop, na tu kain kain samting i go long solwara.
mahgongwongengrasshopper ; stick buggrashopa i luk olsem stikMahgongwonge narp ŋem tup.The mahgongwonge grashopper sits on a coconut leaf.Grashopa i luk olsem stik diwai i stap antap long lip bilong kokonas.
mahi'nhuman skinskin bilong manmeriDokta ŋele'e mahi' Butuhupe ŋonote nal luh wutu' sisyep.The doctor cut the fresh skin from Butuhupe to cover her sores.Dokta i katim skin bilong Butuhupe na karapim sua bilong en.
mai yipihingenspirit of (a dead) man ; bad spirittewel ; spirit bilong daimanTinge ŋoih yeriyembe nange tinge si yeteke'e mai yipihinge ende.They thought that they saw a bad spirit.Ol i tingim olsem ol i lukim spirit bilong daiman.
makav mouth to speak or eatopim maus long toktok o kaikaiYukur ka maka ininge wusyep.He will not open his mouth to talk.Em bai no opim maus long toktok.
malaihadjsmallliklikTalah malaih Sorpakai ŋende wahri' pupwa.Sorpakai's small boy is sick.Liklik pikinini man bilong Sorpakai i sik.
mamnmother ; father's brother's wife ; aunt (mother's sister)mamaMam wenge lenge talah ti wal skel.The mother took her child to be weighed.Mama i kisim pikinini i go long skel.
mamiyennmother-in-law ; spouse's auntSpouse's father's sister (f.s) ; spouse's father's brother's wife (f.s).tambu mamaJackson na nungwisme mamiyen kin ŋende wah.Jackson is helping his mother-in-law at the garden.Jackson i halpim tambu mama bilong en long gaden.
maneadjheavyheviLenge miye' yikirh hro' mane yase syipsyap yat.The men are carrying a heavy pig from the bush.Ol man i karim pik i hevi tumas i kam long bus.
mapnholehulMiye' ende ŋende map sai kohmbeli'.One man made a hole in the wall.Wanpela man i wokim hul long banis.
maprikisngatedua bilong banisPa yi yoto maprikis malaih uku.Go through that small gate.Bai yupela go long dispela liklik dua bilong banis.
marnchinwisketMiye' ende noŋombe tuwei kin naŋal mar.A man hit his wife on the chin.Man i paitim meri bilong en long wisket.
mar luluwenptalk loudly, with convictiontok strongKaunsil ki ŋanange wusyep mar luluwe ŋaiye lenge miye' ka jute peperiyeh.The councilor strongly told the men to cut the grass.Kaunsil i tok strong long ol man bilong katim gras.
mar waihnbeardmaus grasŊam mainge mar waih.I shave my beard.Mi katim sideways ; stop ; prevent
markowohnmillipedeBlack, legs under body.tausen lekTalah Helen hi' garnge markowoh.Helen's child is afraid of the millipede.Pikinini bilong Helen i les long tausen lek.
marngeadvloudly ; quicklystrongpela singaut ; hariapTinge yosoko wenersep marnge yahra'e naŋ tikin Lahmborenge.They were singing loudly and praising the Lord.Ol i singsing strong bilong litimapim nem bilong Bikpela.Marnge el! Kertetenge marnge!Go quickly! Run quickly!Go hariap! Ron hariap!
marpnsaucepansospenTinge marp pakai ŋaiye ka yende ŋai.They don't have a saucepan to cook their food.Ol i no gat sospen bilong kukim kaikai.
masntree typeHardwood. Long, thick tree, light grey areas on bark, leaves 7 cm wide, 17-19 long, spear head shape, used for digging sticks to plant taro/banana.diwai mas
strongpelaLenge miye' yal jene mas yal syipsyap.The men went to the bush to cut the mas tree.Ol man i go long bus bilong katim diwai mas.
matapamətəpanbreadfruitonly seeds ediblekapiakTinge ya yaŋal matapa pe, poi mesekeh mono.They went to pick the breadfruit and we cooked it and ate it.Ol i kisim kapiak, na mipela kukim na
mahwaimbenfireflybinatang i save lait long nait ("sta")Mahwaimbe nat nato yukoh mele'e.A firefly flew inside the house.Liklik sta i flai long namel long haus.