ŋam tanampromyself ; my ownbilong mi ; mi yetSyep ŋam tanam.My own hand.Han bilong mi yet.Ŋam tanam.I myself.Mi yet.
ŋamahncorpse ; dead person/animalman/abus i dai pinisTinge yala yil Musiloh yinise ŋamah ende si nule.They are going to Musiloh to bury a dead man.Ol i go long Musiloh bilong planim man i dai pinis.
ŋambaihngrandchild ; sibling's grandchildrentumbuna pikininiŊambaih Andrew ŋende wah narp Moresby.Andrew's grandson is working in Moresby.Tumbuna pikinini man bilong Andrew i wok long Moresby.cf.yuruwaibrother and his children of a female ; sister and her children of male ; nephew ; niece ; children of sister for male ; children of brother and their spouses for a female
ŋambaihenperson in a taboo relationship doing a forbidden thingWife, children, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters. It is taboo for a child to step over/sit on top of things/food belonging to parents. Parents cannot go under children's clothes hanging on a line. If done, it is supposed to cause breathing problems, blindness etc. Some people still believe and practise these taboos in 2016.kalapim tambuTalah ŋambaihe ka tahar'e ŋai.Grandchild stepped over food.Tumbuna pikinini i kalapim kaikai.
ŋambalapnhardwoodalso used to make split log drumskwila no2Endere wuhu el yukoh yirise!Beat the split log drum of the church!Paitim garamut long haus lotu!cf.wuhu 2iron wood
ŋambam mihmarpnbanana for making soupbanana bilong wokim supSalomi wende mihmarp ŋambam gwinim.Salomi is making sweet banana soup.Salomi i wokim sup long banana mau.
ŋambaranadjnewnupelaWusyep erŋeme le'e yukur ki ŋambaran me yip, pakai.This law is not new to you, no.Dispela lo i no nupela long yupela, nogat.
ŋamusyu'nnamesake (descending)nemsekŊamusyu' Loretta warp Ŋahmbole.Loretta's namesake lives in Ŋahmbole.Nemsek bilong Loretta i stap long Ŋahmbole.cf.nandeheinamesake (the one whose name has been given)naŋ teheinamesake (ascending)
ŋana raqwwhereweBongol uku kin namba'e ŋana ra?Where does he get his power?Em i kisim strong bilong em we?cf.ŋana raiwhereŋanarawhereraiwhere
ŋana raiqwwhereweNin namba'e bongol iki ŋana rai ti, nin ŋende wah?Where do you get this power to do work?Yu kisim dispela strong long mekim wok we?cf.ŋana rawhereŋanarawhereraiwhere
ŋanaipnmeat only (without grease)abus (nogat gris)Tinge yesekeh tuwet ŋanaip yal nih yono.They are cooking the chicken meat in the fire.Ol i kukim abus kakaruk long paia.
ŋanaraqwwhereweMiye' e'e namba'e sande teke'e luku ŋanara?Where does this man get this wisdom?Dispela man i kisim dispela sawe we?cf.ŋana rawhereŋana raiwhereraiwhere
ŋasarpnfaminetaim bilong hangreTukwini ŋup tikin ŋasarp pe, poi michel'e kakah.Now is the time of famine and we are processing sago paste.Nau i taim bilong hangre, na mipela wasim saksak.
ŋatai'adjtired ; wiltedslek ; malomaloMiye' iki wahri' ŋatai', detale kin ŋende wah nihe.This man is tired because he worked hard.Bodi bilong dispela man i slek, bikos em i wok hat tru.
ŋaunsunsanMinde hondonge ŋaiye ŋau ka owor'e pe, ya mil ŋoloh.Tomorrow morning when the sun starts shining we will go to the ocean.Tumora moning long taim san i lait, mipela bai go long solwara.
ŋau tambaramnpdawnmoning taim san i kirapHondo hondonge ŋaiye ŋau tambaram anah.Very early in the morning when the sun began to rise.Moning taim tru long taim san i laik kirap.
ŋau wileinpdry seasontaim bilong sanŊam ma murp moi uku mil tutume ŋaiye ŋau wilei ka si.I will stay in this place until dry season finishes.Mi bai stap long dispela ples inap long taim bilong san bai pinis.
ŋau yehe'enpwhole dayolgeta deO ŋau yeheꞌe yip yate jan paka pakaiye yende ŋaimune?Why have you stood idle the whole day?Long wanem yupela i sanap nating long olgeta de?
ŋauwendaylighttaim bilong sanŊaiye miye' ka oho anga ŋaiye ŋembep ŋauwe pe, yukur ka tumbe.If a man will walk when it is daylight, he will not fall down.Sapos man bai wokobaut long taim ai i lukim san, em i no pundaun.