bereiproboth of us ; we twomitupelaPoi berei hoime miye' wah bwore tikin sios.Both of us are good workers of church.Mitupela i gutpela wokman bilong sios.
beriyeu1adjrotten (wood) ; rusty (metal)diwai i sting ; metal i rasŊip beriyeu nasme ŋip lombo.A rotten mango fell off a mango tree brach.Mango i sting na em i pundaun long han bilong mango.
beriyeu2v uninfl.blinkpasim ai hariap na opim genŊumbwat ŋembep beriyeu hwihwai.The dog blinked his eyes quickly.Dok i pasim na opim ai hariap i go kam.
bermburnjudgement - poori no gat gutpela tingtingLenge mitiŋ sye' ŋaiye bermbur pe, tinge yende wusyep hombo'e.Some people with poor judgement lie.Man ino gat gutpela tingting ol i giaman.
bermeprepforlongKin nate nule berme pupwa poi.He came to die for our badness.Em i kam long dai long nogut bilong mipela.
beryemeadvwellsindaun isiYip hindi beryeme yurp.You two behave well.Yu tupela sindaun isi.
bileindomesticated animalabus/animal man i lukautimO, dindi' ŋup Sabat yip ŋoih ginirme lenge yowor bilei yip lakai pakai?Do you feel pity for the domesticated animals on Sabbath day or not?Na long Sabat yupela i sori long ol abus yupela i save lukautim o nogat?
bilmbiladjcold ; paralysedhan o lek i dai ; kolŊisih pwambe pe, ŋihip syep bilmbil.I got wet from the rain and now my legs and hands are cold.Ren i wasim mi na lek na han bilong mi i kol.Miyeꞌ ende ŋaiye narp uku pe, syep kin si nule bilmbil.A man whose hand was paralysed was there.Wanpela man i stap long hap, han bilong em i dai.
biltekeche'v uninfl.roll on groundtanim tanim long graunHro' si tangarh pinip mi'e pe, ki plihe nal biltekeche' ŋende ŋanar tembele.A pig washes itself, and it will go again and roll around in the mud.Pik i waswas, na em bai gen go tanim tanim stap long graun malomalo.
bilyau talaiv uninfl.disappeartanimNilyehe sai, tinge yeteke'e yoworme nange kin bilyau talai ko'.Suddenly they realised that he had disappeared.Wantu ol luksave olsem, Jisas em i lusim ol.
bimbaiyeadjflatfletGot nainge wusyep erŋeme kin nanah ŋeser bimbaiye hoi.God wrote his law on two flat stones.God i raitim lo bilong en antap long tupela flet ston.Loumbil ŋeser'e melon de pe, ki bimbaiye.A car mashed a melon, and it became flat.Ka i krungutim melen na em i kamap flet.Wahri' nin bimbaiye.Your body is dirty.Skin bilong yu i doti.
bimbilye'menwindstrongstrongpela winYohe bimbilye'me tahar no, mwaihit sisil yal'e yal'e.A strong wind rises, and clouds break.Bikpela win i kamap, na ol klaut i bruk bruk.
bimbuhuadvthoughtlesslymekim nating natingKin de ka guhur'e yokoh kom, ki bimbuhu ŋende.He wants to build (lit. raise) a house, but he makes it thoughtlessly.Em i laik kirapim haus, tasol em i mekim nating nating.
binadjready to be harvestedgaden kaikai i redi long kisimWundehei hoiye hoiye teter sai ŋaiye ŋup tikin ŋai bin.There are still four months before it is time to harvest.Stil i stap fopela mun bipo kaikai i redi long kisim. (lit. em i taim bilong kisim kaikai).cf.ŋai binharvest time ; time of abundant food
bipnupper chestbrosTape ŋanah ŋem pe, bip kin tambarenge.Tape went up a coconut tree, and scratched his chest (when gliding down).Tape i go antap long kokonas, na em i sikarapim bros bilong en (long taim em kam daun).
birmbareadjlousy ; poor quality ; bleeding and woundedi no gutpelaYokoh ŋaiye tinge yende pe, pupwa birmbare.House which they made is poor quality.Haus ol i wokin i no gutpela.Tinge jarnge yasme yokoh kin yenge wim birmbare yal.They fled his house with blood bleeding from wounds.Ol i ranawe lusim haus bilong en, na blut i kapsait long bodi bilong ol we ol man i bin katim ol.
birmev moneyputim gut ; holim gutTinge birme wuhyau wula wula yanar.They save plenty of money.Ol i holim planti moni i stap
bisyemngreens with edible leavesaibikaŊam ma mila me bisyem mal wah.I am going to the garden for some aibika greens.Mi bai go long gaden na kisim sampela aibika.
blaunpballssusu saksakkakah blauhot water sago ballssaksak tanimcf.kakah blausago balls
bliyeadjcalm waterwara i stap isiBromwalme bliye sai.The water at Bromwalme is calm.Wara long Bromwalme i stap isi.
bli' bli' ŋembermenfirst light of dawnlait long taim san i stat kamapBli' bli' nemberme ŋaitem tehei.First light of sky.Namba wan lait long taim san i stat kamap.
blohev uninfl.shakecaused by a cold/earthquake/windseksekKekep e'e ki blohe.This ground will shake.Dispela graun bai guria.
blohemblohev uninfl.shakeCan be caused by a cold, earthquake, wind.seksekŊam mende wahri' epwa malaria pe, ŋam blohemblohe.I am sick with malaria and have the chills.Skin bilong mi i hot tumas (long sik malaria) na mi seksek.Yukoh blohemblohe.The house shakes.Haus i seksek.