yapart irrwill (we will) ; would (we would) ; might (we might)mipela bai1pYa mil!Let's go!Mipela go!Poi ŋoiheryembe ŋaiye ya mil, kom pakai.We thought that we would go, but no (it did not work).Mipela tingting long go, tasol nogat.cf.yigo (they will go)
ya yahaprep.vtolongTinge si yiche mwah ya jah pinip ya yaha loumbil pinip mut.They threw some ropes to the water in front of the boat.Ol i tromoi sampela rop i go daun long wara long het bilong sip.yi yohoirr.toYiche mwah sye' yi juh pinip yi yoho loumbil pinip mut.Throw some ropes to the water in front of the boat.
yahntree typeLong, big, orange tinted hardwood. Used for flooring, posts, edible fruit (plum size, with a big stone inside, hard inedible skin), leaves spear shaped, 9 cm wide, 25 cm long.tonwith edible plum like fruit
yahangencoconut shell ladle/scoop ; scraper for gardenwomen onlysel kokonas ol meri i paitim sup o sikarapim graunTuwei wenge yahange wule mih marp.A woman held a scoop (and) poured mashed soup.Mer i holim sel na kapsaitim sup.
yainfather ; father's brothers for male egopapaYai ŋam teter narp.My father is alive.Papa bilong mi em i stap yet.
yai teheinowner ; originator ; initiatorpapa bilong samtingKin yai tehei tikin ŋem uku.He owns this coconut.Em i papa bilong dispela kokonas.Niksen Samblap kin yai tehei tikin wah pinip.Niksen Samblap is the originator of the water project.Niksen Samblap em i papa bilong wok bilong wara.
yaihadjredretpelaYungwiris pe, yip yeteke'e ŋaitem yaih glingli.In the afternoon you see a red sky with no clouds.Long apinun yupela i lukim retpela skai (nogat klaut).
yaiheadjredretpelaTinge yungunuꞌ me ŋaiyuwat yaihe jah kin.They hang a red cloth on him.Ol i hangamapim retpela laplap long en.
yalhnbelonging to a groupwanlain bilongKin yalh ilyeh tititinge.He belongs to their group.Em i wanpela bilong ol.Yalh ŋam.Man of same age group.Wanlain bilong mi.
yamapnwalnut tree PNGmonDracontomelon magniferumYamap gere sai syipsyap, kom ŋesep kin pe, mi' supule.Walnut trees grow in the jungle and their nuts are very good.Mon i stap long bus na pikinini bilong en i gutpela tru.
yambvhit you pl.paitim yupelaYip lahmende ŋaiye tukwini nimbot yamb yip pe, yip si yarp bwore.You who are hungry (lit. hunger hits you) today, you are well.Yupela husat i hangre nau yupela stap gut.cf.-ongombehit them ; kill thempumbhit me/us ; kill me/uspwambehit mepwambehit mepwamboihit usyambipthey hit you pl./themyumbirr.hit (will hit you pl.) ; harm (will harm you pl.)Tinge ka yumb yip.They will hit you.cf.pumbeirr. ofpwambepumboiirr. ofpwamboipwambepwamboiyambipyumbeirr. ofyambeyumbipirr. ofyambip
yambipvthey hit you pl./thempaitim - ol i paitimKa yumbip pa yule.They will hit you and you will die.Ol bai paitim yupela na bai yupela i dai.Tukwini tinge yambip yip.Today they hit you.Nau ol i paitim yupela.cf.pumbhit me/us ; kill me/uspumbebeat me/us (to death)irr. ofpwambepumboibeat usirr. ofpwamboipwambehit mepwambehit mepwamboihit uspwamboihit usyambhit you pl.yumbhit (will hit you pl.) ; harm (will harm you pl.)irr. ofyambyumbehit you sg. ; harm you ; fight you sgirr. ofyambeyumbiphit you pl.irr. ofyambipyumbipirr.hit you pl.Yukur pa hi' jirnge lenge lahmende ŋaiye ka yumbip no, pa yule, napakai.Don't be afraid of those who will hit you and you will die, no.cf.-ongombe-onombepumbeirr. ofpwambepumboiirr. ofpwamboipwambepwambepwamboiyambipyumbirr. ofyambyumbeirr. ofyambe
yamutilnnose hole decorationbilas ring bilong nusnot used anymore
yaŋnbowl ; medium size clay pot with a big mouthsospen graun i gat bigpela mausKin ŋuru'e pinip sye' nangah yaŋ ende.He poured some water into a big mouthed clay pot.Em i kapsaitim sampela wara i go long sospen graun.
yaŋahntrail ; road ; pathrotYaŋah poi bwore halhale.Our trail is clean/cleared.Rot bilong mipela i klin.
yaŋah maŋntrail of wild animalsrot bilong ol wel abusKi nal ŋember mwah nal yaŋah maŋ.He went to put a string on a trail of wild animals.Em i go putim rop long rot bilong wel abus.
yaŋaheadvupwardsantapPa yunge juh tuweihe, kom pa bep yi yunuh yaŋahe.You walked down (in a valley or mountain side), but you looked upwards.Yupela wokobaut daunbilo, tasol yupela lukluk i go antap.
yaŋgamadjleft (side, hand, cheek)han kaisSyep yaŋgam ŋam si nule.My left hand is paralysed.Han kais bilong mi i hangamap nating.
yapndigging stick ; shovelstik ; spetŊam mahai'e yap ŋaiye ma mononde hau.I looked for a digging stick/shovel to go and plant mami.Mi painim stik/spet bai mi planim mami.
yap tungwainstick for enforcing ground around a post ; anchorstik bilong strongim as bilong pos ; ankaTinge yenge yap tungwai yetenge tumwange tehei.They held sticks to enforce the ground around posts.Ol i strongim has bilong pos wantaim stik.