tascome out ; happen ; revealkam/go autŊaiꞌe ŋaiꞌe lalme luku kin nate tas gande wusyep kin.All these things happened (lit. came out) as he had spoken.Dispela ol samting i kamap bihainim tok bilong em.Kin gal gal ŋanange wusyep gan na tas moi gungurar.He shouted and revealed talk from the desert.Em i singaut singaut na toktok long ples nating.Kin kete syep kin nal tas.He pulled his arm forward.Em i pulim han bilong em i go autsait.tusirr.come out ; revealŊai'e ŋai'e luku yukur ka se tus tu'e ŋasande tinge, pakai.Those things will not happen (lit. come out) according to their will, no.Yip tus!Come outside!
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