Browse Vagla – English
ɔglipl.ɔglɔɔvto choke (to stick in the throat and cause sick feeling)Miŋ di kabila la wia, n loobii ra ɔgluu.Because I ate the fufu, I am choking.
ɔmpl.ɔmmɔcfhɔrmiɔnzi1vto fearBa ra ɔm n nuahiŋ werge.They fear my dog a great deal.2obeyWaa nabɔnzi ra ɔm.He does not obey elders.
ɔnzipl.ɔnzɔɔcfhɔrmiɔmvto make sb. afraid, to frighten, to talk harshly toKiipo ɔnzi baa.Kiipo made them afraid.
ɔɔɛɛ2unspec. var.aŋ2ɛɛ2advusually, customarilyU ɔɔ chag wɛjɛzii Atalaata hɔl.She usually washes clothes on Tuesday.unspec. var.ɛɛ2
ɔɔiexclexpression of dissatisfactionU gbɛlluu di ŋɔ, Ɔɔi!He offended him by saying, Ɔɔi!
ɔɔlipl.ɔɔlɔɔvto wash (without soap)Bie naa ra ɔɔli wɛjɛzi.This child is washing the clothes without soap.
ɔɔzipl.ɔɔzɔɔvto roast, bakeHaa zal la ɔɔzɛɛ nɛnnɛ gba.You did not roast the chicken well.
ɔrpl.ɔttɔvto swell (only through infection)N naa ɔttɔɔ.My leg is swollen.
ɔrgipl.ɔrgɔɔvto swell (many)Sumpua ni Fɔgɔ maa naazi ɔrgɔɔrɛ.Both Sumpua and Fɔgɔ's legs are swollen.
ɔzipl.ɔzɔɔvto suck (the breast), suckleAwaadar ra nyiŋŋi il ɔzaa werge.Awaadar likes sucking the breast.