a1cfaŋ1demthe, thatA baal waa ballɛ.The man didn't come.
a2pnit/its/they, them, their (3rd. person pronoun, non-personal subject, neutral)A ra dunzuu.They bite. (mosquitoes)U kpa a maanii.He took all of them. (yams)Pir sela du a lɔɔ.Bush animals put up their shelter.A wesso hiŋ jaamuu mɔɔ.It is good that you greet him first.
aaexclHa! - exclamation showing disgustUŋ wa ŋɔ guŋ, Kiipo ŋɔ, Aa!When he said that, Kiipo said, "Ha!"
aahpl.aahwɔcf-aahmuaaih1vto be ripeA kakuba aahwɔ.The pawpaw is ripe.2to be red, yellow, brown ('red' [Gh.])U tagta aahwɔ.His shirt is red.Aah siwii!Try hard! 'Do your best!' [Gh.]
aahlipl.aahlɔɔvto force openLau lugbii la aahli ú pilli.Force the nail open. (unbend it)