Browse Vagla – English
ka 1 pl. kawɔɔ cf -bɛlii anɛɛ 1 anɛɛ 2 aniidaanɛɛ anue anumbɛl banɛɛ bɛl 2 bunɛɛ ka 2 kabɛl nɛɛhiŋ 1 v to leave U chɔwɔɔ ka ka yaa. She ran away and left us. 2 to be left over, to remain A ka hɔpizaa ahoro ka n la Tamaali. There remain 3 days before I shall go to Tamale.
ka 2 cf -bɛlii anɛɛ 1 anɛɛ 2 aniidaanɛɛ anue anumbɛl banɛɛ bɛl 2 bunɛɛ ka 1 kabɛl nɛɛhiŋ 1 cj and then La ka a ba. Go and then come. 2 but Ka n hor du lee? But where is mine?
kaa adv again U chagzimbuu dɛɛla di kaa chagziŋ zinaa. He abused me yesterday and abuses me again today.
kaabi pl. kaabɔɔ v to communicate with a god or ancestor spirit A bol nabɔnzi ra kaabi Kɔraawiizi ni vuga ra tɛɛ ba biizi. The village elders are communicating with God and the fetishes for their children.
kaagi pl. kaagɔɔ v to clear throat Bɛɛ n du i nua i ra kaagɛi? What is it that you are clearing in your mouth?
kaálì 1 pl. kaalɔɔ 3 v to surpass N mɛɛ koo kaali i mɛɛ koo. My father's farm is bigger than your father's farm.
kaálì 2 pl. kaálìzi n a bullet-proof material used for protection in war, etc.
kaálì 3 kaalɔɔ 1 unspec. var. kaalɔɔ 4 v to surpass N mɛɛ koo kaali i mɛɛ koo. My father's farm is bigger than your father's farm.
kaàlì pl. kaalɔɔ 2 v to leave, to go Ayiisa kaali Kumaasi. Ayiisa is gone to Kumasi.
kaalɔɔ 4 unspec. var. of kaálì 3
kaanza cf koosee n bean cakes
kaaŋkoro pl. kaaŋkorozi n tree [sp.] (fruit like an orange with a hard shell)
kaari 1 n custom dau kaari - start a new custom
kaari 2 pl. kaarɔɔ cf kori v to pick all, to pluck all (whether ripe or unripe) La ga kaari maŋgo la nɔna maa. Go and pluck all the fruit of the mango tree.