Browse Vagla – English
u cf uŋ 1 pn he, she, it (subject), him, her, it (object) U nau. She saw him. 2 his, her, its (possessor) Na u mɛɛ! Look at his father!
ug pl. ukko v to bring up purposely (food), chew the cud Nuahiŋ naabuu ug a ol. This dog purposely brought up the meat from its stomach.
ugzi pl. ugzoo v to swell (as rice, beans, gari) Ɛɛ nii siŋ a siga a ugzi. Put water in the beans so that they will swell.
ul pl. ullo v to carry (in arms) I ra ul hia naabuu gɛɛ? Are you carrying these yams in your arms?
unla dem one, the other one Unla n faa ba ɛŋ la kaalɔɔ. The one who came here left. Waa unla looree. She didn't wash the other one.
unnii dem pn this, this one Unnii wessoo. This one is good.
uŋ cf u pn he, as he (/she) [3rd. person singular pronoun personal dependent/relative] Di n faa na nɛbɛl n na siu, dikuu uŋ nyaa laala wia
uuli pl. uuloo v to shout (the kind that travels a long way into the bush) U ra uuli nɛra. He is shouting for people. (to come)
uuri pl. uuroo 1 v to partially cook N haaŋ uuri ol labuu. My wife has partially cooked the meat. 2 shout "uuuui" in pain Uŋ faa cholle la, u chɔɔwɔɔ ra uuri. When he fell, he lay there shouting in pain.