Vasui - English



perësEnglishblessvbless (to)E Sosoenën to perës voh a ra pa koreneah.God blesses us first by his hand.
perësanTok Pisinblesimvbless (to)Kea perësan a taëën ka ëën e.Brother bless the food and lets eat.
PergamumBiblical SourcePergamumPrp.NPergamumEʼ to soe vamanih pan, “Kiun töön ah, a ma tah kurus nën se ep, parën vanö manuh pa tönim me o pöök kum teʼ varih to vaman ne e Ieesuʼ manih pa ma vöön varih, Ëfësus, Smernaʼ, Pergamum, Taëataëraʼ, Sardis, Filadëlfiaʼ me Laodisiaʼ.”He said like this, "You(s) write down all the things which you(s) will see and send it to the five and two (seven) groups of people here who believe in Jesus in all these villages, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea."
PergaʼBiblical SourcePergaPrp.NPergaEe pon to vatvus a soe manih vöön Pergaʼ, ko vahik nën, pare kunah ee manuh vöön Ataliaʼ.They both told the talk here in the village of Perga and finished there and they went down there to the village of Attalia.
PersiaʼPrp.NPersia, name
PersisPrp.NPersisParöm heʼ me a potan avih peöʼ manih pe Persis, eʼ e vamomhë vih peöʼ.And you(p) also give my good day (greetings) to Persis she is my good friend.
pet1vremain (to), stay (to)A ma tök toaʼ to pet ne pa koman karas.The chicken eggs are staying in the grass.2advalso, continueA ma teʼ sunön poë varih to tënan vahik ee pa soe pe meh sunön pee, Hëërot, pare nö pet ee.All these big men (kings) after listening to the talk of their counterpart Herod, and they went on.
petehdial. var. ofpetereh
peterehdial. var.petehposs.q.prnwhose"A," ke Pitaʼ ho en koman iuun pareʼ hikta vaato avoeʼ non, ke Ieesuʼ hi en maʼ peʼ pan, “Saëmon, eën koman va nom nih? A nap susunön va po oeh vëh kokon ne a ma vu takis varih petereh?"Yes," then Peter went inside the house and he had not talked yet, then Jesus asked him like this, "Simon, what do you(s) think? From who do the important people of this earth get all these kinds of taxes?
petpetadvcontinuallyIvëh, ka nat e no pa tönim me ra poa teʼ to vameeme petpet voh e ne pa pah köövo.So, then we know the five and two (seven) men had married one women.
peʼdial. var. ofpeʼeʼ
peʼedial. var. ofpee
peʼeʼdial. var.peʼ1obj.prnher, his, it'sEʼ a koaʼ oeteʼ peʼeʼ.He is his boy child.2PROM.obj.prnHIM, ITEe to hikta öt vakis ne o vavaasis man pe Kristo, pare hikta vatös avoeʼ me ne poë vamanih peʼeʼ o kahoʼ pee.They do not hold firmly the true teaching of Christ and they also still not joined with Him as their head.
peʼpeoʼ1vpush and cause to fall (to)A nap kaak to ton peʼpeoʼ a ma vu kakau pemöm.The drunkards pushed and caused our cocoa trees to fall.2ntraditional dress worn for a singsingEa se ohop a po peʼpeoʼ pemöm.We will dress in our tradional dress.
peedial. var.peʼe1obj.prntheirPareʼ taneo non manih pe Devit ko öök non manuh pa ö no Babiron to matop non a napan va Israël, a pau pee to onöt avoeʼ e ne po pöh havun me ro taanaʼ manih pa kën sipuiire.And it started here with David and reached there to when Babylon ruled the people of Israel, their generations were up to still (and including) one ten and four (fourteen) of their ancestors.2obj.prnthemKe sinömah matop enon pee.Then your mother will care for them.3conj.prnbecause (they), that (they)A napan to nö Buka pee to iu a voen a raës.The people went to Buka because they wanted to buy rice.
peënsp. var. ofpën
peenanadjhealthy, sort of fossil likeE Pitaʼ a teʼ peenan.Peter is a healthy person.
peepevbury (to continually)[burying], cut (to continually)[cutting], fill (to continually)[filling]Ivëhkëk, komön o Poen Apaapo nöm to peepe e nem pa ma ö kokoaan pa ma pus koaʼ oeteʼ peöm, ivëh, köm kök em po Vavaasis pe Mosës.But on the Rest Day (Sabbath) when you(p) continually cut (circumcise) the hidden parts of all your(p) male children, you(p) break the Teachings of Mosës.
1vsharpen (to)Pë na a rapis peöʼ.Sharpen my knife.2narmlet, braceletPë peöʼ manem.This is my bracelet.
PëdahëlPrp.NPedahel, nameKa manih po vute’ pe Naptaliʼ ne’ to vate’ en pe Pëdahël, veh e koa’ oete’ pe Amaihut.
pëhnselfEa pëh se kiun ke raoe to kiun to soe vamaaka non raoe a ö se nat ne ënëën ne a ma taëën to hikta vih non, suk a ma tah nee to heʼheʼ ne vamanih po heʼ manuh pa ma tah nöʼnës, pare vahik a taateʼ rëhrëh.We(incl) instead must write to them a letter which tells clearly to them that they must not eat all the foods which are not good because all the things (foods) which they continually give as gifts there to the carved wood (idols) and they must stop the custom of pulling (fornication).
pëhëncoconut frondO pëhë to ës.The coconut frond is burning.
pëkEnglishbeknbag, sackEteh to kon o pëk peöʼ?Who took my bag?
pënsp. var.peën1PROM.obj.prnYOU(s)E Ieesuʼ to pënton a ö ne koaʼ to mët, pareʼ soe ke Jaërus pan, “Eën se koe a naöp, eën se vaman varoe a nom neoʼ, ke koaʼ pën toʼ hah en.”Jesus heard that the child died, and he said to Jairus like this, "You(s) must not be afraid, you(s) must only believe in me and your child will live again."2prnyours(s)A ma tah pën i varih ha?All these things are yours ah?3nband (a)Heʼ maʼ a pën peöʼ.Give me my band.
PëntëkösBiblical SourcePentikosnPentecostO Pëntëkös, eʼ o poen apuh po Jiuʼ ka ma teʼ varih to vaman ne tönun ee pa pah koman iuun.The Pentecost, it is a big day of the Jews and all the people here who believe gathered inside one house.