paEnglishba1vshine (to)A potan to pa en.The sun is shining.2infto...a poa tah to vapusun ne pa arus moniʼ pa teʼ....the two things which cause a person to lose money.3nballE koaʼ to pah kik sivak en pa pa.The child indeed kicked the ball very hard.4conjand, because, to, withIvaʼih o vahutët va pa kën sipun e Ieesuʼ Kristo.Here is the story of the ancestors of Jesus Christ.5obj.n.mrkr ; obj.n.mrkr.p ; ; ; obj.mrkr.inf ; poss.mrkr.n.mrkr ; poss.mrkr.n.mrkr.p ; ; ; prep.n.mrkr ; prep.n.mrkr.p ; ; ; prom.mrkr.n.mrkr ; prom.mrkr.n.mrkr.p ; ; ; conj ; accm ; infOBJ INF, OBJ NM, OBJ NM(PL), OBJ the, OBJ the(PL), POSS NM, POSS NM(PL), POSS the, POSS the(PL), PREP NM, PREP NM(PL), PREP the, PREP the(PL), PROM NM, PROM NM(PL), PROM the, PROM the(PL)6adjyellowE masinë se ep hah a teʼ pamëh. Ko piʼ se keh tavus vaʼpuh ee, e masinë se nat en pan, a teʼ vëh to hikta teʼ voon non, ivëh keʼ hikta ep a ma uvin pa. Should the priest see again that person. And if the sore should appear big, the priest will know like this, this person is not clean, so then he will not see all the yellow hair.

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