weeviln.‘diilii; ‘diile; (kamaana; benga taa ‘puo)bungyuoraa pl. bungyuorihi.
weighv.1(measure)maahi pc. maaha2(show a certain measure)maahi; i tiinhuu ta/sing3weigh something (with; against something)di bung maahi (u to)/di buunhu maahi taa4weigh something down‘juli pc. ‘juno.
weight1n.(how heavy a thing is)tiinhuu2n.the weight of (load to be supported)‘tuobu tiinhuu3n.(degree of importance)tiinhuu; nanihung4n.(piece of metal used in scale)‘weeti; bung maahi ‘kuri-tiinhuu5v.paahi tiinhuu.weightlessadj.bungfaun; ba tari tiinhuu; bungfagimang.weightlessnessn.faun; tiinhuu kombu.weightyadj.bungnanii; bungtiinhuu.
weirn.(wall/barrier across a river to control flow)bigiraa.
welcome11adj.(received with; giving pleasure): bungsung; bungbuoruu. A welcome visitor: saangsung. A welcome news: ‘duohi-noo2adj.welcome to do something/to something; (=freely permitted); sori ‘bibeng; tariye soriYou are welcome to use my bicycle: n ‘kuing sori ka i jong n baa’sike ni. (absolved of the need to express thanks): you’re welcome: barika ‘chibe3adj.(as an interjection): welcome home: anise; nii yaanhi4n.(greeting when somebody arrives)nii yaanhi; anise.
welcome2v.(show pleasure or satisfaction at something): tari ingmaari aning yeli/bung. welcome a friend to one’s home: die/saang jominga; i jominga saangtu.
welfaren.1(condition of having good health): laangfiilung/laangfie. Child/infant welfare: ‘bibilii laangfiilung yelitarihi2(social security)‘libi-ngmaa’binnihi; pensi ‘libie.
well3pred. adj.1(in good health)‘bi sung/laangfie; tari laangfie.We are wellti tariye laangfie.They are wellba ‘bi sung2(lucky; fortunate)‘ju-noo la.
well2adv.1(in a satisfactory manner)sung; anie.The house is well situateda ‘deu ahiye sung.The children behaved wella ‘biihi da bangye ba miihi taribu.well done!Nii jaang jaang; tabaalikala; i mooyeng; i iye anie.Do well: (succeed; make progress; prosper): maali; ‘yi; (nie) maa’koo maali; lori; i sung; moo; i anie.Adamu is doing well in CanadaAdamu lorang/maalang nansaari paaluung.Dakura has done well at school this yearDakura mooyeng/iye anie sa’kuuring ‘yuoni nga.Be doing well (from illness)buo seu; nyira minga/laangfie; nyaara.Wish somebody wellduhi duhisuunhi ‘ku nie2(with praise or approval): sung. Think/speak well of somebody: ‘pugi nie; yeli nie yelisuunhi3(end position) meaning: thoroughly; completely: sung; nene.Examine the account well before you pay itchagi a ‘libie sung che yeura4as well asaning; che (la) + verb + ming.He gave me money as well as adviceu da ‘kumong ‘libie che la ‘kumo kawani ming.Give me those as welldi anani ming ‘kumo.We shall travel by night as well as by dayti na ‘chene la ‘ji-suorii aning ngminaa jaa.
well1n.1(for obtaining water): kolung; kolingu; ‘bulee (more shallow). well water: kolung kuong2(for oil)kpaang ‘bulee3well-headkong’nimbiri (source of spring or fountain).
well4int.1(expressing astonishment)tau; ‘woo2(expressing relief)tabaalikala; tau.well; here we are at lasttabaalikala/tau; ngaang yeng ti tayeng3(expressing resignation; concession; agreement; to resume a story etc)tau.
westn.ngmintong’liengee; manuori; ngmintongkpieri seng.westerly attrib.adj.(toward the west): a ‘tori/gbagi manuori seng; (of winds) from the west: (seseu) ‘yi manuori seng.westernadj.of, in, from, characteristic of the west: (person): mannuoluu; (of style): mannuolii.
wet1adj.(soaked with water)muli; chumihi; maa (vabu).Did you get wet?I inga da muliyeng bi?Your coat is wet throughI ‘kooti ni jaang muli.A wet clothwaje maahuu2adj.(rainy) wet seasonseun sanga/wagiri3v.muli; veng ka bung maa.