The compiler wishes to acknowledge the immense contribution of the following persons and organisations for their prayer, time and money, without which the completion of this work would have been impossible. Foremost, I would like to thank Pastor Schneider Jr. for the financial support and encouragement. I am also grateful to Messrs Hamidu Insah and Sagiripeu Abubakari for helping with the typing and proof-reading of the manuscript. My friend and colleague, Dr. Jonathan Brindle, also made a number of good suggestions and I sincerely appreciate the support.
The Bibles International team did a marvelous job in editing and offering priceless suggestions; God bless you.
February 2016 S. A. Dansieh
The author also wishes to acknowledge Oxford University Press in providing a guide for this compilation. Word selections from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English by Hornby, Cowie and Gimson were used for the creation of this dictionary.