-aa1affsfxThis noun suffix forms the “vocative”, by which the speaker directly addresses the hearer.Este sufijo forma el “vocativo” de un sustantivo por el cual se llama la atención al oyente para dirigirle la palabra.Maleiwakaleevocative of Maleiwakai “God”Wawalakalaa, ...Our sister, ...
-aa2affsfxThis verb suffix precedes tense-gender-number suffixing and adds the sense of “quickly, urgently” to the action of the verb.con urgenciaTakotchajaajeerü.I will gather them together (for a special urgent meeting).
-aa3affsfxThis suffix is added to a normally obligatorily possessed noun in a context where no specific possessor is identified. In this case, no possessor person prefix is used.Este sufijo se agrega a un sustantivo normalmente poseído en un contexto cuando el poseedor no se identifica. En este caso, no se usa el prefijo personal del poseedor.ooꞌulii ~ ooꞌutchikanainyüüfootprinthuellas (de pie)chi ashüükaithe father (unposs)na aneekajalaakanalos que fueron escogidosaꞌünüwaakatthe enemy (unposs)
-aa4affsfxThis suffix is added to a verb stem to form the verb infinitive.Este sufijo se agrega al tema de un verbo para formar el infinitivo.atükaamake / mold objects of mud, etc.süpüla sikiifor to be firewood (note vowel length / morpheme which makes the noun a verb in this ‘infinitive’ phrase)
aainjaacfaaꞌinraavt1dohacer¿Kasa paainjaka?What are you doing?Acheküsü taainjüin.I have to do it.Tengo que hacerlo.2makeelaborar, fabricarPaainjain türa.You made that.Fabricaste eso.3buildconstruirtü miichi paainjakatthis house which you are buildingesta casa que estás construyendo4mutually carry out a deal
aainjalanposs1evil deed, sinacción mala, pecadoKalioꞌushi saaꞌu naainjala.He was punished for the evil he did. (to be given wounds / corporal punishment (?))Lo castigaron por algo malo que hizo.Müliashi maꞌi taya saaꞌu tü taainjalakat (nütüma chi tashikai).(My father) punished me for my misdeed.Mi papá me castigó por algo malo que hice.Nülatirüin jaainjala juulia.He forgives you your sins. (causes your sins to pass away from you)cfamaꞌülakaainjalaa 12act, deedhecho3productproductoyootokuu müshi nia sünain nnojolin maleiwain tü maleiwa saainjalakat wayuu.he keeps saying that the gods made by man are not god.
aainjirawaa akuaippavthave sexual relationstener relaciones sexuales¡Nnojo jaainjiraain jukuaippa sümaa wayuu yalejeeruꞌu suulia tü juwayuusekat oꞌtta tü nnojotkat suluꞌuin tü sukuaippapalakat atumaa jüpüleerua!Do not have sexual relations with anyone other than your wife or that is not included in your (culture’s) behavior norms!
aajuchipl.aajuna2non-masc.aajutücfaaꞌu 1npossrider, one mounted onjinete, uno montado enwayuu muulaajuchia man mounted / going on a mulechi naajuchikai chi ama kasuutaikai maꞌithe rider of (the one mounted on) the very white horseel jinete (el que montaba) el caballo muy blancoakaratshi shikii amaajunnuuseventy horsemensetenta jinetes
aajuna1cfaaꞌu 3nposs1rooftechoTaapüin shipijana tü juyakat saaꞌu saajuna tü miichikat.I hear the sound of the rain on the roof of the house.2coveringcubierta
aakajawaavi1come offsoltarseAakajaasü nüsapaase David.David’s shoe came off.2die [euphemism]morir
aakataavt1take offquitar¿Aakatüneerü tü?Will this be taken off (screen door when we leave)?¿Esta se quita (cuando se vayan)?aakataa tü kousükat sünainjee tü nuuꞌuikattake the sandals off his feet2removeNaakalüin saainjala wayuu.He took off / away (?) (i.e. removed) people’s sins.
aaꞌayajawaa aaꞌinvtrebukereprendernaaꞌayajaakalaka saaꞌin tü yolujaakat suulia tü saaꞌinrakat nüka chi jintüikaihe rebuked the evil spirit from what it was doing to the boy
aaꞌayajirawaaviarguediscutiraaꞌayajirawaaargue, quarrel among one another, scold one anotherdiscutir entre sí¡Jaaꞌayajiraꞌalaꞌayai!(Be careful) No arguments (?)!¡(Cuidado) que no discutan!synaꞌülüjirawaa 1
aaꞌayatawaa aaꞌinvtinsultinsultarNaaꞌayataajeechi aaꞌin taya.They will insult me.
aaꞌayulanpossheat; temperaturecalor; temperaturaayaawatia saaꞌayulaa measuring instrument of its temperaturemedida de la temperaturasynaaꞌiracfaturulapayutaakaaꞌayulaabe hot
aaꞌin amüinseem to someoneparecerle a alguienJierü saaꞌin tamüin.I think it’s a woman. / It appears to be a woman, to me.¿Jarat pütchi lotoka saaꞌin mmüin?Which word(s) seems correct to you?cfmaa aka aaꞌin
aaꞌinmajaavttake care of, care forcuidarTaaꞌinmajüin tü miichikat suulia suꞌuwajünüin.I take care of the house so it won’t be robbed.Yo cuido la casa para que no se robe.cfeisalajaaepijaa 2eꞌrajaa aaꞌu
aaꞌinraacfaainjaavt1dohacer¿Kasa waaꞌinrüinjatka jooluꞌu?What are we going to do now?2makerealizarTaaꞌinrüin tü tasheꞌinkat maya.I made my clothes like that.
aaꞌinyakanpossthoughtpensamientoTachuntaain taaꞌinyaka oꞌunaa miirukumiin.I decided to go to the lake.Decidí ir al lago.Talirajüin taaꞌinyaka.I supposed (there probably would be a water truck there).Tacheküin taaꞌinyaka wanaaweein taapakat nümüin chi antüshikai chiirua sümaa tü taapakat pümüin.I desired that what I gave to the one who came later might be the same as what I gave to you.achuntawaa aaꞌinyakadecidealirajaa aaꞌinyakasuppose
aaꞌiranpossheatcalorKooꞌomüin müsia naaꞌira chi kaꞌikai.The heat of the sun increased.saaꞌira mmakattemperature of the environmenttemperatura ambientalsynaaꞌayulacfjaꞌiwaa