chajaruutafr. var.chajaruutenmachetemacheteluta süpüla asalajia chajaruutastone for sharpening machete
chaꞌayacfchaaadvthere (distant)allá (lejos)Anashii woꞌunui chaꞌaya wepialuꞌumüin watuunkai wepialuꞌumüin.We should go there to our house so that we may sleep in our house.cfchaaꞌayagradyaayaherenaaꞌayayalasaꞌayathere (mid-distant)chaꞌayathere (distant)
chapünawaacomp. ofder. ofchaa-pünaa2vitake a certain, indicated course through therepasar por allá¿Chapünaashi miichipünaa?Did you (come) by (my) house? (on way here to the dance)cfouyanajawaa
cheadvmight (uncertainty)posiblemente¿Jaleechi che wanta anain wane wayuu ee müinka chii?Where might we find a man like this one?cfeera2
chejeecfchaa1advfrom there (distant)de alláWasaajeechi chejee.We’ll fetch (you) from there.2vigo and return from there (distant), come back from there (distant)
chejeeruꞌuadvon the other side (distant), beyonden el otro lado (lejos), más allá de(Icha) chejeeruꞌu sünain Uribia.It's over there beyond Uribia.Está más allá de Uribia.gradyaajeeruꞌuyalejeeruꞌu 1sejeeruꞌuchejeeruꞌu
cheꞌesaacomp. ofacheꞌe 1nearringareteNapülajüin kacheꞌesee suulia wayuu.They forbid people from having earrings. (certain religious sect)
chentaawaafr. var.yentaawaavsbe close together (horizontally), crowdedestar apiñadoChentaawashii maꞌi waya suluꞌu kemion.We are very crowded in the truck.Estamos muy apiñados en el carro.
chiagradchichirachisachia1adjthat (masc)aquel¿Kasa waaꞌinrüinjatka nüka chia wayuukai?What are we going to do with that man?2pronthat one (masc)aquél
chiicfchinaa2tüü1pronthis one (masc.)ésteNia kajapuluꞌuka, chii.This guy is the one in charge.2adjthis (masc.)este
chiiruajachinon-masc.chiiruajatüctprtpalajachicfachiirua 2adj1lattersegundotü chiiruajatkat nakuatheir latter trip2lastúltimotü pütchi chiiruajatkatthe last wordslas palabras que están después / últimas
chimitaaviflicker; flash off and ontitilarChimitsü.It flickers rapidly (light).cfchuwataa 1
chinchoorontype of hammockchinchorro¿Chinchooro juꞌula?Do you (pl) sleep in hammocks?cfjamaꞌasüigenoꞌula 1