-ia1sp. var.-ya3affsfx1This suffix derives a noun from a verb to render an instrument, utensil, tool, or agent employed to realize the action of the verb.Este sufijo deriva un sustantivo de un verbo dando un instrumento, utensilio, herramiento, o agente utilizado en realizar la acción del verbo.paarü, ousia naaꞌu kalapaasülong, straight ‘hoe’, weeder for watermelonluta süpüla asalajia chajaruutastone as sharpener of macheteeꞌiniacrochet needlewane maakina, oꞌyonoojia alamaa machine, grass cutter (i.e. mower)2The suffix here derives a noun from a verb to render the manner or form in which the action of the verb is realized.El sufijo aquí deriva un sustantivo de un verbo para dar la manera o forma en que se realiza la acción del verbo.Wayaawatüin pia sünainjee tü paashajaayakat, süka saashajaayain wayuu Galileajeejat.We recognize you by your manner of speaking, because it is the manner of speaking of people from Galilee.¿Jamüsü saainjia? ... tü uujotkat?How is it made? ... the chicha?¿Cómo se hace ...? ...la chicha?
-ia2sp. var.-ya4affsfxThis suffix marks an optionally possessed noun (of a small set) when it is possessed.Ooꞌulaka jakütapa tü pünajütkat, ashannüsü süka kettaaitpain sükalia süpüla okotchajünaa.And when the crop is ripe, it is picked because its time is now ready for it to be gathered.tarüliamy knifemi cuchillocf-in-se
ichaacfchaavsbe there (distant)estar alláIchaa naya ashaittajain.There (distant) they are, playing.Ichaairü / Chaairü wane ama.There goes a horse.Allí va un caballo.gradisaa1ichaa
icheecfachecheraachecheraavs1taut, tight (without slack)tenso2tight (secure), firm, rigid, fastapretado, firme, tieso, fijoichesühard (i.e. well-tied, well-nailed)duro (bien amarrado, bien clavado)antjawaꞌawaa 13hardduroantjawaꞌawaa 2cfatai11jaleeraa4stubborn, resistant, inflexibleterco, resistente, inflexibleWane wayuu eekai nuluꞌwataanüin, ichere nia, müshika saaꞌin wane wunuꞌu.A man who is sent / ordered (to do something), if he stands fast (unmoveable), he is like a tree.Icheshi nia.He is inflexible. (cannot be persuaded to change)ichee ekiidense-minded
ichee ekiiid. ofichee 4ekii 2vsdense (minded)estúpidoWane wayuu eekai ichein nikii müshika saaꞌin shikii püliikü süka isain nüchikü nütareeyase.A hard-headed (dense) person is like a donkey (brain) because he can’t do his assigned tasks. (i.e. he lacks intelligence, attention, or adequate training to be able to do it) (any type of “household” chores)antjawaꞌawaa ekii
icheꞌeravtGive! (idiomatic imperative)¡Dé!¡Cheꞌe tamüin türa wayeetakat!Give me that cooking pot!Pücheꞌera chira püchonkai.Give (me) that son of yours.Icheꞌera tamüin wane neerü kachueera awalaajiapüꞌükat nümüin chi sülaülashikai mma, teꞌraiwa shia.Give me a metal coin used to pay the ruler of the land, that I might see it.
-ichipl.-inanon-masc.-irücf-ichipaaffsfx1This verb suffix indicates that the state or action is imminent or else taking place in the immediate present. It gives a sense of “almost, about, (only) just now”. It also marks gender-number.casi, al punto de; ahora mismoOjunnüsü / ojutnüsü süchon tü kaaꞌula aliichajuuitkat suulia sütujaꞌalain saꞌwai.The kids of the goats that are about to be milked are tossed out (of the corral) lest they nurse overnight.Nuꞌluwajüinjatüirü maꞌi.He is about to steal it.Sümülatuꞌuichi taya.I (m) am almost to the goal / finish / peak. (e.g. climbing a tower)¿Jalapünaaina jia sünain jiꞌyataainkat? Alüꞌülüina sümülatuꞌumüin.Where are you (pl) now in your work? We are almost at the end.¿Por dónde van en su trabajo? Estamos casi llegando para terminar.Iseeirü wane ama.There comes a horse.Allí viene un caballo.cf-eemata-jachichi-taaichejeꞌe2age or time presently reachedtiempo realizado¿Jerainasaꞌa kaꞌi jia jüntüin yaamüin? Piamaina neꞌe kaꞌi waya.How many days have you been here (since you arrived)? We’ve just been here two days.¿Cuántos días tienen de estar aquí? Tenemos dos días.cfjetsü amaꞌa
ichiiposs.eichiisen1saltsalichii eküülü / ichii ajüyasalt for eating / divi-divi tree or fruit2divi-divi treedividivi (árbol)Kachonsü ichii.Ichii tree is bearing fruit.genwunuꞌu 1
-ichipapl.-inapanon-masc.-itpacf-ichiaffsfxThis verb suffix indicates a present perfective aspect with a sense of “have just”. It also marks gender-number.Este sufijo verbal da un sentido de “acabar de (hacer algo)”; “ya”. También marca el género-número.Eküinapa waya.We’ve just eaten.Acabamos de comer.Josoitpa kuluutkat.The clothes have just dried.cf-tüjüi
iipünaa1advuparribaEirakaashi chejee iipünaajee.He looks from up there (i.e. in heaven).antunapümüin2advaboveiipünaa sünain wankeetakat(up) above the benchgradiipünaa 2aboveaseꞌeruꞌupünaaunaapünaabelow3vsbe highaltoIipünaasü yaaꞌaya.It’s high (ground elevation) here.antmmoluꞌu 3
iiraainterjWhat!¡Qué!¡Iiraa!What the ...! (my guess at a colloquial expression roughly equivalent; e.g. what one would say to himself returning home and finding his money stolen)¡Qué vaina!
iishoncardinal (bird)cardenal (ave)Iisho nünülia chi wuchiikai.“Iisho”, this bird is named.genwuchii 1
iitacfaliitanutensil for food or liquid (traditionally made from a gourd shell)recipiente para comida o líquido (tradicionalmente hecho de la cáscara de una calabaza)¡Püsaaja tamüin wane iita takaluꞌujiainjatü tü amüchikat!Bring me a gourd to fill the water jug! (my water-jug filler)¡Tráeme una calabaza para llenar la múcura!cfiralashoꞌoloꞌo
iiwan1spring (season of secondary rain, April-May)primavera (tiempo de lluvias menores)cfjuya 12Pleiades star cluster (associated with spring rains)Pléyades (constelación)cfjuyoꞌupatünaainjana
-inaffsfxThis suffix marks an optionally possessed noun (of an imprecisely determined set) when it is possessed.¿Jama pirüin wane takaaꞌulain?Have you seen one of my goats?¿Ha visto un chivo mío?cf-ia2-se
-injacheechiunspec. comp. form of-injachi-eechinon-masc.-injateerüaffsfxThis verb suffix combination gives the sense of “have to or need to (do)”. It also marks gender-number.Este sufijo verbal da el sentido de “tener que (hacer)”. También marca el género-número.Aashajaainjacheechi taya nümaa chi tawalakai.I have to talk with my brother.Yo tengo que hablar con mi hermano.cfachekaa 4
-injachipl.-injananon-masc.-injatücf-jachi2affsfxThis verb suffix compound indicates a state or action occurring in the near future. It also marks gender-number. It has the sense of “going to”.Este sufijo verbal tiene el sentido de “ir a”. También marca el género-número.Asuküinjachi taya.I’m going to gather firewood.Shipiainjat.It’s going to be her house.cf-eechi-injacheechihave to