Browse Wayuu



ma-cf-saiaffpfxabsence of, not having, withoutsinMalaapinsalii waya; aꞌuwajünüsü sütüma tepichi.We don’t have pencils, they were stolen by the children.antka- (noun/postposition) -aa
ma- -uucf-uuaffbe in a state of not having been acted on in this wayexistir en el estado de no haber experimentado tal acciónama malumajuusatunbroken horse, an
maa1comp.maluꞌulumeaningvtsaydecir“Wane semaana”, müsü wayuu.“One week”, people (Guajiros) say. (leave-taking)maa “shiimain tü tamakat”swearmaa aaꞌin aleꞌeruꞌuthink, wonder
maa2cfmaa -yamayaavsbe thusser asíMaleesia süpüshua tü aluwataaushikalüirua.That’s just the way it was with all the envoys.mapa2afterwardsmapeenain the future
-maacfamaa 1affsfxActually this is the postposition, when compounded with a noun gives a verb with the sense “be in, be abiding in”.Este es en realidad la posposición cuando se compone con un sustantivo para formar un verbo con sentido de “estar en, permanecer en”.piyuushimaashii wayawe are those who are in darkness
maa -tacfmaalü-maata-pa1vs1then (consequently, therefore)(imperative auxiliary)pues (auxiliar al imperativo)Sota jümata jaaꞌin ...Remember ... (that Jesus loves you)2Go ahead and ...!¡(Hágalo) pues!¡Jülüja maata jaaꞌin!Think about (this)! / Be thinking about it!
maa -taa aaꞌincf-taa1vsresemble, be likeser comoMataasü saaꞌin saainjüin wayuu moꞌusat.(That’s) as if it were made / woven by a blind woman. (said jokingly / sarcastically)(Eso es) Como si fuera hecho por una persona ciega.
maa -yacfmaa2maalü-maatavi1then suddenly (auxiliary verb)entonces de repente (auxiliar)anta müsia joo wane wawai nanainmüinthen a storm suddenly came upon themcf-aꞌain maa-laa maamayaa2be likely (auxiliary verb), be probableser probable
maa “shiimain tü tamakat”id. ofmaa1swear (an oath)jurarShiimain tü tamakat sümaa pasalaajeechin nia tatüma.I tell the truth that I will avenge him! (hypothetical uncle, killed by enemies in front of a nephew; what the nephew shouts at the killers)Yo digo la verdad que yo lo vengo.
maa aaꞌin aleꞌeruꞌuid. ofmaa1aaꞌinaleꞌeruꞌucfaashajeꞌeraa aaꞌinjülüjaa aaꞌin 1vtthink to oneself, wonderpensar¿Jalejeekuat che ee shia? --müsü taaꞌin taleꞌeruꞌu.“Where did that come from?”, I asked / thought to myself.¿De dónde vino eso? --- pensaba.
maa aka1vsbe likeser como¿Jaleech che wanta anain wane wayuu ee müinka chi?Where (uncertainty) might we find a man like this one? (a real question vs. rhetorical one of 376)2conjascomonnojoliishii eperuwaashiin maa aka tü jiꞌitaakat naaꞌuthey are not drunk as you are supposing of them3conjsince, given thatcomo, puesto quemaa aka sükojuyalaain maꞌi tü anoujasükalüirua, akoꞌomüinraasü tü wayuu müliasükalüirua aapünawaikat amüin tü kasa choꞌujaakat sümüinsince the believers were greatly increasing in number, those poor people who were being given that which they were lacking were becoming more numerouscfaaꞌu 74conjas well astanto como5advabout, approximatelycomoEesü maꞌaka apünüintuale wakua süpüla juyakat, je piantuale neꞌe.At times, three times a year or only two times.Hay veces, tres o dos veces al año.
maa aka aaꞌinvsbe like, resembleser como, parecerse aMüshika saaꞌin molokoona, makuasai.He’s slow like a land turtle.Je tü süpanakat müsia aka saaꞌin süpana suuꞌulia tü meruuna.And its leaves resemble the leaves of the melon plant.cfaaꞌin amüin
maa apüleeruavtcount on, rely oncontar conNia nümaka apüleerua chi nuwalakai.He’s counting on his brother (i.e. to help him out). [It's his brother whom he's counting on.]synatalajawaa 2ataralawaa amaa
maa jamakai aaꞌinvsbe stirred up (rapid, disorderly, aggressive motion)provocadoTü wayuukalüirua ... maatsü jamakai saaꞌin.The people were very stirred up.
maachonvoc.maacheecfmaamataatan1mothermamá2grandmotherabuela¿Maachee, jalasü maachon?Mother, where is (my) grandmother?3older womanseñora
-maajachicfamaajachiamaꞌamawaa-jachi1affsfxThis compound of the postposition and nominalizer derives a noun from another noun with the sense of “bearer of, carrier of”.Esta es una forma compuesta de la posposición y un sufijo que deriva un sustantivo de otro con el sentido de “portador de”.pütchimaajachione who carries words - a messenger
maakinan1machinemáquina¡Piꞌyapaja paa kuluutkat süka maakina!Sew the cloth with the machine!wane maakina, oꞌyonoojia alamaa machine, a grass cutter (i.e. mower)2motormotor
maakufr. var.miikunmonkeymico
maaꞌalanrattlesnakeculebra de cascabelMülia aaꞌinrü wayuu sütüma nanüiki maa aka süchotokai maaꞌala.People suffer insult by their speech as though a rattlesnake were to bite.genwüi
maaꞌawaavs1disorienteddesorientadoMaaꞌawasü.She’s disoriented.2have lost one's wayextraviarsesynamüloulii 13be mistakenconfundirseMaaꞌawashi taya pooꞌomüin.I was mistaken about who you were. (same hypothetical situation as nbk 639, but don’t know different implications)Te confundí. (con otra persona)synoꞌtchejawaa amaa
maaꞌinwaafr. var.maaꞌinyüüvs1be foolishser necioMayaashiije kekiin naya naashin, maaꞌinsalii nayaAlthough they claim to be wise, they are foolssynmalaa2be unrestrainedestar desenfrenadoNnojo jiperüin. Maaꞌinyüü tia.Don’t get drunk. That is unrestraint.3be a prostituteser prostitutachi püchonkai, ajaꞌlajeꞌetkai tü puwashirüinkat puulia sünain jieyuu maaꞌinsatyour son who has used up your wealth from you on prostitutessyniwaa 1
maaꞌinwaa aaꞌinvs1be foolishser tontosüka maaꞌin naaꞌin, motüsü naaꞌin nalüꞌüjüin seite ...because they were foolish, they forgot to take oil ...2be wild, be unrestrainedestar loco, estar desenfrenadoNnojo maaꞌin jaaꞌin sünain emiꞌijaa.Don’t go wild in partying.
maaꞌinyatuwaavsdeserted, uninhabiteddesierto, deshabitadomaaꞌinyatuuin mmakatwhere the land is desertedsynyüüꞌüyütuwaacfisashii
maaꞌuluadv1right nowahora, en esta horaEkaashii chee naya maaꞌula.They must be / It must be that they are eating at this hour. (said as a result of knowing customary behavior)Será que ellos están comiendo en esta hora.cfjooluꞌu 12in the presenten el presente