pa-affpfxIndicates a mutual relationship or activity between persons or objects.Indica una relación o participación mutua entre personas u objetos.Paaꞌinwashii waya.We are in agreement. (Hypothetical situation: one suggests they all work on a new garden and they all agree)Nos ponemos de acuerdo.... sünain pawalaawain naya. Peijiraashii naya.... being brothers to one another. They have the same mother.Pachoꞌuwaasü.They are on top of one another (i.e. books in a stack).cf-iraa 3
-pa1cfmaa -taaffsfxThis suffix is used to intensify the imperative of a verb.Este sufijo se usa en el imperativo de un verbo para intensificarlo.¡Piyaawajapa!You count!¡Püshajapa!Write it!¡Junjulaapa!Hide yourselves!cfpaala 2
-pa2cf-iwaꞌaya-peenaaffsfx1This suffix, used on a verb, marks a subordinate temporal clause, whether past or future, according to the context provided by the main clause. It has the sense of “when”.Este sufijo se usa en un verbo subordinado para señalar el tiempo, sea pasado o futuro, en el cual ocurre la acción de la cláusula principal. Tiene sentido de “cuando”.Piyalajapa tamüin Maikkoꞌujee tawalaajeerü mmüin paapapa tamüin.When you buy it for me in Maicao, I will pay you for it when you deliver / give it to me. (supposedly high degree of certainty, probability, speaker expectancy that it will happen)Cuando me lo compra en Maicao, se lo pagaré al entregármelo.Süchon jiꞌiruwai, ‘waaꞌawai’ münüsü, sükumajünapa.La fruta de ‘jiiruwai’ se llama ‘waaawai’, ‘pito’ cuando está labrada.2In this sense, this suffix is used on a temporal adverb to mark it explicitly as a point in time already passed.En esta acepción, este sufijo se usa en un adverbio temporal para indicar que trata de un tiempo ya pasado.¿Eküshi wattaꞌapa?Did you eat this morning (about 6AM)?mapa2afterwards
paaiCompare Spanish bayo.adjgolden brown (animal color)bayopaaꞌa paaiyellow cowvaca amarillacfishoittai
paaꞌancowvaca; ganadoKeeꞌireesü maꞌi taaꞌin süntüna anain tü paaꞌakat amülouikat.I have to look for the cow that is lost.Tengo ganas que se encuentre la vaca que está perdida.süchira paaꞌacow’s milksynasachiralüpaaꞌairukubeefpaaꞌataleather
paaꞌinwaader. ofid. ofaaꞌin 6vsbe in agreementestar de acuerdoPaaꞌinwashii waya.We are in agreement. (Hypothetical situation: one suggests they all work on a new garden and they all agree)Nos ponemos de acuerdo.synoonowaa amaa 2
paalaadv1before, earlierantesSütüsü paala; ajalajaasü jooluꞌu.It itched before; it’s stopped now.Ekirajaashii waya paalapa sünain wane pütchi kapüleesü maꞌi.We studied earlier (today) on one very difficult word.2right now, at once (with an imperative or pseudo-imperative)ahora mismo (con imperativo)cf-pa13Marks a clause of intention which was unrealized because of a subsequent action.
paaruutaadjvirile (equine)macho (animal equino)Wane wayuu eekai kachuuralin müshika saaꞌin ama paaruuta süka kachuuralin maꞌi nia.A jealous person is like a stallion because he is very jealous.cfkapuunanewiipuututtoolo 1
paarüfrom Spanish "pala"n1shovelpala2straight hoe with long handleazada rectapaarü, ousiya naaꞌu kalapaasühoe, weeder for watermelon
paastan1plastic (generic)plásticoPaastasü süpaꞌa; kachuweera süpü.Its lens is of plastic; its frames (ear hooks) are of metal. (eyeglasses)cfkachueera 2koucha 1maraaja 1wunuꞌu 32plastic jugItüsü kaas süka amülain suluꞌupünaa suwajüle tü paastakat.The kerosene is dried up by leaking through a crack in the plastic jug.cfkaraapa
-paataaffsfxThe function and meaning of this verb suffix is still not determined. The context usually seems to be the arrival of a group of people with a purpose. Perhaps it signals such motivation, or perhaps the manner of arriving as a large group, or perhaps the suddenness of arriving.Antapaatasü wainma wayuu chajee shipialuꞌumüin Marta je María.Many people arrived from there (Jerusalem) to Martha and Mary’s house.
-pajaꞌaaffsfxThis suffix signals a situation contrary to expectation with a sense of “surely not” or “nevertheless”.¿Jaleechpajaꞌa wanta anain wane wayuu ee müinka chi?Where could we ever find a man like this one? (a rhetorical question i.e. Nowhere can we find a man like this one.)(No hay) dónde podemos encontrar un hombre como este.Mapünajüinsat shia je manaajaalasat shia shiküin, nnojotpaja eꞌrüin jamü shia, süka shikinnüin nütüma chi Jüshikai Maleiwa chakai iipünaa.They do not plant nor do they store their food, nevertheless they do not experience hunger, because they are fed by your Father God thereꞌa 2
-paꞌaaffsfx1This sense of the suffix gives a rhetorical implication that the statement cannot be realized.Esta acepción del sufijo implica que la proposición no se puede realizar.¿Jaleetpaꞌa eküülü tapüla?Where will I find food? (this is a rhetorical question meaning there is no where to find them)2This sense of the suffix marks a sentence or a clause that is contrary to the preceding one.¿Jamakalaka shiakaꞌa neꞌe jaainrüin tü nekirajapüꞌükat anain jia na jutuushikana, nnojottaapaꞌa shiain joonooin amaa tü nuluwataakat anain Maleiwa?Why is it that you do what your ancestors taught, but you don’t obey what God commands?cf-pajaꞌa
paꞌataavsout of position, imbalancedmal posicionadopaꞌatüsü(rotated / slipped) out of position (e.g. saddle slipped to one side; watch slipped around side of wrist) // imbalanced (e.g. person sitting off edge of their seat)cfpansawaa 1
paꞌatawaavsside-by-sideuno al lado de otroPaꞌataasü suulia ashatawaa.They (two poles) are paired (lengthwise) to keep from breaking.