Note: For the abbreviations, italics are used for "parts of speech", for classes of "lexical relations", and for classes of "inflectional variants". Standard type is used for types of other "variants", for types of "notes", and for types of "complex forms".
abs. | absolutive |
adj | adjective |
adj rel | relative adjective |
adv | adverb |
adv rel | relative adverb |
aff | affix |
ant | antonym |
cf | compare |
comp. | compound |
conj | conjunction |
conj rel | relative conjunction |
ctprt | counterpart |
der. | derivative |
dial.var. | dialectal variant |
enc. | encyclopedic information |
fr.var. | free variant |
gen | generic |
grad | gradation |
gram. | grammar note |
id. | idiom |
interj | interjection |
masc. | masculine |
n | noun |
non-masc. | non-masculine |
nposs | possessed noun |
phr.vb. | idiomatic verb phrase |
pl. | plural |
poss. | possessed form |
post | postposition |
pron | pronoun |
pt | part |
recip | reciprocal kin |
seq | sequence |
sg. | singular |
sp.var. | spelling variant |
spec | specific |
syn | synonyms |
time | time |
unspec.comp.form | unspecified complex form |
vi | intransitive verb |
voc. | vocative |
vs | stative verb |
vt | transitive verb |
wh | whole |