Browse Yakan - English



waˈadCompareisunverbSubject mag-To agree to do something together; to speak something solemnlyMagwaˈad siye bang matey subey siye magsumbayaˈ.They agreed if they die they should die together.Aˈa bahiˈ miyaˈan moˈo magwaˈad, bang bulan Sappal moˈo magpandi iyehap tahik.That old person goes to get (people) to agree, in the month ofSappal he wants to take them all to the sea for a ritual bath.
wahoyCompareGames and Toys 27 TablenounA Chinese game of chanceNgandaˈag iye si wahoy.He won in the wahoy-game.
wajibComparepataˈ1subey1Adjectives used in connection with religion 14.19 TableAdjectiveGood, right; obligatory (only used of important things esp.religious)Wajib du isab iye inurungan pusakaˈ, peggeˈ anak du isab iye.It is right if he also is given inheritance because he also is a child (of theirs).Wajib ne iye hinang imam.It is right for him to be made an imam.Wajib bang kite magammal.It is good if we are religious.
wakilCompareReligion general 14.5 Tabledaˈak1nounAuthorization; permission; commission to do or say somethingBang sōng ngawin imamin ngeddoˈ wakil dahuˈ ambanmetettoˈa pangantinin bang magkawin ne ke.When the imam is about to perform the marriage ceremonyhe asks permission from the parents of the bride if theceremony can proceed.Pī kew ngeddoˈ wakil bang kajari ne ke kew hap lumaˈ.Go and get permission if you can go home now.2verbObject ka-#-anTo commission, appoint or authorize someoneKawakilan iye dinaˈak magurung seydola.He is authorized to give out identification papers.Kawakilan ku dinaˈak magbatik.I was appointed to invite people.
waktuCompareTime, months 14.3 TablebaytutempoWorld and time 5.1 Tablenoun1Time, esp. the fixed prayer timesNambahayang iye kahabaˈ waktu.He prays at every prayer time.Maglime-waktu iye.He keeps the five prayer times.2Time (of or for something)Waktuku gaˈ laˈi si lumaˈ tekkanen.At a time when I was not at home he arrived.Bang niyaˈ koˈ waktune pitu iye.She said if she has time she will come.Waktu patuli bang sangem.It is the time to sleep when it is nighttime.magwaktu-waktucomplex form1adv(For something to occur only at) certain timesMagwaktu-waktu du kabuwaˈ kayu iyan.That tree fruits at certain times.Magwaktu-waktu paguwaˈ kenna iyan.That fish comes out at certain times.
walisvariantwaris1ComparegalabatTypes of relationships 16.1 TablenounRelative (on the maternal side)Walis kite bang kite usba amban saˈi.We are walis if we are related through (our) mother.Gey binali walisin iye binalihin galabatin.The relatives on mother's side are of no account; the relatives onfather's side are what counts.
waluˈCompareCardinal numbers 7.2 TablenumberEightWaluˈ siye magpungtinaˈihin.They are eight siblings.waluˈ-waluˈderivative1num2nA 10 centavo coin
waluˈ-waluˈderivative. ofwaluˈ1number2nounA 10 centavo coin
wanniCompareTrees, fruit 1.1.2 TablenounA species of mangoMangifera odorata
wapatComparematey2complex form ofpateyverbDied, deceased, passed away, deadWapat ne iye laˈi si Makka.He died there in Mecca.Wapat ne sultanin.The sultan has died.
waris2ComparewalisTypes of relationships 16.1 TablenounRelative on maternal side
waris1variant ofwalis
wassalamArabicCompareArabic phrases 14.6 TableinterjectionLit. (and peace). Used to signal the end of a letter orspeech; part of the answer in greetingBang niyaˈ bissāte bu tambus ne bissāten paˈintewassalam.When we say something and our speech is finished we saywassalam.Bang niyaˈ magpaˈin si kite (assalamu alayikum) nambungkite (alayikum wassalam). When someone says to us assalamu alaikum we answeralaikum wassalam.
Ways of Cutting 29 Table-
Ways of Cutting 29 Table
bakbasTo cut off small pieces (of wood with short strong motions in order to take off bark or make an item smaller, or to smooth it).
būdTo cut something into sections (often four pieces); to quarter something (mostly used of cutting fruit).
kekeTo shave (hair).
kehetTo cut, saw something
kepakTo split or cut something (anything) lengthwise.
kobakDeep (of cutting or biting, removing a large piece).
kultiCut hair.
kupadTo peel something (by cutting off the skin).
gahitTo cut weeds (in order to prevent a fire from spreading).
gilipTo cut something into very small pieces; to chop up something (such as vegetables or tobacco).
gīpTo cut in very small pieces.
gīsTo cut or tear something (into small pieces, as cloth or leaves).
gowabTo cut deeply into something
ipaTo cut (betelnut) into sections.
irisTo cut something into small pieces (with a knife or scissors, esp. of cloth, banana leaf, and paper).
labasTo cut grass, to mow.
lapaˈTo cut up meat (esp. fowl).
lapa2To clear land (of tall weeds and underbrush).
laras1To cut (cogon grass).
lilikTo clear (a piece of land).
pagtiˈTo break or snip off something (with hand).
pataˈ3To cut or chop something crosswise, (especially of wood or cane).
peddangTo hit or slash something (with a knife).
polongTo cut or break something (crosswise).
pompongTo split something into two pieces (as coconut or cocoa etc.).
pōngBreak or cut (crosswise into sections).
punggelTo behead something; cut the head off something
punggulTo cut or break off the top (of a tree or plant).
putukTo cut off something, sever.
sagsapTo cut something off (with strong motion away from self, esp. of leaflets from the midrib of a coconut leaf, or of thorns).
sahaˈTo tap a rubber tree (in order to make the sap (latex) flow); to make the initial groove and to make subsequent cuts.
sampaˈTo cut up (a butchered animal or large fish).
sangkulTo trim (the comb of a rooster, also used for trimming hair).
sempongTo chip off something; cut off part of something (at the opening).
seppeˈTo cut into hands, cut off the stalk (of bananas).
seseˈTo shape the eyebrows or hair in front of the ears (sideburns).
sipi2To cut something into pieces of unequal size.
sisiˈTo remove (skin of an animal or bark of tree); take off (skin or bark); to skin (an animal).
songgetTo pick fruit (with a pole).
sorok1To pick fruit (with a long pole).
sosoTo peel, shave (sugarcane only).
sumbaliˈTo slaughter; butcher.
tabasTo cut, or cut out (cloth, material, fabric in making clothes).
tabla1 2To split boards (from a log by driving in a wedge); to hew boards (by hand).
taklungTo top something (as plants); behead something (as people); cut the top off something
tanghabTo notch (a tree or bamboo pole), to cut the opening (of a bamboo water container or coconut, at an angle).
tebbaˈTo cut down (a banana plant to get the fruit).
tebbengTo fell (a tree).
tehebTo make a hole in (a coconut by chipping off some of the husk and shell so one can drink the water).
tengaˈTo divide something into two equal amounts or pieces; to half something
tettaTo cut into pieces (a stalk); cut pieces off (a stalk).
tettas 1To undo sewing, cut off (rope, vine).
tettekTo chop something; cut something into small pieces (with a knife with quick downward motion).
tettepTo shorten something (by cutting it); to trim something
toklongTo cut off, shorten (legs or sleeves in clothing).
Ways of Speaking and Thinking 30 Table-
Ways of Speaking and Thinking 30 Table
aka 1To tell something; to inform someone of something
akkal 1To think; to reason.
araˈ-araˈ 1To think; guess, estimate something
bakbatTo talk or mumble something to oneself; keep repeating the same thing; to mutter; talk nonsense.
bakilTo accuse someone (of having an illicit love-affair or an improper relationship).
balaˈ2(For a girl) to report (that a man touched her); to accuse (a man of misbehavior).
banu-banuTo plan something
bangkilTo mention something; to talk about something
batinTo suspect someone (of having done something wrong).
beklas1To stop talking; end a conversation.
bentuTo put the responsibility for doing something on each other; to argue about (who will do something).
betta-bettaFor thoughts about something to not cease coming into one)s mind; to not be able to stop thinking about something; not being able to forget something or someone
bidjakTo talk someone out of or into something (through flattery); to persuade someone; to play down the value of something (what one person has or does in order to get one)s way).
bissāTo speak; say.
bistigaTo investigate, to question someone (esp. if one thinks the person has done something wrong).
bumbungTo persuade someone; to give advice to someone (to do a certain thing); to admonish someone
butanyagTo make something known.
kalkulaTo calculate, estimate something
kannalTo think something mistakenly, have an idea wrongly.
kara-karaTo speak straightforward, speak one)s mind, face someone.
kaslaTo be rude; offensive.
kelolopTo shout in defiance.
kemotTo whisper.
kettepTo lisp, stick the tongue between the teeth (when speaking).
kila-kilaPerception; understanding (esp. of danger).
kilahapTo scream, cry loudly, bawl, howl.
kimmat 1To intend to do something, to think of doing something
kolehakTo shout (in anger).
koto-kotoTo gossip, pass on scandal or news; spread word (from house to house or person to person).
kumpas1To estimate, guess something
kunub-kunubTo grumble, mutter, murmur.
dalil (dalilan)A parable, comparison; a figure of speech.
dāˈutDouble meaning (of speech).
debdabTo talk nonsense, talk a lot.
diskasTo complain (about being disadvantaged); to argue.
eliˈanTo speak using proverbs.
esseb 1To remember something or someone
gasudTo shout, yell, speak very loudly.
harisTo talk or speak about something (esp. about religious matters).
hāti 5To inform someone about something
hetoTo chat; talk (informal).
higung-higungTo murmur; to speak gently or softly.
hūmatTo persuade someone; to counsel someone
inu-inuTo accuse someone (not to his face); to cast a slur on, denounce.
inggalTo call (a person) to eat.
istoriTo tell (about an event).
isunTo consult with someone, confer with, deliberate over something, plan something, come to an agreement, discuss; suggest.
iyakinTo realize (that something is different from what one had thought it to be).
jampaTo contradict someone; to answer harshly and loudly (with remarks unwarranted in order to shame someone); to thwart someone (in speech).
jawabTo argue; to answer back; contradict.
junjungTo beg, beseech, urge or advise earnestly, adjure (to adhere to teaching or advice).
juriTo argue; agitate, upset, interrogate, badger, harass, annoy.
lakaˈ-lakaˈTo talk obscenely.
lagbas 2To convey, communicate, pass on information.
lalapTo utter foolish or senseless words.
lanat 2To beg someone to be taken along (when he goes out).
langgal3 2To speak in an offending, affronting, insulting manner.
lapalTo speak, deliver (a speech).
lawatTo talk a lot (like a drunken person or a crazy one).
lebad 2To speak with unfamiliar intonation; to add fancy expressions (in speech); to add elaborate embellishment (in vocal music, coloratura).
lebbit 1Rash or quick (to speak); impetuous; overbold; speaking without due consideration.
letobTo talk (a lot).
lettepTo be quiet, to stop talking.
libagTo imitate a different intonation.
lidjalTo discredit s.o, to spread malicious rumors (in order to get rid of someone), to libel, slander, speak ill of someone
limandaTo accuse someone (to the police); inform (the police of a crime); report (to authorities).
limutTo backbite, to say bad things (behind a person)s back), slander.
linganTo call (to someone).
mahalayakTo announce, proclaim something, make something known.
matey 2To wail (as for the dead).
mewpakkatTo deliberate over something, sit in council over something; come to a consensus on something
mitingTo talk with someone
niyatTo think, intend to do something; to know something for a fact, be certain about it.
paˈalTo foretell, predict something
pāka-pākaTo tell bad things about someone (in his absence); slander.
pākuTo ask for something, request something; to pray.
padaˈakTo ask someone to inform (the offending party of some wrong done to self).
paˈin1 1To say, speak, tell; to think. Quotation formula.
palanuTo plan to do something
palataˈTo inform, make public, spread information.
paliksaˈTo check on something; clarify something; confirm something; find out something from someone
pangkalStraightforward (disregarding the feelings of the hearer); offending (of speech); rude.
pangewTo say something while sleeping.
paruTo plan something
pasanTo send a message with someone, to ask someone to relay a request.
pehemokTo comfort someone; to persuade someone to take a different attitude; to pacify; to distract from something
pellunTo greet someone (esp. at the house); to welcome someone (at a gathering or at the house).
pengngakNasal, adenoidal, indistinct (of speech).
pikilTo think, to ponder.
poppotTo jabber, gabble, prattle (a derogatory way of speaking about what someone else says).
puggutTo complain, grumble (about being disadvantaged).
puhunTo report bad behavior (in order to get sympathy or support).
sabbut1To mention something
sabit1To greet someone; call out a greeting to someone
sabit2To rebuke someone, tell someone not to do something
sabit3To make a (complimentary or critical) remark about something, to remark about something
sakapTo be going to do something; to plan to do something (and get ready for it).
sagdaTo chide someone; to reprove; to tell not to do something
sagina 1To greet someone
sahawiTo ask someone or talk to someone again (about a previously discussed item).
salbaTo chide, reprimand, censure someone, stop someone from something (by talking to him).
sallaˈ 3To scold, tell someone off, quarrel.
salsilaTo relate the history of things; relate or tell stories from sacred scriptures.
sambagTo reply, respond, answer (in writing or from some distance).
sambatTo say something
sambatTo ask for, request (advice or help).
sambung 1To answer, reply.
sambung 2To quarrel, talk back.
sanggupTo promise something (esp. if the thing promised was requested).
saplagTo disperse, spread, make known (information).
segeˈTo talk someone into something; to urge someone
sessaˈTo instruct someone (what to do or how to do something), to charge someone (to do something), to give a directive, to give an order (what to do in one)s absence).
sessel2To question someone, extract information.
siddik 2To like or want something
sisil 1To envy, view with envy.
suˈalTo engage someone in a verbal contest or argument (usually of religious matters in order to find out how much he knows).
sūg-sūgTo incite, nudge on, prod someone to do something (often bad).
subahatTo utter, to mention something
subaliTo swear, to make a binding statement about someone (as of an oath of enmity or friendship).
subetIndistinct (of speech, because some sounds are substituted with others).
sukat2To suggest something, make a suggestion, advise, recommend.
sūg-sūgTo incite, nudge on, prod someone to do something (often bad).
sugsugTo trace a kin relationship, to tell how people are related.
sumariyaTo question someone (about something that happened), interrogate.
sumbungTo inform against, tell on someone; report an incident.
suna 1To ask again about something
sunsitTo ask questions, inquire, quiz, probe.
suwi-suwiTo tell something (such as a tale, something experienced); to relate an experience.
taˈatTo say, pronounce, mention someone)s name; say something
taˈawilTo explain the meaning of something
tadjuˈTo inquire (if a marriage proposal may be accepted).
taliˈTo think about (the meaning of something); to figure out (the meaning).
tanyaTo question someone
tawag 1To summon someone; to call someone (for a specific purpose).
tawag 2To spread word (about some occasion or about something lost).
tebbaˈ sāsabGibberish, nonsense, rude or insulting talk.
terolClumsy, awkward (of speaking).
teteTo tell, relate something (giving a lot of unnecessary information); tell everything from the beginning (more than the listener wants to hear).
tettas 2Finish (speech or items like rice and money), end, terminate, stop (speaking); close (a legal case).
tilewTo ask a question.
tokodTo guess, suspect something
toloˈTo teach, instruct, advise someone (on matters of knowledge or moral).
tuksaˈTo accuse someone (of doing something).
tumbuyTo scold, tell off someone (by reminding him that he expects favors without helping).
tutulTo remind someone (of benefits received i.e. help and/or gifts that one has given).
umey 1To ask (a question).
upama2To mention something; to say something; to relate something
usulTo relate something (from beginning to end).
uwakasTo shout, speak with a very loud voice.
Ways of Tying Things 32 Table-
Ways of Tying Things 32 Table
abitTo carry or hold something fixed to one)s side (by a string or hook).
bigtalTo pull something tight, to stretch out something (as a rope or wire or clothes on a line).
dagtelTo tie (an animal with a short lead, e.g. tied to a tree).
ingketTo tie something; to tether something
jumputTo bind or fasten with a girth (on an animal in order to secure cargo so it won't slip off).
layoTo tie with a long rope; give a long lead.
legesTo wind something (with rattan or strips of rubber, in order to tie or to cover it).
lintangTo join or tie (two or more things together with rope).
lingkitTo join something together (by tying).
pekkes 1To tie something (as with string or cloth).
pingkitTo tie (two or more items) together; to make a cluster (of two or more items).
pugungTo tie something (so that the sides are brought close together).
siketTo shorten (a rope).
sugpatTo join things together (lengthwise).
To string something, put something on a string; to insert a string into a hole.
tongket 1To add something to an existing item (that is not part of the original one).
tuntun 1To suspend something (on a rope); to let something down (by or on a rope).
Ways of Walking 31 Table-
Ways of Walking 31 Table
abeyTo be at someone)s side (ready to give support if necessary).
ableyTo head off something or someone; to approach from several sides.
bābasTo wander about (without definite goal).
baluˈTo check on someone (to see what is happening).
butas2To cross (a stream or road); to pass by (people or a place).
kuwebbey 1Walk about (apparently without reason).
kuwessabTo walk about (apparently without reason).
kuwetteyWalk about (apparently aimlessly).
dehelluAhead, first (of location).
dugtulTo crash or run into something; bump into something
dundaTo wander about, stroll about.
durul1To go downhill.
hulangkadTo jump up; spring back; make a sudden movement (because of being startled).
insudTo move something over or closer to something else.
kuwebbeyWalk about (apparently without reason).
kuwessabTo walk about (apparently without reason).
kuwetteyWalk about (apparently aimlessly).
labadFor something to move or pass by (fast).
labeyTo pass or go by (some place or person). To stop in passing, to go by way of some other place.
laˈusTo continue, go on, proceed (on one�s way).
lanjalTo go ahead with something planned, carry out what one had been thinking of.
larayTo bump into something, to jostle, press, push.
lasudTo slide, slip on something slippery.
latasTo cross over (a street, stream etc.).
laˈus 1To continue, go on, proceed (on one)s way).
leleTo crawl (as insects).
lengnganTo go somewhere with a specific purpose (good or bad); to go after a person (to find him); to make a raid on someone
leyatTo go to or come from a far away place (for a specific reason).
libutTo go around, make a detour.
ligeyTo chase; run a race.
likut 1To avoid someone; to wait until someone has left.
limbeyTo move the arms (as one walks).
lipagTo cross (river, road), go to the other side of something
liputTo surround something, to go around something
lirasTo slide or slip off a surface, sideways; slither.
liyu2To go beyond (a boundary or limit); to go or move over (to the other side of something); encroach.
liyudTo go around something
lunsul 1To walk about (aimlessly), to roam, to loiter.
lunsul 3To move something over (to some other place).
lupugTo run after someone (in order to catch up); to chase; to run.
luyu-luyuTo go around together.
nalatayTo walk about.
pāngkatIn advance, ahead of time (to go).
paˈawwalIn advance, ahead of time (to do or go).
panaˈikTo climb something (as a tree); go up something (as stairs or an incline).
pāngkatIn advance, ahead of time (to go).
pareydTo march in a parade or procession.
pasiyalTo go somewhere (for enjoyment, usually in or to town); to go shopping around (for enjoyment and relaxation), to take a pleasure trip or outing.
To go; go ahead.
pituTo come, come here.
piyuTo go to the place of the person spoken to.
poyog-poyogTo be unsteady (on one)s feet, because of weakness or old age).
sāsabTo walk or roam about; rove, ramble, go all over (either with or without a goal or purpose).
saben-sabenTo get into the way of something
sakatTo approach someone, to go up to (a building, slope, or person).
sakeyTo ride on something (as on an animal or vehicle).
sāsabTo walk or roam about; rove, ramble, go all over (either with or without a goal or purpose).
sorok2To go or pass through or under something (having to bend down).
sung3To go.
sumpangTo send someone along with someone, put someone on a conveyance.
sūng3To go.
susulTo walk along or follow the edge of something (esp. of a body of water).
tāˈTo walk or pass through or over something
taga'To walk or pass over or through something (where there is no trail, as through a garden or field).
takedTo climb or go up (an incline).
tagaˈTo walk or pass over or through something (where there is no trail, as through a garden or field).
tekka 1For something to arrive.
titey 2To do something in a round about way; to go by way of.
tuhut 1To go along with someone, accompany someone (to a place).
tulak1To go on a journey or voyage; to sail; to leave (for a place).
tumpangTo go along with someone
tundanTo draw or pull something along behind, tow something behind, to lead something (by the hand or a rope).
tuntun 2For something to be lined up; to follow each other in a line, to go single file.
weˈ4conjunctionBecause of somethingMagkinaˈagen ku weˈ astelkun.I want to beat you because of my anger.Muwekkaˈ sementohin weˈ linugin.The concrete cracked because of the earthquake.
weˈ3It is used always at the beginning of a sentence, andonly in the course of a conversation when somethingunexpected has been said.participleWhy (signifying amazement)Ekka tarabahuku. Weˈ ine tarabahunun?I have much to do. Why, what is your work?Weˈ dumaˈin ke iyan lumaˈnun?Why, that is not your house?Weˈ tungannu sumu?Why, where are you going tomorrow?
weˈ2Used to introduce indirect speech.Used to introduce a complement clause with kimmat (consider) in the main clause.conjunction1That...Paˈinne weˈ ekka saweˈne lumengngan.She said that many of her companions went out.Takaleku weˈ pitu iye ninaˈ.I heard that he is coming here at night.Tabatsaku weˈ pitu koˈ presidentehin.I read that the president is reportedly coming here.Daˈa pikilun weˈ dumaˈin kaˈu dapuˈnen, untulun ne kābew iyan.Don't think (of it) that you are not its owner; care for that waterbuffalo.2As, that something is someone'sKimmatanun gallang iyan weˈ si kaˈu.Consider that bracelet as yours (that it is yours).Kimmatanun nakanak iyan weˈ anaknu.Consider that child as yours (that he is your child).
weˈ1participleErgative particle; byInamāhan ku weˈ ne.She scolded me. (I was scolded by her.)Dinekdakan weˈ ne semmekkun.My clothes are washed by her. (She washed my clothes.)Tapanaˈik weˈ ku kayuhin.I climbed the tree.
Weapons for hitting/beating 20.3.1 Table-
Weapons for hitting/beating 20.3.1 Table
chacoA club.
lagut (lalagut)A whip or stick for beating.
Weather & natural calamities 5.3 Table-
Weather & natural calamities 5.3 Table
awanA sign for a change in weather.
badjuA typhoon; gale; storm.
bagarakTo clatter, rattle.
bagedduSound of a loud noise (as of, much rushing water, strong wind, heavy rain).
balaˈ1Disaster; calamity; trouble.
baliyuWind; air; oxygen.
benek-benekA sprinkle; drizzle (of rain).
buhawiˈA waterspout.
bulihukA whirlpool (in water or sea).
kellesTo go down, become less, subside (of air, water, swelling); deflate.
ellutTo roar or whistle by or past (of water, wind, motor vehicles, bullets).
habagatA west wind that brings rain.
haluˈTo be affected by dew.
hawaˈ (pahawaˈ)Dew.
hemiyuThe fringe, edge or periphery of something (esp. as of a storm, epidemic or smell).
lahat-lahatBad weather.
limpūsA strong wind (of short duration), whirlwind.
mangeˈ kabalA very light rain (less than sprinkling); spitting (of rain, lit. urine of a flying lemur).
pakūbOvercast (of sky).
pageddaˈFor something to lessen, decrease, diminish in intensity, subside or grow less (of heat, rain, wind, flood, waves, fever).
pettakTo drop something on or into something, put a drop on something
satanName of a wind from a southerly direction (brings some rain).
tekkadTo reach the bottom (of a body of water); to fathom.
teddoˈTo calm down (of weather, storm, rain, waves).
tenuˈugA (gentle) breeze.
timulA strong east wind (with strong rain), storm.
tunggaraˈA dry spell (of short duration).
uttalaˈDry season.
weˈeyComparesabab2jān1interrogativeWhyWeˈey kew pitu?Why did you come?Weˈey ku linganannu?Why did you call me?2verbTo ask whyMagweˈey pe kew bu kataˈuhannu ne.You still ask why but you know it already.
wildingvariantuwildingComparepatliˈverbSubject N-, mag-To weld somethingEkka mākanak magaya magwilding.Many young people learn to weld.Bakas ku nguwilding badjaˈku.I already welded (or had someone weld) my plow.Bang niyaˈ basiˈ polong subey inuwilding.When iron is broken it should be welded.

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