Yakan - English



magpātihaˈcomplex form ofpātihaˈverbTo recite the first chapter of the Qur)anNakanak iyan taˈu ne magpātihaˈ.That child can already recite the first chapter.Bang kew nambahayang ampat rakaˈat minampat kew isab magpātihaˈ.If you worship four cycles you also recite the first chapter fourtimes.
magpaˈumey2complex form ofumeyverbTo ask (a question)Pī kew magpaˈumey si iye bang magbella ne ke atawa gaˈi pe.Go and ask her if (I) should do the cooking now or not yet.
magpaˈumey1CompareumeyverbTo ask a question
magpayungcomplex form ofpayungverbTo use an umbrellaMagpayung kite, iyuˈ ulan.We will use an umbrella; it is raining.
magpēbentuhan3complex form ofpēbentuhanverbTo put the responsibility for doing something on each other, to argue about who will do it
magpēbentuhan2ComparebentuverbTo put the responsibility for doing something on each other
magpēbentuhan1only formcomplex form ofbentuverbTo put the responsibility for doing something on each other; to argue about (who will do something)Daˈa kaˈam magpēbentuhan, bang niyaˈ dinaˈak si kaˈam.Don't put the responsibility on each other when you have been told to do it.Magpēbentuhan siye bang sine manabuˈin.They argue about who will be the one to shop.
magpediyacomplex form ofpediyaverbTo make a gift (as described above)Subey kew magpediya bang niyaˈ sukal dem ateynun.You should give a gift if you have a need in yourheart.
magpingkit-pingkitcomplex form ofpingkitverb1To grow in clusters (of fruit)Magpingkit-pingkit buwaˈ manggahin duk buwaˈ buwahanin.Mangoes and lansones grow in clusters.2To tie (two or more items) together; to make a cluster (oftwo or more items)Magpingkit lahing kite bang duwe pineglingkit.We make a cluster of coconuts when we tie two together.Mingkit ne kew marang iyan boˈonu hap lumaˈ.Tie those marang together and take them home.Pingkitun duwiˈan iyan duk untul boˈonu.Tie those (two) durian together so that you can easilycarry them.
magpīscomplex form ofpīsverbTo wear a headclothMagpīs aˈa miyaˈan.That man is wearing a headcloth.
magpisak-pisakcomplex form ofpisakverbTo play in or with mudNakanak iyan luwal magpisak-pisak.That child always plays in the mud.
magpisangcomplex form ofpisangverbTo get a pineapple (from the plant)Sūng kite magpisang.Let's go and get a pineapple.
magpistulcomplex form ofpistulverbTo carry a pistolMagpistul aˈa miyaˈan.That person carries a pistol.
magpitakacomplex form ofpitakaverbTo use or carry a purseNabuˈ ku gaˈ ku magpitaka.I go shopping without taking a purse.
magpitewcomplex form ofpitewverbTo play a game with two sticksIye dageyden magpitew.Their game is to play with sticks.Kaˈu ne mamitewin.You are the one to fling the short stick.
magpoyog-poyogcomplex form ofpoyog-poyogstative verbTo be unsteady (on one's feet, because of weakness or old age)Magpoyog-poyog iye malumengnganin peggeˈ bakas saki iye.He is unsteady when he walks because he was sick.Daˈa kew dahuˈ lumengngan iyuˈ pe kew magpoyog-poyog.Don't walk just yet; you are still unsteady (on your feet).
magpungtinaˈicomplex form ofpungtinaˈiverbTo be in a sibling relationshipMagpungtinaˈi kami duk si Dende.Dende and I are siblings.
magpunung-punungcomplex form ofpunungstative verbTo be unconscious frequently or pretend to be unconscious.Aˈa iyan daran magpunung-punung.That person is often unconscious.Magpunung-punung hadja iye bisan gaˈ toˈo.He just pretends to be unconscious even though it isnot true.Antonymsayu
magpupudancomplex form ofpupudverbFor two to stay or stick together (until one of the two is finished off)Magpupudan ne kami duk kinelluku inin.My weeding and I will stick together until one of usis finished.Gey kaˈam kajari magbutas, magpupudan ne kaˈam.You cannot divorce; stay together (i.e. remain marrieduntil one dies).Kābewku inin gaˈi pabellihanku, magpupudan ne kami.I am not going to sell my carabao; we will stick together.
magputalcomplex form ofputalstative verbTo be angryBang ku iyan putal sudda lubakanku iyan.If I will be angry I will finally beat you.Iyuˈ nakanak iyan mekeputal-putal.That child makes one angry.Weˈey kew luwal magputal?Why are you always angry?
magrib2ComparemagalibTime, months 14.3 TableadverbTime of day, prayer time in early evening
magrib1variant ofmagalib
magsāˈcomplex form ofsāˈ2stative verbFor something to be wrongLaboˈ iye ensiniˈ bu magsāˈ (magsalaˈ) kellongnen.He fell earlier and something is wrong with his neck.
magsabalcomplex form ofsabal11stative verbTo be resigned (to an unfavorable state of affairs).Magsabal ku peggeˈ gaˈi ne takasuwaˈ kābewku tinangkewin.I am resigned because my stolen water buffalo can no longer be found.Gaˈ niyaˈ pangurung kaˈu, magsabal kite.Nothing is given to you; one has to be resigned.2verbTo forsake, abandon, give up (strong emotions)Sabalanku dukkakun.I forsake my grief.Sabalanne lasanen si dende kinabayaˈannen.He abandoned his love for the woman he desired.
magsābucomplex form ofsābu1verbFor something to coincide with something, to occur in the same place and/or at the same time as something elseBang kite pagkawinan bu magsumbayaˈ tekkaten duk katekkapangantin lellahin, magsābu ketekkaten.When we go to a wedding and we arrive at the same timeas the bridegroom our arrival coincides (with his).