Yakkha - Nepali - English
खाइक्माङ्kʰaikmaŋना.खकारcough, phlegm2.2.2Cough, sneeze
खाएप्चिप्माkʰaeptsipmaक्रि.धीक मार्नुfulfill a wish, be satisfied
खाॽनिङ्kʰaʔniŋक्रि. प.निश्चित समयfixed time
खाॽलाkʰaʔlaक्रि. प.यसरीthus, in this way, so5.2.2.9Fast, not eat
खाॽल्हामाङ्kʰaʔlhamaŋ1वि.यस्तैof this kind, alike, in this way, after this manner3.ना.अन्यother, different
खाॽवाkʰaʔwaना.काब्रोficus lacor
खाक्मा1kʰakmaक्रि.टपरी गाँस्नुpatch, make a leaf plateका दोना खाक्तुङ्ना।I made a leaf plate (sewing leaves together).
खाक्मा2kʰakmaक्रि.जम्नुfreezeमाङ्च्वा खाक्तिहा।The water is frozen.
खाङ्खाङ्बाkʰaŋkʰaŋbaना.1हाकिम6.1.2.7Effective2अध्यक्षchairman, president, superintendent, dean, commandant, supervisor, proprietor, officer in charge
खाङ्बिलिङ्kʰaŋbiliŋवि.पागलmad, insane, crazy, lunatic, frantic4.3.7.2Crazy
खाङ्माभुकkʰaŋmabʰukʌधनकुटाखाम्बुकना.आमाशयabdomen, stomach, belly
खाटkʰaʈʌना.खाटbedstead, cot5.1.1.3Bed
खातkʰatʌना.दागstain, mark, blemish, blot, scar, act of burning2.5.4.5Birth defect
खात्नाkʰatnaक्रि. प.जस्तैas an example
खात्लाहkʰatlahʌक्रि. प.यस्तोsuch, of this kind6Work and occupation
खानिङ्kʰaniŋना.धानको भुसhusk
खाप्तापkʰaptapʌना.घुमcovering made of interlaced bamboo strips and large leaves, leaf-umbrella
खाप्ताप हाम्माkʰaptapʌ hammaक्रि. प.घुम ओढ्नु