Yakkha - Nepali - English

ढेकिɖʰekiना.ढिकीwooden machine (with a pole with a pestle which is raised and let fall into a hole of stone in the ground) for husking rice5. in mortar and pestle
ढेडुɖʰeɖuना.ढेडुtype of big monkey1.
ढोक्‍ढोकɖʰok‍ɖʰokʌना.गमक्‍क‍being proud, showing of oneself
ढोक्‍सिɖʰok‍siवि.ठूलो शरीर भएकी स्‍त्री
ढोक्‍सेɖʰok‍seवि.1ठुलो शरीर भएको केटा2चोयाले बनेको अन्‍न राख्‍ने ठूलो भाँडो
ढोङ्‌गुॽमाङ्‌ɖʰoŋ‌guʔmaŋ‌ना.1हरियो मानिस जस्‍तो देखिने कीरा (लाटा कीरा)mantis2आङ्‌खाफोरtype of insect
ढोङ्‌गुरुɖʰoŋ‌guruना.ढुङ्‌ग्रोvessel for holding milk or water, (bamboo) pipe or tube that is hollow inside