अ.मू. | Onomatopoetic |
उदा. | Example |
क्रि वि. | Adverb |
क्रि. | Verb |
ना.यो. | Postposition |
ना. | Noun |
निपा. | Particle |
प.स. | Suffix |
पू.स. | Prefix |
प्रश्न वा. | Interrogation Pronoun |
वि.बो. | Exclamation |
वि. | Adjective |
संयो. | Conjuction |
सर्व. | Pronoun |
सङ्. | Number |
Dha Var. of | Dhankuta Variant of |
Dia. Var. | Dialect Variant |
pres of | Present of |
pst of | Past of |