Browse in Yamba
na part. particle requesting attention Jaʼa na tʉ nə̀ wù a yàk nàʼ ŋkwìs nə mvəsə̀ nàʼ kpʉ è. Look at the tree that you cursed it yesterday how it has died!
nàaŋgbʉ nàaŋgbʉ n. kind of soft grass used on bed for comfort
naaŋtu vbtr. set down; rely on, hope for
nak 1 nak nàʼŋkpʉ̀ n. kind of garden egg (eggplant) Solanum aethiopicum na’ ŋkpʉ̀, na’ ŋkpʉ̀ swiŋ, na’ ŋkpʉ̀ mbʉ̀ŋsə̀, garden egg spp.
nak 2 nak n. small strong tree that grow very slowly, found in the forest
nàm 2 vbtr. mix; knead by hand; feel with the hand
nàmbàʼrə̀ nàambàʼrə̀ə n. horse
nàmndzəp nàamndzəp n. crocodile; hippo
nàmŋgaŋ, nàmŋgòŋ nàmŋgaŋ, nàamŋgòŋ sə n. wild animals
nàsaraʼ nàasaraʼ Fulfulde n. white man
naʼ part. particle expressing doubt Mʉ̀ ka yi riŋ naʼ. I donʼt think I know him. Syn. mərə
nàʼŋkpʉ̀ nàʼŋkpʉ̀ʉ n. general name for garden egg nàʼŋkʉ́̀mbʉ̀ŋsə̀, nàʼŋkpʉ̀swiŋ, kinds of garden egg?
naʼtseʼ vbtr. accuse falsely; overburden with work Kà ŋwə̀ nəmòk wà naʼtseʼ. Donʼt overburden anyone needlessly.
nca 1 nca n. big, bony fish with a wide mouth
nca 2 nca n. sleeplessness, insomnia; awake Yi tseŋ yàʼwèŋ ŋga wo cu nca. He met them when they were awake.
ncà ncàa n. path; passage for people or animals
ncàm ncàam n. plants like thread that grow in water called Spirogyra
ncandap ncandap n. ceiling; bottom edge of a roof
ncaŋtʉ ncaŋtʉ n. small branches of a tree
ncàp 1 ncàap n. adapted patterns of behaviour Ŋwà nə càsə mo ènə ncàp. The woman has passed on to the child her own behaviour.